3.2: Uncovering Applications

Chapter 3.2: Uncovering Applications

After hurrying along to the closest mirror, Izuku activated his Temporal Self Acceleration and subconsciously left his mouth agape as he concluded that his ability was evolving! The cyan glow of his eyes as he sped up his perception was all he needed as concrete proof, but the oddities in his ability didn't end there as he discovered that by activating both Spatial Awareness and Temporal Self Acceleration, his eye color would be neither gold nor cyan, but a gradient shade between the two. He guessed that because his Spatial Awareness had been developed for a much longer period of time, gold held priority over cyan as his eye color whilst using both aspects of his ability could be described as a dark-goldish purple.

Moreover, while the shape of his pupils were in the form of vertical slits while only using Spatial Awareness, when using only Temporal Self Acceleration, they would shift into vertical slits. Using the two powers in conjunction would add the hazy new horizontal horizontal slits atop the stable vertical slits. Though Izuku guessed that if he began to train his Temporal Self Acceleration as he had his Spatial Awareness, the hazy horizontal shape of his eyes would become more pronounced as was the case when he first trained his Spatial Awareness.

Izuku conducted a couple more tests after finalizing that Temporal Self Acceleration was a real new ability of his and recorded his baseline time limit for using the ability as ten seconds in real time. He looked at the clock on his bedroom wall for what felt like a minute, but only ten seconds passed before he felt the headache characteric of overdrawing his ability and stopped.

Next on his plate would be testing for Gravitational Suppression… But as Izuku thought about it, it would be hard to tell when something was under artificially increase gravitational force. Fortunately, he was quick to think on his feet and devised a simple test that could be conducted immediately. He left his room and went to the kitchen and picked the digital cooking scale he used to make his diet's extremely precise meals, along with an apple.

When he returned to his room, Izuku set the apple on the digital scale before turning it on. As expected it was zeroed in on the apple's weight so if gravitational force where suddenly introduced to the apple it would cause a negative weight to appear on the scale.

"Now… how am I supposed to activate this ability, if I even have it in the first place?" His first thought was to simulate the experience as he had for discovering his Temporal Self Acceleration. To simulate what he was feeling when he was standing atop the downed villain while his Spatial Awareness was activated, but that did very little if anything to provide evidence for the existence of Gravitational Suppression.

However, as Izuku recalled that he was making physical contact with the villain in the form of his feet clamping down on the villain's restrained hands, he struck gold. Merely providing the smallest touch to the apple as he simulated the feeling of what he presumed was Gravitational Suppression, the scale beneath the apple immediately plummeted past the limit it could detect. Obviously such a light touch shouldn't have a force greater than five and a half kilograms, so it would seem Izuku was right in his original guesses.

Now to understand his limits… Izuku returned the digital food scale to its proper spot in the kitchen, but kept the apple as a night-time snack. He went to the bathroom and brought a proper body-weight scale to his room before setting down a shoe which he knew weighed precisely 200 grams.

He tested things to the best of his ability, but since he had to physically come into contact with the materials he wished to subject to his Gravitational Pressure, there was bound to be some marginal errors; this was doubly true as he wasn't exactly using industrial state-of-the-art equipment to conduct his tests. However, it would seem that his Gravitational Pressure worked not by multiplying the gravity of an object he came into contact with, rather, no matter what things he used during his tests, the weight his scale would show as his max was around fifty kilograms. Further testing revealed that his limit for using Gravitational Suppression was also a minute if he used it at maximum capacity.

Ecstatic over today's discoveries, Izuku returned the scale he used before drifting to sleep immensely satisfied with himself. He was already happy to have his body conditioned and his Spatial Awareness as a pseudo-Quirk. Suddenly adding on two highly practical abilities to his repertoire assured him he could be useful in more situations; both for pro hero work or otherwise.

His life once more stabilized into a fulfilling routine as Izuku continued his studies, trained his body and abilities, and often visited Old Take's clinic to volunteer. After a couple weeks, Izuku felt something in his head snap and the following days came to discover that the bottleneck preventing his Spatial Awareness from developing was lifted.

