Duel against *****

In a real estate agency, a pretty, middle-aged woman in a business suit sat in front of Genesis, who was cross-legged looking at a series of documents showing various houses on offer. At his side, Akiza looked with him at the different houses in the documents.

After several minutes, Genesis chose a high rise apartment in the upscale New Domino City quarter. The apartment was 400 m², having 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 1 dining room, 1 kitchen, 1 living room and a private Duel court. The apartment had a sea view, with caretakers and a concierge.


Genesis and Akiza visited the apartment with the real estate agent. Genesis found the apartment to his liking, but he wanted to personalize it.

After returning to the agency, Genesis spoke with the agent, and bought the apartment at full price. He signed the document on behalf of Genesis Rhapsodos.

Genesis, returned to his new home with Akiza, who was once again exploring his new home with excitement. As she discovered the apartment, Genesis called her.

"Akiza, you can come!"

With a running pace, Akiza presented himself in front of Genesis.

"Tell me, I don't think you have any other clothes, do I?"

Akiza shook her head and said, "No, I fled the Academy leaving all my things behind."

"Do you want to get them back?"

"No, I don't want to go back to the Academy."

"Well then..."

Getting up from the sofa, Genesis motioned for Akiza to follow him.

"Follow me, we'll buy you some new clothes."

Backing away in embarrassment, Akiza waved her hands.

"What ?! No, no I don't need it."

Turning to look at Akiza, Genesis smiles and says.

"What, you want to stay with dressed in your uniform all the time?"

Freezing, Akiza blushed and lowered her head. Rubbing Akiza's head, Genesis urged her to follow him.

The rest of the day, Genesis accompanied Akiza shopping, and currently Akiza wore the same outfit as on screen, minus the accessory in her hair as it is still short. Her body is not as developed as in the anime, as she is still missing her 2 years before the plot begins.


The next day, after a night's rest, Genesis ate the breakfast Akiza prepared, when suddenly she stood up and looked at him seriously.

"Genesis, let's do a Duel."

Genesis biting a slice of bread stopped and looked at her.

"Why ?"

With an uncertain expression she said, "I told you that I was persecuted at the Academy, and rejected by my parents, didn't I?"

Genesis nodded.

"But I didn't tell you the reason. I don't want you to hate me, you're the first person to treat me so well since I was kicked out by parents, so ... * hic * * hic *" choking on her tears, Akiza forced himself to finish her sentence.

"So I want to show you why I was ostracized and rejected by everyone."

Akiza grabbed Genesis' arm, and pulled him into the Duel arena of their apartment. Genesis let it go and followed her, knowing that she had to do it, otherwise she would still live in fear that one day he would reject her like all the people she knew when they learned about his powers.


In an open terrace, lit by the sun, Akiza and Genesis stood in front of each other with a Duel Disk in their hands.

"Are you sure of that Akiza?"

Akiza nodded determinedly.

Genesis responded to his determination with a serious look.

"So let's fight!"

"" Duel! ""

[Akiza: 4000 LP: 5 cards]

[Genesis: 4000 LP: 5 cards]

"Honour ladies. I'm drawing a card!" Akiza's aura at the start of the Duel changed, everything gave off a cold and violent aura.

[Akiza: 4000 LP: 6 cards]

"I begin my turn by summoning from attack position, [Twilight Rose Knight]!"

[Twilight Rose Knight: Dark / Warrior: ATK 1000 / DEF 1000]

"When this card is Normal Summoned, I can Special Summon 1 Plant monster of up to level 4 from my hand, and I summon, [Lord Poison (Lv.4)]!"

Akiza smiled bitterly and looked at Genesis.

"Genesis! Look at why the world hates me."

Akiza waved his hand and said.

"I Summon Synchro, my Supreme Monster, come on! [Black Rose Dragon]!"

On the terrace a mighty wind rose, and purple petals began to fly, roots sprang from the ground, and a magnificent dragon surrounded by beautiful rose petals appeared, but surrounded by terrifying thorns.

