In Loguetown.

The following day, I woke up next to the same dumpster. After confirming my absurd reality, I examined my head wound from yesterday to notice it was almost finished healing.

The next thing I did was take a deep breath, 'Think calmly, Sei. It's time to gather information."

As a rational person would do, my priority was to gain more knowledge about my circumstances.

Soon I gritted my teeth and walked out of the alley to find a huge town bustling with activities. All kinds of residents, merchants, marines, and inn-keepers were walking about and engaging in business.

Some distance away from me, there was a square like plaza with an execution platform.

"Is that Gol D. Roger's execution platform?!" I blurted.

After being able to read a few more signs, I confirmed that I was surely in Loguetown, the city in the Polestar Islands at East Blue.

This was the place where all East Blue ships, especially pirate ships, pass through to stock up on supplies for the Grand Line. Next, I explored the town for another hour or so, only to return to the alley with the garbage dump I had started with.

So far, I had found out that the year was 1521. This was about one year before Luffy officially began his journey…

The next thing I noticed was that my strength and healing power had been multiplied in this world…

While I was fairly lean for a 20-year old college student from weight lifting and sports, I definitely didn't have this much strength before. Of course, this didn't mean I could lax on my training in this dog eat dog world. I'd probably have to triple or quadruple it in fact.

Finally, I tried to conclude my next course of action. 'Hmm, should I form my own pirate crew? Maybe join the Marines…?'

Beep… Beep…

"The hell?!"

I clutched my head tightly, as a clutter of noise sounded right inside my head.

… In a little while, a screen appeared right in front of my eyes.

[Congratulations, user has been granted a basic status screen by Isekai Services.]

[Updating... updating… User stats updated...]

Notifications appeared on the screen, one after the other. "W-What is this…" I murmured, my voice shaky.

[Updating… 100% Complete]

[Restarting system]

The screen turned blank, and then a list of text appeared on the screen.


Name: Sei


[Strength 15]

[Vitality 16]

[Agility 14]

[Perception 13]

[Willpower 20]

Current Stat Points Available: 10

* Note 'stats' points can be increased naturally by training.

▷Devil-Fruit Power



Total loot boxes available: 1

[Would you wish to open a loot box now?]



The first thing I paid attention to was the 'Isekai services' mentioned at the display screen. It seemed to be the entity responsible for reincarnating me into the 'One Piece' world. I didn't know if I should worship it or hate it yet. But the gift of status screen seemed convenient at least for now.

Next, I stared at the most exciting part of the screen. "Would you wish to open a loot box now."

My face flushed with excitement about the various rewards I may receive. After all, everyone knows that DLC loot boxes in games, which were often unfairly priced, were the ones that gave a player the extra edge he needed to win.

"I want to open the loot box!"

[Command acknowledged… Opening loot box in 3s… 2s…1s…]

Ding-Ding…! [Congratulation, you have received 10 more stat points!]

[Congratulations, you have received the option to consume the Barrier-Barrier fruit! *Note consuming the fruit would cause it to disappear from the canon and make you unable to swim. Would you like to consume the Devil-fruit?]

'I'm sorry Bartolomeo,' I clasped my hands together and prayed for Bartolomeo's well-being. I liked his character to some extent if nothing else; however, refusing free strength without a better plan is just a fool's plan of action.

"Yes." I exclaimed.

[Command acknowledged! Congratulation for obtaining the Barrier-Barrier fruit.]

"What now?"

My eyes flashed in excitement as I waited for the results.

ZZZZ… In some time, my entire body began to tremble. My mind was receiving arcane knowledge at a rapid rate.

Immediately, I felt a connection with barriers unlike anything before. I was now officially a barrier human.

"Gasp, Gasp… That was just…" I looked into sky with a euphoric expression and then continued, "Awesome! I have super-powers now! Ha-ha, I am invincible!"

I began to test out my powers and learn a few things about it. I could now form invisible barriers, though they could resemble a pane of glass at times, that could protect me from attacks from either front or the back.

They could also be used to form solid constructs such as a table or a road. In addition, these barriers also had an upper limit to their surface area.

Another import practical use for these barriers was that they could be pushed around and deflect enemy attacks for offence. The barriers appeared very useful and durable indeed. However, I could only form one at a time.

Overall, these powers were beyond amazing with a long learning curve ahead.


Suddenly, my stomach roared and got me back into reality. I needed to find food already.

Currently, all I had with me was my wallet from the previous world. But all it contained were dollars, not Berrys. I was essentially flat-out broke with no property to my name.

Sighing bitterly at my situation, I allocated 5 points each in strength, agility, vitality, and perception and went looking for a job.

After allocating these points, I felt much more agile and fitter at least.

My tour around the town continued for a while, until I saw a part-time job advertisement.

The advertisement mentioned the need for a laboratory assistant for some Dr. Saul for his chemistry experiments.

Technically, this was the perfect job for me because of my past. I had studied biochemistry in college and experienced working in labs for professors after all

'I wonder if the knowledge in this world differs from what I know.' I rubbed my chin in deep thought.

In time, I got to Dr. Saul's lab at the outskirts of the town. It was a large warehouse with smoke coming out of the chimney.

I knocked on the lab's door and waited patiently.


The door opened and an old man with droop eyes, a large mustache and a grey bowl cut, walked outside. He was wearing a long white coat with two pockets.

"What do you want?" The man asked, his voice impatient.

I handed him the advertisement poster for the job and said, "I'm here for work."

Dr. Saul examined me for a second and then signaled me to come inside.

He made me sit down at a desk, where I could already breathe in the heavy smell from the chemicals he was experimenting with.

"You have 2 hours to finish the test!"

He handed me a test paper and a pen. Then, he left the room.

'Why is it that the first thing I'm doing in the One Piece is taking a test?' A pronounced sigh left my mouth as my focus turned to the paper. I felt like I was back in school again...

Two hours later, Dr. Saul was examining my paper with widened eyes.

"Very articulate thoughts! I didn't even know there was a theory on how life was designed through DNA… even this theory on the periodic table!"

As Dr. Saul went through my paper, his surprise increased further and further. This made me smile wryly and think, 'Damn, I knew I should have held back even more!"

While I was scratching my head with regret, Dr. Saul held my hand and said, "I'll pay you double for being my lab assistant! Do you accept the job?"

"Of course! I need the money!"

Just like that, my training with Dr. Saul began.

I didn't know what I was going to do with my new life yet, but I knew I had to train every day and get stronger.

In this world, I was going to fulfill all my dreams.