Chapter 14.1: Out Of Season April Fool's Joke
Monday classes came and went in a flash and not just for Izuku. As the start of the third week of classes, virtually all the freshmen at U.A. had gotten over the novelty of attending such a prestigious school and quickly got into set routines. Aside from Foundational Heroic Classes, which by now were simply glorified P.E. (Physical Education) Classes due to the nature of the training Class 1-A had before the Sport's Festival, regular academic classes were as tedious to attend as they would be in any regular classroom and only lunch spelled any semblance of fun for the high schoolers.
Unfortunately, lunch's advent spelled a 'bad time' for a select few — scratch that; three-quarters of the class… For those determined enough to go through with it, Izuku's training group — or the devil's training group, as it was known to those who looked on from the outside — was a miserable experience to put it lightly.
Just one look at Mina and Kirishima who were among the first to join Izuku in training would put things right into perspective, as they too wished to never attend another session by the time they were finally liberated; free to go home. Practically everyone shared their sentiments regarding Izuku absurd methods, but they couldn't help themselves from returning every single day as the results were more than worth the suffering they endured.
Today, however, even the less physically durable of the bunch that trained with Izuku for the Sports Festival were all at least slightly more excited to return to the hell that was their afterschool training as they would get to work with their sister class, Class 1-B. Another reason to be a bit less grumpy was the fact that Izuku announced that he would start bringing his training group to the beach via his Teleportation Gates. Outsiders may think of them as lazy to feel joy now that they didn't have to walk from school to the beach, but those privy to their training understood how precious the bit of stamina they saved truly was…
After classes were over and students were free to leave for their homes, while those not participating in the Joint Class training left, Izuku rounded up his group and sent a text to Kendo to get everyone participating to meet by the school's entrance. Naturally, he wouldn't only extend the convenience of his teleportation to his class alone.
Alas, troubles arose almost immediately as the two classes met only for Izuku to find that Kendo had only brought three people with her instead of the ten they had agreed on half a week ago. Kendo, sporting a look of disappointment and shame, walked over to Izuku and said, "I think it's best that we call off the Joint Training..."
Without giving Kendo the chance to continue speaking, or Izuku the chance to reply, a blond-haired pretty boy with a look of contempt stepped in between to say, "Now, now, Kendo-san. We can't just waste Class 1-A's precious time after you went so far to get their attention." His voice reeked of sarcasm. "We have to make the most out of this situation and learn from the best, right?" He nudged her, winking for her to play along.
Kendo sighed as she face-palmed, "Ignore this idiot. He's the reason so few people have come and he plans to steal information on your Class' abilities"
"Mhmm…" Izuku sized up the blond boy, only having to look down slightly as he was taller by an inch. He said, "Using this as an opportunity to gather information on the Quirks of each others' classes was to be expected. But why and how did he make it so fewer people from your class came to these training sessions?"
"Can you really not tell?" The blond boy scoffed rather aggressively as a light of disdain crossed his eyes. He continued, "For the representative of your Class you sure are dimwitted aren't you?" The boy smirked seeing Izuku recoil, thinking he must be a pushover since it had taken so little effort to get a reaction.
"Ever heard of strategy? Tactics? I'm just using a simple one to make it so we maximize our chances of destroying you lot at the Sports Festival. Congratulations," he grew sarcastic once more, "you managed to put yourself right where I want you; right at check."
Holding up his right hand level with his face, the boy extended his index finger as he smirked maliciously, "Now you only have two options, either you refuse training with us and I make it my life's goal to make the rest of the school know exactly how cowardly and shameless you are — you know, for refusing us when we showed up and all." He promptly extended his middle finger and continued, "Or, you go through with training with us and I'll record every bit of useful information on each and every one of your Quirks and make copies for the rest of my class. We'll also take whatever training you idiots are going through and double, no, triple it! Then we'll see which class is Number One!"
As if he had already one this would-be battle, the boy started laughing boisterously as he concluded, "Don't think I'll only have my word as evidence for your refusal, if you choose to go that route. HAHAHAHA!!! I planned for this since Kendo suggested it last Friday and already paid a couple of the General Studies students willing to help me out, record this whole exchange from several angles. All it would take is a bit of editing and Class 1-A will look like a bunch of assholes to the entire student body! HAHAHAHA..."
