13.7: Resolutions Made

Chapter 13.7: Resolutions Made

Inko took a deep breath and pinched her nose to soothe the headache that had manifested after hearing that absurd story before she exhaled and asked, "Ok… BUT WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH HER BEING NAKED IN YOUR ROOM, MISTER?!" She had no problem agreeing that her son would be the type to do something as reckless as invite a would-be villain over to his house to try and convert them to the side of heroes, but that literally had nothing to do with why she was fuming over the scene she had walked in on.

Izuku had been talking to her about the progress of his relationship with Hagakure for over a week and it had seemed to be improving at a nice and steady pace; albeit, perhaps a tad slow. But then this random girl showed up… This girl that her son admitted he had known for less than a fourth of a day. How they met, consisted of her coming across the sight of her son walking out of the room while the girl pulled up her clothes; presumably.

She had recently praised her son, being vocally proud of him for not being the playboy type who chased skirts and then this happened… Sure, Izuku was a fifteen-year-old who was as mature as they came and sure, she understood that it was normal for him to want to experiment sexually as at that point in his life where his hormones supposed to be developing. But to her, it was almost like he had changed into another person overnight, to be suddenly engaging with a naked girl he barely even knew. If only Inko knew how familiar her son was with Hagakure in the nude as well…

"That… that was my fault..." Toga whimpered as she shrunk back on her chair.

With Inko's full attention, Toga continued to weakly say, "All throughout our conversation tonight, Izuku has been very interested in my Quirk and seeing as we had nothing else to talk about before it was time for him to go to school, I offered showing it off to him..."

"And you're Quirk requires you to be naked to work?" Inko felt a nerve on her forehead twitch. She had heard both Toga and her son claim that people presumed that Toga's Quirk was villainous, so her imagination wasn't helping the duo's case.

"Well no, but actually yes..." Toga fumbled her words, hurriedly adding, "My Quirk allows me to transform into a person who's blood I consume. But if I'm wearing clothes at the moment of transformation, the clothes made from my transformation will overlap."

Exhaling rather aggressively through her nose, Inko turned to Izuku to give him a death glare as she asked, "Ok then… Why were you still with her when she was getting ready to transform? You know, you still look like a pervert in this situation, right?"

"Midoriya-san, if anyone's the pervert..." Toga bit her tongue, fighting herself to say, "it's me… I didn't give him a chance to leave before I started to take off my clothes. I'm not going to lie, I think I've developed a bit of a crush on Izuku after everything he's said and done for me. So you can imagine my surprise when I saw Izuku teleport past me to escape, saying it was inappropriate to look at me strip even after I tempted him by saying it would be the best chance he had to observe my Quirk..."

Her face now entirely red, Toga took a deep breath — not out of frustration like the Midoriya matriarch had done when Izuku kept dancing around the details of the scene she had walked in on, but rather exhaustion — before saying, "When you walked by his room and saw me for the first time, I was actually at the last part of finally taking my clothes off. Please don't think less of Izuku because of me..."

After the two teens cleared up Inko's misunderstanding, breakfast, awkwardly enough, continue as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened. Inko, as Izuku had assured Toga, was rather understanding after learning the full details of her situation. She was also quick to forgive and forget her son for all the debaucherous actions she imagined he had engaged in with Toga

As was the case, Inko offered to let Toga stay at their house through the day while Izuku completed his preparations to help get her into U.A. Though, after being thoroughly embarrassed before the Midoriya matriarch, Toga fought quite harshly against offer. At one point even claiming she would rather laze about on the streets until Izuku returned from school, than selfishly stay in their house while they were both away.

Going so far as to emphasize how she almost became a villain and was still pretty much a stranger to both Midoriyas, it was all for naught after Izuku gave her a bit of "persuasion." All it took was Izuku promising to conjure up a spatial barrier within his room to make sure she did nothing 'villainous' while they were away and she begrudgingly accepted staying at the house. While Toga couldn't bear having her crush's mother thinking any less of her than she probably already thought, she also couldn't pass the chance to look through Izuku's room while he was gone. What better chance for getting to know Izuku's personality, his interests, and quirks — pardon the pun — was there than having free reign to his room?

