13.5: Heart To Heart

Chapter 13.5: Heart To Heart

The two began the return journey to Izuku room; under the protection of Izuku's spatial barriers, of course. After returning to his room, Izuku brought his desk chair over to his bed and offered, " Before we start, why don't you get comfy? We have a lot to talk about and all the time in the world;" though not literally, it was as close to literal as a human could promise.

Toga sat on his desk chair while he sat on his bed. As she fixed herself the first of many cracker sandwiches, Izuku started, "Picking up where we left off in the coffee shop, here's the plan to get you back on the right path. Fixing up your academic record shouldn't be a problem for me if we just declare all the marks as false. Even if your former schools wish to bury you under the system, if it is as you said and you always acted out in self-defense of bullying or were used as a scapegoat, I can just use my Temporal powers to prove them wrong."

He explained to her the concept of his Temporal Scrying power before continuing, "Now… I know I've been going on and on about you having the potential to be a great hero, but I never asked if that is even what you want to become. It shouldn't be too hard for me to arrange your transference to U.A. through the General, Business, or Support Departments if any of those interest you, but I shouldn't get ahead of myself in case you don't wish to follow those paths."

Ignoring the 'how' of his plan to get her to transfer to U.A. for now, Toga thought about his words and as she reflected, she realized that she never had the near-universal childhood wish to be a pro hero as an adult. More specifically, it wasn't that she didn't wish to become a pro hero, all her life her sole wish was to be accepted and before that came to fruition, she hadn't even considered her career path; she simply had no aspirations at the moment.

Well, perhaps now she did as a spontaneous thought overwhelmed her, 'Izuku believes in me, he goes to U.A., and he sees a hero in me. I should just go for it…' Though on a more subconscious level she just wanted an excuse to stay as close to Izuku as possible. But that was to be expected, as she didn't want to lose him and descend back to the uncaring world around her. God only knows what she would do if his warmth was erased from her life and she snapped as she did earlier today…

"If I can attend U.A. with you… that would be for the best." She stated.

"Perfect~" Izuku beamed. "Which Department would you join if all of them were to open to accepting you at the moment?"

"I guess the Hero Department since you believe my Quirk is top-tier material, but I know that's impossible..." Staring helplessly at the plate she carried, "As of right now, I'm more than a year behind on my studies and to qualify for U.A. you need to be highly educated. Even if I somehow managed to bypass the academic aspect, U.A.'s Hero Department is famous for dedicating 110% of their efforts in grooming the set classes that are picked at the start of the school year. There's never been a case of someone transferring into the Hero Department, like we're talking about..."

"Heh," Izuku chuckled over her worries, "All you have to do is prepare yourself to suffer a couple of terrifying days being tutored by me and we might just have a chance at getting you into U.A.'s Hero Department; sooner than you think, too."

Catching her look of confusion, he further elaborated, "While you're certainly right that we can't arrange for you to directly transfer into the Hero Department, it shouldn't be a problem getting you into General Studies. If we got you in before next Monday, the day of the Sports Festival, you could compete and if you did well enough, the administration would have to consider transferring you into the Hero Department!"

"That's great and all, but as you said, I only have a week. It's impossible for me to catch up on my studies and make it into the General Studies Department so soon..."

"Not if you're prepared to make the most of the tutoring sessions I offered. Remember, my power extends to both Space and Time; I can just stretch out this week to give you several months worth of time. Of course, if you accept, we'll only be able to work together at night as I still need to go to school and complete my after school training. But I'm sure that if we started today, I could get you ready to pass all the tests required to transfer you into General Studies."

Too grateful to even react to the reveal of yet another of his absurd abilities, Toga couldn't stop herself from rising out of her chair and embracing Izuku into a hug. Though she had a million things she wanted to say, all that came out of her mouth was, "Thank you..."

Izuku, reading her rather accurately, let her hang on to him. He rubbed her back as he did when she broke down crying earlier on the streets until she calmed down, but rejected her proposal to start that truly hell-like studying plan he had just mentioned. He said, "I love seeing your enthusiasm, but it's almost 5:00 AM and there are several things I need to prepare before we can start. When I said that I could get you into General Studies within the week if we started working today, I meant if we started this night..."