When the invocation was over, and the wind died down, Akiza appeared frightened, for in front of her was Genesis filled with cuts all over his body. On his face were two cuts from the petals, and his clothes were chine.

Akiza looked down, creating to see fear and disgust appear on the face of the first person in her life who treated her kindly.

"AKIZA !!!"

Hearing that cry, Akiza squeezed her hands, and her eyes watered, which she feared happened. She was going to be rejected once again.

"LOOK AT ME !!!"

Akiza refused to look up, not wanting to see another look of hate.

"Look at me."

This time it was a soft voice that called him. Looking up nervously, she looked Genesis in the eye. However, she froze seeing those eyes. They weren't filled with hate or fear, but ... acceptance, acceptance for what she is.

"Akiza, look at me, never look down."

"But- but I hurt you-"

"That? Injuries? You don't have to worry, continue the Duel, and above all don't hold back."


"Akiza, go ahead. Trust me."

Hesitant for a few moments, Akiza hugged her cards and made up her mind.

"Okay, I trust you."

Akisa then put a card face down and finished her turn.

"It's yours Genesis."

[Akiza: 4000 LP: 3 cards]

"I draw a card then." Genesis said.

[Genesis: 4000 LP: 6 cards]

"I begin by specially summoning with my hand, [Vice Dragon] in defense position."

[Vice Dragon: Dark / Dragon: ATK 1000 (2000): DEF 1200 (2400)]

"Then, I Normal Summon from my hand, [Delta Flyer]."

"Having on my land [Delta Flyer] and [Vice Dragon] I can Synchro Summon a dragon, the Lord of Chaos."

"Come on! [Chaos Ruler, The Chaotic Magical Dragon]!"

A dark mist appeared before Genesis, and two sharp claws appeared. Gradually a huge dragon body appeared, and a mighty roar echoed over the Duel field.

Akiza who was in front, whispered: "A dragon ..." but her calm face did not flinch.

As Genesis finished his summoning, Akiza waved his hand and screamed.

"Sorry Genesis, but you told me to do my best, so ..."

"I'm activating my card face down! [Torrential Tribute]!"

"When one or more monsters are Summoned, this card destroys all monsters on the field!"

At the end of his words, all the monsters were destroyed without exception.

Genesis was indifferent.

"I lay two cards face down and end my turn."

[Genesis: 4000 LP: 2 cards]

"It's mine then, I draw a card."

[Akiza: 4000 LP: 4 cards]

"I start my turn by activating from my hand, [Terraforming]."

"Thanks to her, I can add a Field Spell Card from my Deck."

"Now appear, [Black Garden]!"

A garden surrounded by thorns, surrounded the Duel field.

"If one or more monsters are face-up Normal or Special Summoned, their ATK will be halved, then the monster's controller Special Summons 1" Pink Token "(Plant / DARK / Level 2 / ATK 800 / DEF 800) on the his opponent's field in Attack Position. "

Akiza explained.

"Then I summon from my hand, [Lonefire Blossom], and activate its effect."

A pink token appeared on the Genesis field.

"Once per turn, I can Tribute 1 face-up Plant monster, and Special Summon 1 Plant monster from my Deck. I decide to sacrifice [Lonefire Blossom], to summon from my Deck, [Evil Thorn]!"

[Evil Thorn: Dark / Plant: ATK 100 / DEF 300]

Another pink token appeared on the Genesis field, totalling 2 tokens.

Akiza didn't finish and activated the effect of [Evil Thorn].

"I can Tribute this card to inflict 300 damage to my opponent, and if I do, I can Special Summon up to 2" Evil Thron "from my Deck in Attack Position, but their effects cannot be activated. . "

Genesis received 300 damage, and after summoning two [Evil Thorns], Genesis had 4 pink tokens on its field, only allowing Genesis to summon 1 monster.

"I then put a card face down and end my turn."

[Akiza: 4000 LP: 1 card]

"It's mine then, I draw."

[Genesis: 3700 LP: 3 cards]

"I put [The White Stone of Ancients] in an attack position, and then I attack your [Evil Thorn]."