Now, before school started, Izuku paid a visit to an office supply store and bought enough teaching materials to last covering practically everything Toga was missing for her grade level. After paying nearly a eleven-thousand yen — ~100$ USD — thanks to Izuku possessing a compact pocket dimension, he didn't have to lug everything back to his home before continuing on to U.A.

At U.A. though, atypical of a normal morning, after Aizawa called attendance, Izuku asked him to talk privately about Toga's situation. He would have done this before classes started, but unfortunately, the ever-tired Eraserhead only made an appearance when it was time for classes to start; any other time, it was safe to presume he was asleep or, at the very least, resting.

Outside the entrance to Class 1-A, before the massive sliding doors in the hallway, when Izuku finally managed to talk to Aizawa privately, he said, "There's this girl I met last night..." He paused to think of how best to approach the subject. After all there were so many angles he could attack it from. He could talk about her background first, or his goal in getting her to transfer into U.A., or the problems getting her into U.A. would pose, or the prejudices she would face for having a so-called 'villainous' Quirk, or…

Alas, he should have thought this through better before calling Aizawa, as the now-unsettled pro jumped to conclusions and said, "Sorry kid, but you should know better than to ask me of all people for advice with the ladies..."

"..." Izuku, mouth agape and eyes widened, face-palmed. "No sensei…" He couldn't help but mutter under his breath, "Why does everyone always assume the worst..." But eventually, he went over Toga's situation from top to bottom and concluded by asking, "...So, can we arrange for her to take the academic portion of the Transfer Exam before the Sport's Festival arrives?"

After holding a deep and thoughtful look, Aizawa said, "Sorry kid, but there's not a chance you can get her ready to enter Hero Department through the Sports Festival in time with your method." As he watched Izuku's gaze steady in wait for him to continue, Aizawa sighed as he said, "Sure, you might be able to get her up to par with her academics before the Sport's Festival arrives; with your credentials, I don't doubt she'll pass with flying colors. But don't forget that this is a Hero Academia. To transfer into her grade level, she would not only need to make up a whole year's worth of academic material, but also have a year's worth of practical knowledge and experience with heroics. If she were just aiming to enter the General Studies Department it would be fine, but you two seem set on entering the Hero Department."

"That is the reason there has never been a transfer student who came to U.A. without a background in another Hero Academia's Hero Department. However," Aizawa stopped the bleak direction he was leading the conversation towards to give Toga a different way in, "Luckily, she's only sixteen years old and conveniently has a reason for why she's missed an entire year of academic work. If it's as you say, we only need to prove her systematic abuse with your Temporal Scrying and that alone should give enough leeway for Principal Nezu to justify adding her in as a first-year student; after she passes the Transfer Exam for first-years, of course."

Pausing to give smirk in Izuku's direction, Aizawa concluded, "Though, she'll still need to understand everything up to the level the guys in your class are learning. Good thing, she has you to fill her in on all the details and a whole week's worth of time, or whatever that amounts to with your Time powers added to the mix. Things might have been different if she had committed a crime or been born a year later, but luckily, everything happened just right for her to turn over her life; if only missing out on a year of progress."

Izuku nodding, happy to see that Toga would be given a chance to become a hero even if he was saddened over the fact that his original plan had failed and she would have to graduate a year later, then asked, "As for her housing situation… I was thinking we could first use Child Abuse Laws to withdraw her parent's custody over her. When we were talking, she said she couldn't go back home and risk going crazy again..."

"Mhmm..." Looking a bit peeved, Aizawa grunted, "Unfortunately, there's not much we can do to help her if we did withdraw her parent's custody over her. As a minor, legally, she has to be under the care of a guardian or family member until she turns eighteen. If she's put in the system now, it could take weeks, months, or even years before a foster family near and able to support her coming to U.A., appeared..."

Sighing, Izuku offered, "My mom would probably agree to being her legal guardian. I mean, she's already fine with her staying unsupervised at our house. So, at least until we find a suitable foster family..." Izuku shivered at the notion of returning home and further discussing the topic with Toga and his mother.

Aizawa, now squinting at his star pupil, said, "Midoriya… Normally, I would immediately reject having two classmate of the opposite sex cohabitating. You lot are at the age where your hormones are all whack and keeping you focused on becoming heroes precedes everything else. But thus far, you've proven yourself to be mature enough to handle this matter, so I won't say anything when I bring this matter up to principal Nezu." He paused to sigh before concluding, "Don't make me regret my decision..."