Chapter 10.4:League Of Villains
Izuku, wary of his surroundings at all times, smirked as he thought, 'Playing around with space in front of me?' He couldn't help but be just a tad grateful to the villain hiding underneath the fog that presumably made up his Quirk, as he had just gotten quite a few new ideas about how to apply teleportation.
"Greetings," the voice continued, "we are the League of Villains. Forgive us letting ourselves in, but today we've come to end the reign of the symbol of peace; to kill All Might." The yellow streaks that made up the fog's eyes swirled in thought as it said, "We were under the impression that he was supposed to be here today. Was his schedule revised?"
As the man in the black fog sighed, Izuku picked up signs of two of his peers preparing themselves for an attack, so his eyes couldn't help but flush with purple. The voice from the fog continued, "It matters not as my role remains the sam-"
Before it could finish, however, Bakugo and Kirishima dashed in to land a set of sneak attacks. Moreover, because Izuku was aware of their scheme beforehand, he aided them by restraining the man's ability to dodge with Gravitational Suppression. Sadly, as the smoke cleared from Bakugo's explosion-enhanced strike of the palm, the man in the fog seemed unfazed as the explosions completely missed his body.
'Damn it,' Izuku cursed internally, 'Of course, they wouldn't be able to see his true body and aim properly.' Moreover, as the man's Quirk literally warped things through space, after the shock of his initial burst of gravitational pressure, Izuku lost the ability to use that card against the man in the coming battle.
"That was close," the fog panted, "It wouldn't be wise to underestimate you all simply for being students." In the next couple of fractions of a second, the fog exploded to consume the class and try to teleport them all across the USJ. Izuku tried to lock the fog before it could warp the others away, but as he was unfamiliar with the villain's spatial methods, the only thing he accomplished was learning the locations he along with the others would be teleported to.
The next thing he knew he was hurling towards the pseudo-sea that made up the Flood Region. With a sigh of disappointment directed at himself for failing to foil the villain's plan to split them up, he hovered in the air by proxy of his gravitational manipulation. He watched from above as Asui shot out of the water with Mineta dangling behind her, wrapped in her tongue. Behind them were a pack of maritime villains that thrived underwater.
Seeing Mineta, Izuku's eyes shined as he thought up a plan to deal with the villains in the Flood Region, so he flew over to the sole ship in the Region that was slowly sinking.
"Hey Mineta, those balls that pop off your head stick to everything aside from you, even in the water, right?"
His sudden arrival and question seemed to calm the short purple-ball-haired boy's crippling anxiety over the situation enough to respond with a taciturn, "Yeah..."
"Good… Now tossed me a couple dozen," Izuku said before pulling out a stack of steel rods from his pocket dimension titanium cube.
Too confused and scared over the situation, Mineta didn't even question Izuku as he started rippling dozens of balls off his head to the point where he started bleeding. Izuku had to calm him down by placing a hand on his shoulder and saying, "Relax, if worse comes to worst, I can just carry the three of us to land."
Turning to Tsuyu, Izuku said, "Now be prepared to jump if I overdo it." Then without another word, he flew out of the ship and just above the crowd of maritime villains that were jeering at him with a cluster of Mineta's sticky balls and his steel rods hovering behind him. After staring at the villains in the water for what had to be five seconds, Izuku's eyes exploded in intensity as he let his gravitational power shoot in every direction away from him with as high intensity as he could muster and before anyone could react, a horrifying depression formed in the pseudo-sea.
For at least a hundred meters, water caved due to the sudden influx of pressure and since Izuku removed it just as quickly as he had cast it, as the water came rushing in to fill the gap, it carried with it the maritime villains; voluntary or not. Underestimating his own strength once more, Izuku shook his head in dismay; for the second time in a row, his ideas needed to be cast aside.
Sighing, as his initial plan of using the steel rods just became obsolete, Izuku made sure to cover the villains with Mineta's balls by launching them like bullets with gravitational propulsion. By the time the water-filled in and the after spike of the water kicked in, the villains could only helplessly flail about as they were kicked dozens of meters into the air.
Unfortunately, part of the aftermath of Izuku's plan caused the sinking ship to finally capsize, so Tsuyu had to jump while carrying Mineta. With the villains bound by Mineta's balls, however, Izuku was free to fly over to her side and carry them with him until they reached the shore. Sadly, as Izuku looked to where he could assist next, he was torn between two equally terrible battles.
Before the central fountain plaza, there was his homeroom teacher still fighting against a couple dozen grunt villains. He looked to be in quite a pinch as the villain with dismembered hands covering his body had managed to land a hit on his teacher's elbow, decaying it with his Quirk just before the Erasure Quirk could stop the process.
While by the entrance, the part of his class' group that hadn't managed to be warped away was still facing the warping villain. Thirteen, in particular, seemed to have her Quirk used against her, as a portal before and behind her caused her own Black Hole Quirk to decimate the back of her astronaut costume.
However, a sudden change in the movement of the hulking black-skinned bird-faced villain appearing by Aizawa's side caused Izuku to make his decision. The hulking black humanoid monster rivaled All Might in stature and had just snapped Aizawa's right arm like a twig. At least Thirteen had the help of some of his classmates.
So, after dropping Asui and Mineta off by the shore and telling them the situation across all the various regions, Izuku alone trudged in to help Aizawa. Tsuyu took off to the Downpour Region to help Tokoyami and Kodo, and Mineta being too scared to be left alone, near the monster that had just critically injured Aizawa of all people, shamelessly followed her.
By the time Izuku touched ground, though, good news came his way in the form of the fog villain returning to the blue-haired hand-obsessed villain's side. "Tomura Shigaraki," the warping villain said.
"Kurogiri," Shigaraki helpfully identified, "Is Thirteen dead?"
"She's down, but there were some students I couldn't warp away and one escaped..."
Like a child throwing a tantrum, Shigaraki started scratching his neck out of frustration as he groaned, "You… If you weren't our ticket out of here I'd have you turned to dust..." Though for as irritated as he appeared, the surge of emotions left as quickly as they came as he calmly stopped digging his nails against his neck as he added, "Against dozens of pros we don't stand a chance. It's game over, for now… We're leaving."
Izuku watched this play out with mild bemusement as he couldn't imagine the psychopath leaving so peacefully with there being a bit of time left before help arrived for his side. He had Aizawa life in his hands along with a handy assistant in Kurogiri and that monster at his beck and call and he wanted to leave without revenge?
As if on cue, Shigaraki turned to look him dead in the eyes before he added, "But before that, let's leave a couple dead kids to wound All Might's pride."
Held onto by a veritable mountain of killing intent, Izuku momentarily froze up. In those short precious moments, Shigaraki didn't give him the chance to recover as he launched himself with his arm outstretched to reduce Izuku to ash. Never had Izuku faced death as he did today. He might have killed himself once, but that was of his own volition and all the while it had been utterly devoid of ill intent. Moreover, as it had been years since he faced the hostility of another person, he had grown especially vulnerable.
Fortunately, Izuku's mind ran on a different system of time and in his panic he had further increased his perception of time to the point that he managed to gather his motor functions back before it was too late. Unfortunately for Shigaraki though, because he was still in fear for his life, Izuku wasn't exactly capable of limiting himself to being less than lethal and the punch of a man fearing for his life was always countless times more dangerous than in any other case.