Guardian's Guard

The stranger who had just appeared was the 3rd top ranked player in the game and is one of the legendary classed players.

Javelin God, Lennon.

He had been called by different names due to his great achievements. Flaming Spartan, Devil's Enlightment, Defendor of 2 kingdoms, etc.

He became widely famous all over the world because of being a strong and silent type person. He would only spoke few words and show everything else by actions.

His javelin, Earth's heart was his reward for his impossible achievement, killing a Dragon. The king of the sky.

His party solely defeated this legendary being that could even massacre a kingdom with just its presence itself.


'Shit!' Kris struck two cables over two buildings, flying away from the blazing javelin.

Hooot! Hooot!

He dashed away but what surprise him was that the blazing javelin went in pursuit and quickly followed his movements and slowly catching up.

"For fuck sake!" After he had placed 2 cables, he placed another cable in front of him instantly changing his direction to right.

The javelin advanced a bit forward but quickly change its direction and returned in pursuit to Kris.

'How about this?!' After going right, he placed another cable in the southwest direction to his perspective pulling him to the opposite direction.


The javelin advanced too much and blasted over building wall.

"Phew!" Kris successfully escaped to the borderlands and went back to the Black Forest.


"I missed." Lennon spoke with his low voice. He looked at his fist then the javelin appeared right back to his right hand.

"Awww... cheer up Lennon, its not like you could accurately hit a flying cockroach that has been grasping for its life." A little girl in bunny suit childishly spoke.

"Sire, do you want me to chase him?" A man wearing a robed cloak and his body was wrapped in bandages knelt in front of Lennon.

"Hahaha! It seems that someone has been able to match the speed of your javelin thrust!" A tanned muscular guy wearing a bandana on his head while he wore a full set of heavy armor and wielded a great sword that has the length of his own height brashly spoke.

"Hmmm....Lennon that man seems to have a very unique type of weapon. Arrowed cable seems to shoot every time he presses a small button on his sword's handle. That arrowed cable also doesn't deal any damage if pierced through an enemy but only acts as a tool for flying. But to look at it, that man could doesn't seem to have a stamina, not only was he spinning nonstop every time he contacts with a target, he could even teleport to a specific target, instantly killing it. It be because of that weapon or he had receive a hidden class." A lean man in glasses wearing blue and white silk robe while he held a wooden staff on his right arm.

"Its okay Shin" He spoke to the man who was kneeling on the ground. Lennon look at the roof where Kris stood and returned back.

"What will we do with this corpses? It feels wrong to leave them here." The bunny girl made a cute pout and sat on Lennon's broad shoulders.

"Stop sitting on my shoulder Nana."Lennon spoke after seeing that Nana had sat on his right broad shoulders.

"Awww....fine! By the way what will we do with that guy?" Nana pointed with his bunny suit finger to a shadow hidden in a barrel.

"Ah its okay! I don't mean harm!" Terry jumped out from his hiding place after finding out that Nana had just found him.

"Arent you that adventurer guy streamer?" Nana asks, also Lennon had stopped and gaze at Terry. Nothing could be seen behind the helmet only a pitch black of nothingness and on the eye part was only a red flaming eye staring unto Terry's soul.

"Gulp! I had actually come here also for the quest and to my audience sake. It was just a coincidence that the Fantastic 5 had come here personally." Terry couldn't help but sweat, he felt so uncomfortable talking to Nana while Lennon stared at him.

"Oh! Did you get that moment where brother Lennon threw that blazing javelin to that guy! Isn't that part cool!" Nana showed glimmering huge eyes while forming a very cute smile.

"Aahh... yes crystal clear! Well then, it was nice to encounter huge celebrities in such weird place so I'll be going now." Terry smiled and began to walk away in faster pace than Lennon.

"What will we do with this corpses? It feels wrong to leave them here." The bunny girl made a cute pout while looking at the corpse that had their body parts separated.

"I, Pablo! Will do this job!" The man in robe began to whirl his staff. Light glowed on to the staff's head causing the bodies to float on air while also glowing the same light as the staff.

The bodies dispersed into pixies, floating above the sky to the heavens.

"Done!" Pablo smiled in satisfaction and also walked away. The scene of the bloody battle had return to its original state.

"Tsk,tsk,tsk! That fugitive is lucky that Lennon didn't have a bad mood." The muscular tanned guy furrowed his head and also went back.

"Brad, wait!" Shin called out to the muscular man who was about to go back.

"What is it?" Brad stopped his movement and looked at Shin with a confusing look.

"I feel a sense of guilt after seeing that master Lennon had missed a shot to some amateur and I wanted to remove that guilt by killing that fugitive myself." Shin clenched the two daggers on his hands while expressing an angry look.

"Dude, your getting out of bound here, if he really did want to kill that fugitive, he should've chase him from ends of he earth but you see, he just did a warning shot to alert that guy to never miss with us again. Let's just go and shake this off by killing some minotaurs." Brad was about to go but Shin refrained.

"No! I won't let anyone play with my master! Don't worry, I'll just kill him back to level 0" Shin leaped up on the roof and travelled in a very fast rate.

"Well suit yourself, but if Lennon calls you, you should answer it!" He wave Shin farewell and returned.

'I feel sad for that guy. Well it his fault for messing with Lennon.' He thought of it as an amusement.


'Damn, why was Lennon there? Thank god I escaped if not I'd be killed by him back to zero'

It was normal to not mess with the strong but Lennon was different, his grudge was so strong that he won't stop on killing you until he gets satisfied.

'Finally I'm here.' Kris lightly dropped on the ground and was greeted by the trio who was eagerly waiting for him outside the cave's entrance.

"Your okay, thank god!" Zando patted his back.

"Here this is his head." Kris brought the sack to Stan and they openly receive it.

"Hmmm... it is his head. Thank you Kris." Stan gave a light smile that his vengeance had now been removed from his heart and head.



+3 Levels

Affinity with the trio has went to max!

Guard Icon has now been unlocked!


Let's you call out your personal guards. If they accept the call, they will be instantly teleported to the user's side.

Usable if both the guard and the user is in the same continent.

Cooldown: 3 hours after the guard has been called.






'Very nice! Now I can finally feel a sense of relief.'


Your level has reached 300!

Guardians can now detect your location, if they mean harm, they will try and kill you.

You can also detect Guardians, information will be given if the guardian is in 1 kilometer range.

"Ah shit!"His relief quickly change to despair.

"Master!" The trio's spoke in unison then began to kneel in front of me.

'This must be the effect of maximum affinity for a maximum loyalty!'

"We will pledge our life with you master!" Zando spoke.

"It is good to serve a master thatÀa is truly worthy and there is nobody more worthy than you master!" Jeremiah spoke.

"I Stan, will stand hand to hand with my master in battle even to the cost of my life just to ensure my master's safety!" Stan placed his right hand to his left chest while spoking his pledge.

"Well then I as your master will ensure first your own safety, because I as a guardian will not let my guards be in vain!"

They felt a sense of happiness after hearing Kris' own words and knew that they will never regret serving such rightful person that has a very high ingenuity