He deduced over the course of several weeks that his Spatial Awareness was tied intrinsically to his Temporal Self Acceleration and Gravitational Pressure abilities; growth and all. Thus, after re-dubbing his ability as Minor Spacetime Manipulation, taking inspiration from some of the games he played when he was Quirkless to alleviate his unfortunate circumstances if only through a brief respite, Izuku's self-imposed training was looked on by the boy even more seriously than before.

His abilities seemed to limit one another, so he needed them all at the same level to be efficient in training. This discovery alone led to horrific levels of potential being unearth, especially so, after Izuku learned that his growing physique was also tied to his mental strength. After visiting the doctor several times over the years and asking over and over again if he had a Quirk and having it confirmed several times that it was not the case, he decided to rebrand his identity entirely. The final straw that broke the camel's back was his first visit after discovering that neither his Space or Time abilities could be called Quirks; he simply didn't have a Quirk factor running through his body, as explained by the doctors.

Thus, Izuku took the liberty of identifying as an Esper. Though the term was routed in fiction from a past era where superheroes and the current Quirked society didn't exist, it perfectly described Izuku's predicament. His power simply couldn't be explained by science, not that he let anyone try as he actively concealed its existence if only to remain true to himself. The last thing he wanted was to lose his way and be spoiled like his once-best friend all because he had amazing abilities.

So, the still-young Izuku continued to grow; continued to learn. A couple months into his volunteer work, Old Take had acknowledged his dedication and with the consent of some patients, Izuku slowly started to seriously take up understanding the practice of medicine. Long before he watched Old Take at work, he had begun reading medical books and the theory behind modern medicine, but he assured himself that the experience of seeing it being practiced first hand would become indispensable later in his future.

Two years passed and Izuku's age entered into the double digits. Because of his almost religious practice of conditioning his body, he looked more like a twelve-year-old than a ten-year-old. It was half way through the year when Old Take began letting Izuku start basic nurse work as he was nearing the level of a real doctor. Naturally Izuku had to be tested and become certified to practice, but with his wealth of knowledge and the constant testing of Old Take, he passed with flying colors.

His school work was nearing the level of senior highschool students, while the actual foundation of his academics would place well even among most undergraduates studying at universities and his Esper powers; his Minor Spacetime Manipulation… Needless to say, it was beginning to grow past the titular "Minor" Izuku had originally given. The breadth of his powers increased while the sheer intensity of those he was long used to cultivating, grew to unbelievable levels. Izuku for one found himself breathless at times over how far his abilities had developed. But then he shuddered at the thought that they would never stop!

By now, he had discovered many applications for his mental powers, most were auxiliary in effect, but some where horrifyingly powerful. To put it lightly, Izuku's definition of Spacetime Manipulation for his Esper power was becoming more and more definitive as he unlocked new powers, or as he would call it, "additional applications for manipulating already existing abilities."

When he was nine, he learned how to "use" the nodes and vertices seen through Spatial Awareness after his resolve to further develop his abilities prompted him to conduct tests every other week. Now, he could contract, warp, and even tear space itself. What kind of concept was tearing space? It was one of the most dangerous offensive abilities, not just limited to Izuku, but the world as a whole! Fortunately, the Spatial Rending as he dubbed it was a high-tier space manipulation power and even his trained nine-year-old self couldn't wantonly tear space as that might have proven dangerous when he was still learning about the ability's properties.

Even as he continued to grow, some of the new applications for his abilities would simply be take much longer to prove consistent. The mental strength that allowed him access to his Esper powers continued to grow with the training of his abilities and body, but high-tier skills for both Space and Time would drain him exponentially faster than his low-tier powers. If that counted as a weakness, it could be added alongside the telegraphic nature of his powers in the form of his eyes changing shape and color. But those were all the cons to Izuku's abilities, and compared to all to pros, there was no question of how versatile and useful his powers were. He could safely assume that unless he was pressured by some grave situation, could do just fine with his "low-tier" powers to conduct everyday hero work.