Itsy BItsy Spider

I was in a daze, I haven't realize that I was still flying and was getting near the wall.


My body crashed to the wall but luckily it didn't give any damage.

"Hapt!" I gripped a small bulging stone in the wall. I scanned the ceiling wall and I had seen the Giant Cave Spiders slowly crawling over the threads on the cobwebs moving towards my position.

"I still have 3 fire bottles left! A fire bottle would at least kill a Giant Cave Spider but there is still 200s of them! Damn it!"

Kris cursed himself, he didn't know how much spiders would there be so he only had bought 10 fire bottles even if he could buy 15 firebottles, he was short in money that time and he was prepared with the power of his skills and high strength.

But due to the unexpected twist, this would only result in crisis.

'If I could do that again.' He was thinking of doing the spinning attack but he was still unsure if he could properly execute it again.

'I don't have a choice, well practice makes perfect.' I aimed the cable to the position where there where tons of spiders crawling on a thick thread.

Hooot! The cable accurately flew towards the spiders.


It didn't pierce the spider except it had just flew through his body like a hologram and struck to the ceiling wall.


I flew towards the cables direction quickly pulling me near the spiders.

Each thread had at least 10 spiders crawling in unison so when I got my sword in contact on a spider, I had spun nonstop until I had arrived on the ceiling wall.

The result? A complete massacre, anyone who had tried to get in my way had been continuously slashed to pieces.














[+5000 EXP!]

[+5000 EXP!]

[+5000 EXP!]
















I had received 27 levels in an instant giving me a total of 324 status points.

I was also wary about the energy reduction every time I use a cable but with the effect of my passive, it had return back to 100.

I could now see loot drops and coins appear one by one from the spiders remains causing them to fall from a high place.

The thick web threads had also been cut, unbalancing the cobweb causing most of the spiders to fall down the ground.

I returned back the cable and balanced my posture on the thick web thread.

"Finally, loot drops!" I looked at the twinkling coins and items on the ground. But since the Giant Cave Spiders had fell down the ground, they had surrounded the whole floor.

Wriggle! Wriggle!

The thick thread I was standing on began to move.



Level: 240

Type: High-Tier Boss

HP: 500,000/500/000

Nature: Furious

Specialty: Web spit, Poison breath, Body piercer, Web net, Mother's Call, Spider Shield.


Brood Mother

Threat level: Demon

+20% to all status

Brood Mother is a titan sized spider that lives in dark surroundings and only goes out for mating.

It has a huge amount of health, massive damage, strong abilities and has average defense but has slow speed and reaction time due to its heavy weight.

The Brood Mother became enrage and had begun to crawl towards me.

"Shiit!" I couldn't work on my posture because every step with the Brood Mother's limbs to the thread, the string would shake like an earthquake.


It spat large amount of white goo that seems to be a sticky web.

I couldn't evade its since I was also trying to focus on not falling in the ground.


The liquid web struck towards my direction covering my whole body and crashing me towards the wall side sticking like a gum.



- Your bodies movement has been restricted to a minimum and will only break free in 5 minutes.

"Argh! Damn it!" I cursed due to my incompetence. I could hardly move my body and the only thing I could try to move was my hands and feet.

Brood Mother was getting closer and closer. I had to break away from this web constriction quickly if I don't want to be devoured.

I tried to use any type of skill but the only usable one was the spatial inventory.

"It can't be the end!" I blindly scavenge into my inventory to find a specific item.

The spider had close the distance between us and had gaped its mouth ready to chomp the intruder that had solely massacred almost all of its children.

"Finally!" I had grasp on my left hand a round object while something inside seems to be moving every time it was shook.

It was non-other than, the Fire Bottle.

Chink! Booooom!!

I roughly clench the bottle resulting in an explosion.

The mouth of the Brood Mother was engulfed in flames and Kris who was at the center of the blast couldn't be seen due to the smoke.

The explosion's damage had only took 1% of its health similar of being tickled.


The reason for the small damage was because of the 50% resistance against elemental damage.

Hooot! Hooot!

The Brood mother was surprise after seeing two silver strings appear on the clouds of smoke sticking into the ceiling behind her.


"Graaahh!!!" Blood rush boiled in my body. This sensation made him wanted to go all out and just go in frenzy.


Kris' body spun vertically hitting Brood Mother's head, grazing up to her back.









This scene made Kris turned into a spinning wheel; rolling over Brood Mother's upper body while leaving deep lines of blade causing green blood to flow out of it.

Every spin cost 15 energy totalling to 60 energy costs addition with the two cables meant that I had consumed a total of 70 energy in one go.

Fortunately, I had received a miniscule amount of energy of 20 points adding up to only 50 energy leaving only half of my original energy but this was still lacking if I wanted to continue this type of tactic.

