13.6: Mother Aghast

Chapter 13.6: Mother Aghast

From that point, the conversation died outright as neither Toga felt comfortable pressing Izuku for more details nor did Izuku feel the need to add anything else. With a mind full of a dozen fluctuating emotions, racing to process everything that had happened these last couple minutes, Toga instinctively spoke to distract herself, lest she overworked her brain to the breaking point.

Recalling Izuku's fascination with her Quirk she said, "Say… if you have nothing else to do before school, do you want to get a look at my Quirk?"

Always up for the demonstration of a new Quirk, Izuku instantly grew out of the funk he had developed after speaking about his first life as he said, "You need blood for it to work right?" As he spoke he teleported his titanium cube pocket dimension into his hand and pulled out a syringe after further asking, "Are you immune to blood type rejection? Or for that matter, does blood type of the 'donor' matter in any other way?"

Shaking her head, she said, "I can accept any blood type without a problem; mine's AB negative. Blood type also doesn't change my Quirk at all..." Her words were but a whisper by the time she finished speaking as she been growing increasingly quiet since Izuku had begun to take his own blood with the medical precision of a doctor.

Though Toga had told him that she only needed a drop of his blood for her Quirk to work, he didn't know how long that would last her. Thus took a generous amount, about 20 milliliters, before withdrawing the syringe and using Temporal Restoration to return his body back to how it was a couple of minutes prior.

After transferring the blood to a vial, of which his pocket dimension held dozens, Izuku nonchalantly passed it over to Toga. After the shock over his actions passed however, Toga squinted at him for a moment before she started pulling up her shirt…

"W-what are you doing?!" Izuku teleported himself next to his door as she was between his previous position on the bed and the door.

"What's the matter? Didn't I tell you I have to be naked before transforming or else the clothes I make to go along with my disguise will be superimposed on what I'm wearing?" As she spoke, she shook her head at him playfully and by the time she finished, she was nearly done unhooking her bra; the bra which 'somehow' Izuku managed to guess would fit her perfectly …

He was no longer facing her as he said, "I-I'll be right outside… call me when you're done..."

Alas, before he could open the door and leave, from behind, he heard her say, "Don't. I can tell you want to know 'all' about my Quirk, so why not take this chance to see how it works up close and personal?" She was beyond temptatious.

For a second Izuku considered it, if only to do as she literally said — and nothing else. However, he had already resolved to try making his relationship with Hagakure work out, so there was no need to throw a wrench in his relationship before it could even start. No longer bothering with her seductress ways, Izuku opened the door to wait outside his room as he said, "Sorry, that wouldn't be appropriate..."

His voice failed him when he found just outside his door, the utterly aghast image of his mother looking at the spectacle behind him. From Inko's perspective, Izuku was about to leave the room after committing all kinds of 'unspeaking adult-type activities;' as she so eloquently thought up. With Toga just barely covering her lower privates as her hands were about to slide her panties down, to Inko, she was pulling them up, rather than pushing them down…

"Mom, I can explain," Izuku stated as calmly as he could, though there was unmistakably at least six sizable beads of sweat streaming down his face as he looked at her.

"I'm sure you can, son..." She gave him a glare that came across as the combination of disappointment, disturbedness, annoyance, and strangely enough, impressiveness. Though as she finished eying her son as if he had committed high treason and took a secondary glance at the unknown girl in his room scrambling at speeds inhuman to cover herself up, her impression of the two softened.

With Inko continuing on what should have been her ordinary walk from her room to the bathroom to get ready for work, Izuku stood motionless by the entrance to his room until Toga, now fully clothed, put a hand on his shoulder and said, "I promise I'll do anything I can to help you regain whatever reputation I just caused you to lose with your mom..."

Unexpectedly, Izuku wasn't mad at her or even annoyed, really. Instead, he just sighed and said, "Don't worry about that, my mom should be understanding of our situation after we talk about it over breakfast. Speaking of which, are you filled up on the plate of crackers, chips, meats, and cheeses, or would you like a serving of breakfast as well?"

"I think I'll be fine with just finishing the plate by your computer..."

Fifteen minutes later, Toga, who was still wearing Izuku's clothes, Izuku, now in his formal U.A. uniform, and Inko, who was in her business dress, all sat by the dining room table. Inko, too busy glaring daggers at her son to start eating, eventually asked, "So, son..." To be called 'son,' when he was used to her calling him, her baby, darling, or just his given name, Izuku shivered, "Who's your girlfriend?"

"Mom, you know she's not my girlfriend… I don't even have a girlfriend." Izuku didn't dare to meet her eyes as he stuffed some rice into his mouth.

"Ho? She's not even your girlfriend and you too were doing 'that?'" Her allusions were blatant to the point that they physically hurt Izuku.

"Whatever you think 'that' was, it wasn't. I've only known Toga-san for about two or three hours, so stop thinking whatever you're thinking..."

Alas, he succeeded in caused the opposite reaction as Inko nearly flipped the table as she repeated, "Two or three hours?" The chopsticks in her hand nigh-disintegrated from the force of her clenching her hands into fists as she reiterated, "You met her in the dead of the night two or three hours ago and had her naked in your room 'two or three hours' later?!"

"Mom!" For once Izuku had grown angry with his mother and she knew it. Yet despite knowing, she was still more inclined to believe the context with which she found the pair in her son's room before she believed him!

Seeing the look on her face of disgust and disappointment grow, Izuku's eyes narrowed as he asked, "Am I really that untrustworthy? You do understand I can just project what happened in the room before you saw us and clear up any doubts, right?"

At the mention of his Temporal Scrying, Inko faltered. Now ashamed at her lack of trust, she still felt inclined to say, "It's not that I don't believe you; no one would... Not after walking in on that sort of scene..."

"Mhmm… Anyway, this is Himiko Toga. She's..." Pausing to take a look at Toga, Izuku thought of the best way to articulate the current situation before continuing, "She's someone in dire need of help at the moment and I'm willing to do pretty much anything to make sure she gets through her current… rut..."

"Izuku, please..." Inko pleaded, "Explain what kind of 'help' she needs and the circumstances behind what I saw, before I start questioning your intentions again..."

"I ran away from my home and met your son while I was out looking for people attack," Toga openly admitted before Izuku could cover for her. After the night's revelations, she recognized Izuku as the godsent support she was in desperate need of. The very last thing she needed was to be secretive with Izuku and his family when he had been so open and forthcoming with her.

Though Inko squinting at her, she said nothing, so Toga continued, "When we met, I pretended to be a helplessly lost foreigner looking for a subway station, but as Izuku walked with me through the streets and we talked, he managed to stop me from becoming a villain. I left my home last night with the intention of starting a new life to become the villain everyone around me always said I would be, but Izuku was the first person to see me and my Quirk as something other than villainous..."

"After being nothing but supportive after I told him my story, offering to help me get on my feet, spend the rest of the night here in his home, and even help me enter U.A. I asked him why he was willing to do so much for me and he… he..." Tearing up as she could only imagine the pain Izuku must have felt bringing up his own death, Toga couldn't finish summarizing the night's events.

Taking over for her, Izuku said, "I told her what I saw with my Precognition as well as related to her struggle. In the visions I saw when we first met, she was set on the path of becoming a villain on the level of standing with the League of Villains. Since we are both dregs of the society, me because of my Quirkless status, and her because people immediately think of her Quirk as villainous, I tried to give her hope and promised to do everything I could to help her become a hero."