For a couple of seconds, Toga simply stayed embracing Izuku, not knowing where to take the conversation and basking in his warmth, before yet another one of her depressing thoughts came to eat at her from within. Separating from Izuku, Toga looked crestfallen as she returned to the desk chair and said, "I can't thank you enough for this opportunity, for everything you've done… But, won't this all be for nothing if I don't have my parent's support? I need them to consent to me attending a Hero High School and without their financial support I can't live near U.A., anyway..."

Eyes narrowed to convey his seriousness, Izuku said, "Depending on how today goes, we'll see how to proceed with your situation. Aside from picking up teaching supplies to tutor you, I also plan to discuss your situation with some of my teachers at U.A. I'm somewhat familiar the Laws as they pertain to Heroics, since I've been aiming to be a pro hero all my life, so I think I know most of the ways we can help your case, but I want to talk to my teachers to see if they have better ideas."

"If worse comes to worst," Izuku's eyes shined dangerously, "and nothing works out in your favor, I would be willing to help support you financially at least until you graduated and became a pro hero, capable of supporting yourself."

"W-why would you go so far?" Until now, everything Izuku had done, though certainly helpful and supportive, was within reason. Inviting her to his place so she didn't have to spent the night in the streets and offering to help her enter his school were one thing, as just about anyone if kind enough might follow suit. But to dare say he would support her financially… That transcended kindness, it was only something a special few might do for their significant other, for their family or closest friend!

Realizing he might have overdone it, Izuku thought deeply before sighing and saying, "There are two reasons helping you is important to me. For one, since we met I've been getting these visions of your future, more specifically your future as it relates to me. Usually, I only get a short vision when something terrible is due to arrive in the near future, but with you, I'm sure the visions extended to several months or years into the future."

"Remember when I told you that as a Hero you could improve the community tenfold, but as a villain you could cause a hundred times the damage?" Seeing her weakly nod, he continued, "Well, that wasn't me simply guessing. Instead, I saw a future where you really did become a villain. It was a future where you stood alongside the League of Villains and brought ruin and chaos to entire cities."

"I'll be completely honest with you. Tonight, while I hadn't planned on looking for encounters with villains, I wasn't unhappy when you tried to lure me to assault me or whatever. When I saw how horrifying you would become in the future, I was excited to have a reason to take you down." Before he made her feel too badly over a future that most likely wouldn't have manifested after he had been made aware of it, he almost screamed, "However!"

Happy to see her face, which had been devolving into increasing intensities of shame, suddenly lose its way to the shock of seeing him yell for the first time, Izuku continued, "The more we talked, the more you told me about yourself, your past, your grievances… I started seeing myself in you more and more. I know what it's like to grow up rejected by pretty much everyone. Though I can't say I experienced the prejudice of having a so-called Villainous Quirk, I once lived as a useless and defenseless Quirkless. During those times I didn't have my Esper powers, I was like you, I was bullied and shamed, I was expected to become nothing. During those times if I'd only had someone to give me some hope, to believe in me or my dream… I would have given anything and everything for it."

Looking at Toga and what would have happened had he not been there for her — he had not played the role he could only have wished someone else would have played for him in his first life — Izuku took a deep breath before he looked her directly in the eyes and said, "I've already completed the life of someone in your position. I've gone through that path to its end and had my Esper powers not manifested, we wouldn't be here having this conversation..."

"Completed the life of someone… W-wait! You! Y-you're not saying..." The look of panic on her face skyrocketed in intensity as she watched him grimly nod his head.

"I killed myself once," he stated plainly, continuing, "At the time, I was at the height of my despair. Maybe not the same kind of negativity that drove you to run away from your home, but since I was completely powerless at the time, I felt that everyone would be better off without me. I walked over to the spot where my will was finally broke and jumped off a ten-story building to my death."

"Nowadays, when I think back, what saved me was probably my Esper powers of Time manifesting and taking me back ten years in the past and since then, I worked my way back up to where I am now. I know not everyone is as fortunate as me, so I want to make the greatest impact I have with my power. Seeing you, go through something like that, I want to save you before it's too late..."