Chapter 4.1: Revealing His Abilities
Time continued to flow like water and eventually the time to realize his dream of becoming a pro was fast approaching. Now aged fourteen, Izuku could apply to enter a hero academia and learn the ropes of the field of heroics. Due to government regulations, children couldn't begin practicing heroics until they turned fifteen. Thus even with all Izuku's scholastic achievements, he had to bide his time.
If he wanted, he could get board-certified and practice medicine within the year as his time at the clinic had taught him six years of first-hand experience; four of them consisted of him watching and aiding doctors like Old Take in sometimes serious operations and treatments. According to Old Take, Izuku's diagnostic abilities were comparable to a doctor with ten years experience and he would often be consulted when the clinic was overcrowded. Izuku would act as a nurse and gather basic information like anyone in that position, but he started to leave notes with his own diagnosis for the doctors that would later take charge. Even if his diagnosis were initially wrong, he would follow textbook protocol and logically detail his deductions in his notes to such a degree that even other doctors aside from Old Take began to acknowledge Izuku.
Nowadays, doctors were highly in demand, what with villain attacks rampant, so someone with Izuku's experienced would be treasured among the field of medicine. Alas, his passion was almost innately rooted in heroics, learning and practicing medicine was after all just a skill he picked up to become a better hero in the future. Thus, it was now time to come clean with the people closest to him.
Izuku felt guilty keeping his powers and ambition a secret especially in the case of Old Take as the old man had personally vouched for him, constantly encouraging and praising his future accomplishments as a doctor. So, on the day exactly one week away from when high school applications were due, Izuku arranged for Old Take to have dinner together with him and his mother.
Izuku personally cooked what he considered to be his first cheat meal in weeks for today, arranged as a small feast for the three involved parties. Inko and Old Take had met many years prior, around the time Izuku had mentioned getting a nursing certificate. Old Take was the one to thoroughly convince Izuku's mother about letting her son begin practicing medicine; he even vowed to take responsibility should Izuku have any accidents when treating patients.
Thus, after everyone had their fill and the typical small chatter characteristic of these sorts of gatherings began, Izuku called out to these two most important figures in his life and said, "Mom, Old Take… I have something I want to confess."
The sudden somber mood instantly caused both Inko and Old Take to freeze as neither had seen Izuku speak with such guilt in his voice. What he possibly have done that would warrant the current mood?
"What's this about, boy? Are you in some kind of trouble?" Old Take asked, sounding less like a mentor and more like a grandfather figure worried about his grandson.
"What is it, honey? You can tell me anything," Inko said as a nervous smile graced her face. Unlike in Izuku's first life where his mother had taken to compulsive eating to cope with the pain of having a Quirkless child, due to Izuku's sudden change to not pursue heroics and instead focus on his academics, she didn't have to live under perpetual stress. Seeing him brush aside such a cruel blow from the hand of fate, she hadn't grown anxious and retained her youthful and slender appearance. Instead, she drew from her son's seemingly endless fountain of willpower to dedicate herself harder to her job than ever before.
Izuku sighed, he closed eyes and when they opened again, they shone with the mystical light of his cultivated mental power. While he couldn't completely conceal their transformation and active his powers without his eyes changing color and shape, he could now better control the intensity with which they shone. Right now, he was unleashing ALL his mental power and the intensity of his gaze alone could intimidate those who were unfamiliar with their current state.
He let both Old Take and his mother digest the sight of his demonstration before adding, "I know you must be shocked, but before I explain this transformation, I want to apologize for lying to you both..."
He couldn't bear to look at either of the people in the room in the eyes as he continued, "All this time I've led you both to believe I've been pursuing careers which I've known all along would never become my final path. The truth is that for a long, long time… I've resolved to become a pro hero. Academics and medicine are just facets I've decided to train along with my body and mind to become that much better a hero in the future."
A long silence pervaded after Izuku concluded his words before Old Take rose to the occasion and asked, "So… you have a Quirk?" Aside from the shock that was so vividly expressed on his face, it as hard to deduce exactly what he was thinking as he was very good at concealing his emotions with a poker face.
"No," Izuku shook his head, "I've known about this power since it was confirmed for the first time that I was destined to be a Quirkless at the age of four, and every doctor visit since has reconfirmed that my body doesn't produce a Quirk Factor despite my powers growing and even evolving over time."
"Power? I thought only your eyes changed..." Old Take pressed.
Izuku shrugged his shoulders before reverting his eyes to pure spatial power, his eyes growing into vertical slits that glowed with the radiance of the midday summer sun. Various objects around the room, even those behind his back where she shouldn't have been able to see, rose in direct defiance of gravity; a tricky application of Gravitational Manipulation that Izuku cultivated to look no different from telekinesis.
He willed for the objects to follow the rules of his law of gravity and put them back in their original position before lifting a finger and tearing a thin line in the space above his head. He gestured to a cup far from his reach, yet somehow managed to effortlessly take it by shortening the space between his hand and the cup. Then the cup literally teleported out of his hand and back to where he took it from.
These were just the spatial abilities he could display, those pertaining to Time along with the rest of his abilities which couldn't be seen and understood without his personal explanation were relayed to Inko and Old Take, each subsequent detail making the disbelief in their eyes and the gap in the mouths intensify.
When all was said and done, Izuku's eyes shifted to their natural viridian hue and he looked down ashamedly. He almost couldn't believe his ears when Old Take said, "That's great news, my boy! Why are you so sad to share this news with us?"
The smile Old Take gave Izuku only made the boy feel all the more guilt as he said, "Aren't you angry or even just upset? You took me in and even taught me how to become a doctor, but now I'm going to put all your efforts to waste by pursuing the path of a pro hero."
"Hahaha," Old Take started laughing as if he had just heard the funniest joke in his entire life, "To think you actually took this so seriously… Don't you remember what you said to me six years ago when we first met? You said your dream was to become a pro hero! A common dream, sought by many, but you wanted to get a head start helping your local community! Do you really think I would be upset simply because you don't want to become a doctor?"
He paused before saying, "Perhaps if you truly were a Quirkless person without the ability to protect yourself and you continued with your dream of becoming a pro when you could have been a wonderful doctor, I might have grown a bit upset. But not only is that not the case, even if it was, there's also no doubt in my mind that you would be able to put to use all the skills I taught you in the clinic, pro or not. Your skills as a doctor speak for themselves. You've already helped thousands if not tens of thousands of people during the six years you stayed with the clinic."
Izuku found himself shed a tear for the first time in years after being forgiven so easily. He almost couldn't hold himself together when his mother picked up where Old Take left off and gave him a heartfelt hug. He was left trembling when she whispered in his ear, "You're my son… I could never be upset because of something like this."
"Like old man Take said, this is great news! Both the medicine and high-level academics you studied can be put to good use, both as a pro or not!"
As she separated from him and let him recollect himself, Inko couldn't help but speak her mind and ask, "Though, I'm still not quite sure why you've hidden this for so long..." She had her suspicions but never would have guessed that truth of the matter. After all, how preposterous would it be for her son to tell him that he had traveled through time after committing suicide?