"Sadly, its still not enough but I believe I can still do this!"

After Kris arrived at the ceiling, he observed the Brood Mother's next act.


When she had received the irritating scratch, Brood Mother cried and called his children.

The Giant Cave Spiders crawling on the ground floor began to shoot out web ropes sticking over the cob web where their mother stayed.

Then when they arrive at her side, they began to swarm her body and stick there like another layer of her skin.

This weird procedure was the effect of one of her specialties: Spider Shield, whereas Brood Mother would command her subordinates to cover every part of her body and act as a defense by receiving the damages inflicted to her.

But there was a saying, "Too much precaution can benefit the enemy."( An ethnic Filipino saying of the people of Mindanao).

"Yes! Do that! Your just turning yourself into multiple targets!" Kris laughed at the scene he was witnessing, he couldn't care less if she had doubled her defense.

The only thing Kris is glad about was that he could keep on using Spinning Slash to his heart's content without worrying about the energy consumption since the spiders on its body could be used as his own energy bags.


Brood Mother positioned herself facing towards Kris who was hanging who was hanging on the ceiling.


She opened her mouth releasing gush of green clouds of smoke.

It is also another specialty of hers: Poison Breath.

If the smoke covers a person's body, the person's skin, muscle tissues and bones would rot, killing it.

If inhaled, a dangerous poison would quickly spread through the body, paralyzing and killing the person but for my case, it was non other than a mediocre skill.

Due to one of the effect of Karkavos' Blessings, I could fully resist poisoning and all types of debuffs.



"That won't work on me!" Hooot! Kris shot his cable to the wall.

He then flew to the side of Brood Mother's bulging body and when passing over it, he would spin multiple times not only killing the spiders sticking on that area, also penetrating on her foreskin taking damage.










[+280 HP]

[+330 HP]




That one cable had dealt massive amounts of damage benefitting not only levels in each kill of spiders and raising my skill proficiency, I had also used the effect of Spinning Slash's debuffs which reduce 2% of defense every time I could deal damage stacking up to a maximum of 20 stacks.

The spell had its use also since every time I'd deal damage, my health would regenerate instantly depending on how much percentage it has.

"Shall we keep this up!" Before Kris could approach the wall, he had retrieved the cable back to its projector and made a quick glance at the Brood Mother's position to determine the next direction of his attack.

Hooot! Slash! Hooot! Slash!

Kris continued this process for 5 minutes.

The Spider Shield's effect had almost worn out and the Brood Mother's HP had went to 15%


She cried and screamed in anguish.

She had now emitted a very ferocious pressure. Her black colored body had turned white and the green patterns on her body has turned red while her humongous body shrank sizing her up to a medium sized vehicle.


New status buffs:

-50% defense

+100% movement speed

+40% damage

-50% weight

Duration: 10 minutes


Its previous shrieky voice had become deeper releasing murderous aura.

"Shit! This is what I'm afraid of!" Kris feared Boss monsters every time they health went to a critical state since they would go in berserk mode. They would become stronger by ten folds but if the duration ends, they would be weakened by also ten folds.

Kris plan was to retreat for now and wait until her berserk state ends before he could finish her off but due to her fast movement speed, escaping from her grasp might be an impossible task.


Brood Mother swiftly chase me by sprinting around the threads on the giant cobweb.

While in pursuit, she would continuously spit sticky webs trying to restrict my movements.

"Hapt! Halt!" But with the years of experience, I could now easily fend off projectiles so it was jot a big problem but the hassle was is because she was getting closer and closer and i couldn't keep up with since my energy would run out.

But only then I realized that she only travels using the threads on the cobweb.

'I see...' Kris had a very wise plan in mind. Kris began to change his direction by moving to the sides of the cave.

Every time he comes along with a thread attached to the wall, he would cut it off using his swords.

This had effectively slowed the Brood Mother down and the giant cobweb had slowly collapse.

Until the last thread was cut off, the giant cobweb along with Brood Mother fell down the ground.

Brood Mother had now realized that her Berserk state was now ending and would use this chance o flee away after reaching the ground.

Of course Kris knew this so he retrieve back the cables struck on the wall and use his killer skill.

"Pierce throat." With that command, he disappeared and reappeared above Brood Mother.

He could see her 8 eyes staring at him like it had faced death itself.


The two swords had pierced Brood Mother's head.

I gripped the handle tightly pushed the swords deeper to her head until it would go through.

The edge of the blade went through the skull over the mouth carrying the brain out.

It had depicted a spider puking its own brain out.


This scene was very bloody yet satisfying to Kris.

Thud! Ding!

Accompanied by the heavy thud when he had reached the ground, he was greeted by countless of window messages.