Akiza ignored the attack and received 300 points of damage.

"Then I end my turn."

[Genesis: 3700 LP: 2 cards]

"It's mine !" Akiza said, drawing a card.

[Akiza: 4000 LP: 2 cards]

Akiza smiled and looked at Genesis.

I forgot to tell you one of the effects of my [Black Garden]. I can target 1 monster in my Graveyard with an ATK equal to the sum of the ATKs of all Plant monsters on the field, then I destroy this card (Black Garden) and as many Plant monsters as needed to summon the monster I have chosen, and I chose ... Come on! [Black Rose Dragon]! "

Thorny roots appeared, and [Black Rose Dragon] reappeared.

After that, on the Genesis field, was a pink defense token, and [The White Stone of Ancients]. In Akiza's land was her dragon and two [Evil Thorn]

"Now I go on the offensive! Destroy [The White Stone of Ancients], [Black Rose Dragon]!"

{2400 - 600 = 1800}

[The White Stone of Ancients] was destroyed and sent to the graveyard, Genesis kept smiling the whole way.

"Then I finish my turn, it's yours." Until then, Akiza found Genesis passive, but she noticed that throughout the fight, he never reacted emotionally. She didn't know if she should judge him weak, for she could sense that he was strong.

Suddenly her eyes widened, as she realized something, and she looked at Genesis with warm eyes.

Genesis had no injuries on him, due to the effects of [Evil Thorn], several of his opponents were injured in the pass, not to mention the violent attacks of [Black Rose Dragon].

"How- How are you not hurt?"

Genesis smiled and replied, "Why? Do you want me to be hurt?"

Akiza quickly shook her head, making her locks fly and replied, "No, of course not, it's just that ..."

Suddenly Akiza noticed a golden eye on Genesis' forehead. This eye was obscured by Genesis' bangs, and if that eye wasn't glowing, she wouldn't have seen it.

Akiza didn't understand what it was, she grabbed his arm, because she also had a strange symbol.

"What's this ?" she asked looking at Genesis.

Genesis smiled calmly and replied, "Secret." with a finger to his lips.

Akiza fell silent, before pouting adorably. Akiza was no longer afraid of hurting, because that was what she had been afraid of since the start of the Duel. But learning that he could defend himself, she was happy, she felt that a weight in her heart had disappeared.

"Let's continue the Duel." Genesis said, interrupting Akiza's thoughts.

Blushing, Akiza nodded.

"Sorry to apologize, but before it's my turn, I activate the effect of my destroyed monster. [The White Stone of the Ancients]."

"If this card is in the Graveyard because it was sent there this turn, I can Special Summon 1 'Blue Eyes' monster from my Deck."

Akiza frowned at the mention "Blue Eyes", because she had heard those words before somewhere.

Genesis smiles and says, "And I choose to summon ... [Blue-Eyes White Dragon]!"

A white dragon appeared roaring in the skies of New Domino City, attracting the attention of some people living in nearby residences.

Akiza was shocked seeing this dragon. After all she had studied him at the Academy.

"How-" she whispered, but Genesis continued the Duel, forcing her to focus.

"Now that the effect of [The White Stone of the Ancients] is over, it's my turn."

"I draw."

[Genesis: 1900 LP: 3 cards]

"I begin my turn by summoning from my hand, [Dark Bug]. When this monster is Normal Summoned, I can Select, and Special Summon, 1 Level 3 Tuner monster from my Graveyard."

"And I choose to Summon ... [The White Stone of the Ancients]."

"Then I synchronize [The White Stone of the Ancients] and [Blue-Eyes White Dragon] to awaken a sleeping ancient force, a force lying in the stars!"

"Come on! [Azure-Eyes Silver Dragon]!"

A silvery dragon appeared from the heavens, with broad wings, muscular limbs, and a majestic, roaring gaze heralding the coming of a lord.

[Azure-Eyes Silver Dragon: Light / Dragon: ATK 2500 / DEF 3000]

Upon his arrival, a strange event suddenly occurred that even surprised Genesis.