As Izuku along with the rest of his peers in Class 1-A heard his plan, the couldn't help but watch beyond perturbed. Kendo, along with everyone in Class 1-B also couldn't help but stare at their peer in shock. Though they knew he despised being in Class 1-B and being treated as lesser than Class 1-A, they didn't think he would actually stoop so low…
Eventually, a sound cut the malicious blond boy's laughter. The source of this sound was Kaminari, who could no longer hold back his laughter, "Bro… is this an out of season April Fool's joke? You can't be serious, hahaha..."
Momo for once found humor in something with Kaminari as she covered her mouth with her fingers and fought through her body's involuntary desire to laugh as she said, "I can't disagree Kaminari-san, his strategy and tactics really are a joke… Imagine someone bribing students at U.A. to assist in blackmailing and entire Class. And to blackmail Midoriya-san with something like an edited recording… Hahahaha." She had to bend over and hold her stomach as it started hurting when she considered how easily Izuku could resolve the botched recording with his Temporal Scrying.
"No, no, Yaoyorozu." Kaminari wiped a tear of laughter from his face, "The joke…" He wheezed, "Didn't you hear the second part?" By now mostly everyone in Izuku's group had joined in on laughing as they considered the situation. "Didn't you hear his goal? He said he wanted to watch us train and then triple the intensity! What a riot, hahahaha…"
Izuku being the only one who stood more than confused to be laughing, looked at Kendo intently as he asked, "Does he not know?"
Grim-faced, Kendo replied, "I didn't tell him about you..."
"Welp, I guess that's that..." Izuku sighed, "Anyway, I don't plan on canceling today's training over something like this. I'd still be more than happy to get to know those of you willing to train with us better, and we already kind of planned on something like this happening." Turning to the fourteen other members of Class 1-A, Izuku asked, "Is that fine with you all?"
Most of them simply nodded in through their laughter. Though some like Kirishima said, "I'd pay to see that guy try to complete three times any one of the routines you put us through."
Bakugo smirking like there was no tomorrow said, "Let the idiot come. It'll be fun seeing his spirit break when he sees what we're capable of." Though he didn't realize, Izuku certainly picked up on the subtext to his words. 'What "we're" capable of,' implied that he was starting to see those in the group as more than just extras or rejects to crush.
With nothing else being added, Izuku shook his head and waved his hand in gesture of conjuring a Teleportation Gate. Ignoring the looks he was getting from Class 1-B, he said, "This will take us directly to the beach, so we can start training immediately. Go on, I'll be the last to pass through it."
Nodding at his command like a well-trained squadron of soldiers, his peers in Class 1-A started passing through the Gate without questioning him further. Shrugging her shoulders as she saw the hesitant look in the three other members of her class, Kendo said, "You heard him, he doesn't mind Monoma being insufferable..."
With her taking the lead for her class, she passed through the Gate, though not before Monoma started pestering her over what she hadn't told him about Izuku. More angry over the fact that Izuku didn't seem to care one bit if his class was scouted before the Sports Festival, than the fact that fourteen of his peers had laughed at him, his plans, and he had made a fool of himself, Monoma demanded answers.
With Kendo and Monoma passing through the Gate, the three other students from Class 1-B, including the silver-haired boy that Izuku had seen the day war had been declared, passed as well. Eventually, only Izuku remained on the school's side of the Teleportation Gate, though before he crossed it, he quickly scanned the area with Spatial Awareness to find that there were indeed three hidden students recording his position from afar.
Holding his forehead with the palm of his hand to convey frustration, Izuku shook his head before resolving to teleport and interrogate these students. Vowing to overlook this potential misconduct as a first-time offense, he made sure they understood that the moment they involved themselves in any other slightly dubious activity, he wouldn't hesitate to report them both to the school administration and the police for accessory to commit blackmail.
He didn't force them to hand over the video they had taped as Momo had mentioned he had the perfect counter in his Temporal Scrying. With the last of his business taken care of at school for the day, he passed through a Gate to the beach himself.