10.3: Rescue Training Thwarted

Chapter 10.3: Rescue Training Thwarted

The next day, when All Might was supposed to have arrived to teach the Foundational Heroics Class, Aizawa showed up instead and announced, "Alright kids, today we're having a guest help out for the Foundational Heroics Class. It'll be All Might, our guest, and myself.

"What exactly will we be doing?" Sero asked with a hand raised.

"Preparing you for disaster relief; everything from fires to floods," responded Aizawa.

"Damn, not even a security breach can interrupt U.A.'s classes; so manly," commented Kirishima.

"Sounds like another harsh day of training to me," grumbled Kaminari.

"Tell me about it," sighed Mina.

"Come on guys, rescue's what being a hero is all about," defended Kirishima.

"Oi, I wasn't finished," grumbled Aizawa. He activated the cabinet system that held the student's hero costumes on the classroom wall and added, "It's up to each of you as to whether or not you'll wear your hero costumes as some of them aren't made for this kind of activity. Also, since the training site is a bit remote we'll be going by bus..."

With all the information worth distributing already said, Aizawa dismissed his class to get changed and though they could choose to go in their gym uniforms and opt-out of their hero costumes, no one did so. Everyone gathered outside by the bus stop wearing their hero costumes.

For a moment, Iida glared at Izuku for not calling for the class to enter the bus in an orderly fashion. But that only lasted until the rigid speedster entered the bus himself to find that Izuku had more foresight than he. If it had been up to him and he had called for his peers to enter by seating order or ID, he'd have been most embarrassed as the bus' interior layout would have rendered his efforts pointless.

"Midoriya, I generally tend to speak my mind." On the bus, Asui, sitting to Izuku's left, suddenly broke the silence that pervaded the bus.

"What is it, Asui-san?"

"Call me Tsuyu~"

"Alright… Tsuyu-san."

"I was wondering if there was anything stopping you from peeping on us with your Spatial Awareness, as you called it."

Immediately, all eyes, especially those of Kaminari and Mineta, were glued onto Izuku awaiting his response. Considering he showcased his Spatial Awareness exceptionally during the Battle Trial, it was no wonder someone had brought this up, now.

"Well, if it makes you feel better, you can tell when I'm using that ability by seeing whether or not my eyes are golden."

"YOU LIE!" Mineta cried, pointing an accusatory finger as he added, "Yesterday, I remember your eyes were normal when you freaked out over Hagakure being naked!"

As suspicion was cast on Izuku, he simply shrugged his shoulders and said, "That was a special case. I think we all understand that Asu- Tsuyu-san was asking about me peeping discreetly. My eyes without any spatial power can still see through space, but not to the point where I can figuratively unclothed people. Since she was already naked at that time, I could only see an outline of her body..."

Hagakure interjected, "Now that I think about it, it was only after I asked you to describe myself, that your eyes turned golden. I believe Izuku."

"Y-you asked him to describe you… IN THE NUDE?!" Sero flinched at the thought.

"I-I mean I already thought he could see me..." Izuku could see Hagakure fidget nervously with her fingers.

"Stop being so judgemental," Asui deadpanned, "If I were invisible, I'd also want to know what I would look like if I was afforded the chance. Plus, this is Midoriya we're talking about. As far as I know, he hasn't been one to abuse his power." Though she didn't have much to go on, she couldn't help but trust in the class' Esper as he had only been serious for what little time she had known him.

"Thank you Tsuyu-san. Also, so long as you let me use your given name, feel free to use mine."

After a quick ten or so minutes, the bus made it to the site of today's rescue training. It was a titanic dome-shaped building called the Unforeseen Simulation Joint, or USJ for short, and within, there was a myriad of regions geared to train hero prospects in response to all sorts of natural disasters and catastrophes.

Upon entering the building, the class was brought before a giant set of stairs that descended into the various regions and from their vantage points, it almost looked like they were at some sort of amusement park. Kaminari for one couldn't help but blurt out, "It's like we're at Universal Studios Japan!"

As the guest hero, Thirteen, that Aizawa mentioned before rose from the massive set of stairs and explained how she had practically built the place herself, Izuku was projecting the sort of negative vibes as he drew a connection to the set of stairs before him.

"...During Aizawa's Quirk Apprehension Test you all learned the limits of your Quirks, while with All Might you learned the dangers they might pose. Today, then, I'll be teaching you how to use your powers to help people!" Thirteen concluded, to receive the applause of the students.

Seeing a chance to get a word in, Izuku called Aizawa saying, "Aizawa-sensei, we're about to be attacked..." However, before he, or anyone for that matter, could react, a blackish-purple fog materialized before the fountain almost fifty meters away from the base of the stairs. This fog spread out to create a massive gate through space that let dozens of villains bypass the building's security.

"Everyone, back away and stick together! Thirteen, protect the students!" Aizawa yelled as he equipped his special goggles.

As Izuku followed his instructions, he let his irides wash over with golden splendor and aside from picking up a bit of insight as to how these people were warped into the building, he found something worthy of disclosing to others. "They've set up other villains all over the USJ," he said just loud enough for those on his side to hear, but not enough for the villains down below.

Twin streaks of yellow appeared in the void and appeared to be responsible for saying, "Eraser and Thirteen? According to the schedule I received yesterday, All Might was supposed to be here."

"Tch," Aizawa clicked his tongue, "should've known scum like you were responsible for yesterday's attack.

"We've come all this way..." The blue-haired man with dismembered hands that Izuku saw in his vision yesterday mumbled, though somehow he could clearly be heard despite his distance to the class. He continued, "We've brought so many playmates. All Might… The symbol of peace… Is he not here?"

He seemed to look at all the students at once as a thick killing intent shot fear down anyone he met his line of sight as he said, "I wonder if a couple dead kids will bring him here?"

As more and more villains spilled out of the black fog, Kaminari couldn't help but question their intelligence as he asked, "What villains are dumb enough to attack a hero school's facilities?"

"Could they have also taken out the building's sensors?" Momo asked Thirteen.

"No, this is clearly a thought out plan," Thirteen said as her eyes narrowed behind her astronaut costume. She continued, "They picked out a time where only three supervisors would be present and only Aizawa and I are actually here to face this threat. As Midoriya already found villains all over the USJ, they've probably brought along someone who can cause interference between our communication line to U.A."

She addressed Aizawa as she concluded, "They had a clear objective in killing All Might, so how do you think we should proceed?"

Aizawa didn't even turn to look at his fellow pro as he moved towards the stairs and said, "Thirteen, evacuate the students and try contacting the main campus. Kaminari, see if you can counter the interference with your equipment and Quirk. I'll buy you as much time as possible..." And without another word, he jumped the massive set of stairs and charged right into battle.

As Aizawa began to decimate the villains in his path, making it look like he was handling children rather than fighting a potentially lethal group battle single-handedly, Izuku discreetly moved over to Momo and whispered, "Can you make fireworks? Even an explosive would work."

Before she could even interpret his suggestion, the class that had begun to retreat to exit the building was stopped by a massive amount of black fog. From within the gas apparition, a voice said, "I can't just allow you to leave and ruin our plans."