Guardian's Role

"For now, I have a mission for the three of you." Kris rose them from their knees.

"What is it master?" They asked in unison.

"I will be going far away and I'll be back for a year or so, starting today, I want you all to train and get stronger, I have high hopes for all of you!" Kris spoke with confidence. Though he didn't look confident but they had understood and just went with the flow.

They felt bad that they won't be seeing each other for a year but they also feel a sense excitement. Travelling around the world, finding new things and fighting strong enemies, this burned them in enticement and a sensation similar to pleasure.

"Okay, we will do it but if you come across danger, don't hesitate to call us!" Stan spoke in a sense of pride and predicament.

Kris and the trio chose different directions. The trio wanted to travel and explore the unknown while Kris wanted to get stronger and discover more of the secrets of a Guardian.

"Player Status." Kris recalled his window status. He had to find out how much stronger he had become after finishing the quest.



Level: 300

Class: Guardian to the World, 10th seat

Strength: 4342

Vitality: 1865

Agility: 1210+200

Intelligence: 865

HP: 9325

Energy: 120/120

Base Damage: 4342 (×1.3)

Defense: 932.5

Tenacity: 186.5%

Evasion: 141%

Attack speed: 2.41 hits/sec

Movement speed: 1410+100

Cooldown Reduction: 8.65%

Insight: 8.605%

Status points: 40

"Hmmm... it seems that I have earned about 1442 strength!"

He sighed at this amount of strength.

He looked at the bottom right corner of his vision and saw a helm icon. It was glowing in red that seems to be saying to press it. Kris of course couldn't press it since it was on his vision and not on a window panel.

He focused his gaze on the glowing helm icon and pop! A window notification appeared in front of him.



Gutalac City has beeen raided by a necromancer and is trying to make it its own city of undead.

Defeat the necromancer before emery citizen becomes an undead.


+100 gold

+500 merits


It was the guardian effect: The guardian's role. If he was to accept it and successfully defended the quest, he'd get merits which let's him rose on his ranking position on the guardian seat. Though he still didn't know who where on the guardian seat and how many merit points they had accumulated, it was still a feasible theory that he had to accept this quest to be able to learn more about his class as a guardian.

"I'lvl accept!" He didn't hesitate to fulfill the quest. Although it was hard to find out the quests difficulty, but with alone a necromancer meant that it was going to be very difficult.

A necromancer is being that has been corrupted by darkness and evil. They are able to summon undead that range from skeleton to death knight.

They have a very high magic damage but the overall status of them was mediocre meaning it would be easy to fight them.

Their strength only relies on their summons but the weak point is the summoner itself.

Kris had fought against necromancer a long time ago, he had to fight against a necromancer, it was a level 200 mid-boss. It was half man half skeleton, it summoned hundreds of skeletons and its trump card was its death knight.

Though the summons that had no brain and only move against their master's orders didn't gave any experience, the high tiered monsters like ghouls, lich, and death knight are the only summons that could give experience.




A white light began to cover on Kris body then after it had cover his body, the light flash before his eyes.

He was blinded by the flash and after opening his eyes, he saw somewhat a city being destroyed.

People panicked and ran away or try to hide, zombies, ghouls, skeletons and undead animals spread everywhere trying to eat humans. Bodies of people in the ground eaten alive by the undead, their guts and insides burst out from their bodies and began to be fed by groups of zombies. The man screamed in pain but couldn't, the zombie had bit and pulled his tongue causing his own blood to spray unto his face.

After the bodies where left, half of it had already been left as bones while guts still left intact but had been gruesomely crumbled.

A very lean man full of wrinkles that made him look very old but his voice was of an adolescent walked in the place.

His long gray hair blew along with the wind. He makes a cynical laugh after seeing the bloody field resting onto the ground. Rings of different forms placed unto his hands and after aiming his skeletal 0hand onto a corpse, its soul would be extracted to the rings while its body began to stood. It walked slowly like an old sick elder and moaned a deep tune that doesn't seem to go with his body's melody.

The man did this every time he comes across a dead body.

Kris stood in the middle of the bloody field. A zombie began to inspect and saw that the man in a black robe while his face was cover in a dark cloth was a human so he went and try to eat his next food.


The sword on Kris' hand cut off the head of the zombie turning it into dust.



[+2500 EXP]

It didn't give off much experience as expected of low levelled undead.

'That guy must be the necromancer' Kris gazed towards the lean man who had been continuously extracting souls of the corpses and turning them into undead.

'For now, I need to save all the remaining survivors.' Kris inspected his surroundings, he saw that there were still a 100 survivors and most of them were hiding on their homes.

'I need to protect the women and children first though I don't like this idea but most people would.' Kris was not the type to prioritize the feminine gender against his.

Hooot! Hooot!

Kris flew towards a woman who was about to be eaten by groups of zombies. After getting in contact with the woman, he suddenly spun killing the zombies that had chased her and also the woman into pieces.

'Oh fuck! I forgot!' He felt sorry for the woman he had just mercilessly killed, he had just realize that the effect of his skill doesn't determine between an enemy and allow so it was a huge problem if he was to save all the survivors.

It would also be useless if he was only to sprint and save the survivors one by one, while he was to save a survivor another survivor would be killed.

There were also some survivors on tall buildings, if he was to save them by running up the stairs, it would talk handful amount of time so he really had to use his projector if he was to save most of the survivors.

'The knights haven't arrive yet, how could they leave a city massacred by an evil necromancer? Do they have any plans or does they purposely done this for some goal that I'm to dumb to find out?' He still haven't known what place he had transported to, there should have been players around but not one could be found.

'I don't have a choice do I?' His only choice was to fight the necromancer face on. When he was still a dual wielder class, he had fought against necromancer, the necromancer he had killed where skeleton that was half devil and half undead so he had an idea on how to face them but his opponent was different, it was a human.

'Lets face this shit head on!' Kris placed two cables over the direction of the necromancer.

Hooot! Hooot!

"Khuekhuekhue! What is this? A string?" The necromancer stared at the string in front of him that was struck onto a wall. He looked at the source of the string and saw that a dark figure coming close to him.

"Khuekhekhue!! An assassin dares to hurt me!? King of the undead, Kradarko!? You must be courting me! Death!" With a flick of his hand, a giant skeletal hand arose from the ground as means of shield.



Level: 390

HP: 100,000/100,00

Type: Intermediate Boss

Specialty: Arise, bone thorn, Rise of the undead, death grip, undead bind, wrath of the dead, Un-Dead, Bone Giant, rotten gas, necromancer's territory.

Kassel is a 5th tier mage and was the wise king of a kingdom. He was amplified by a curse causing him to go psycho, he had lust corpse and began to kill all of his people and turning them into undead. He wants to get stronger and make an empire he can rule that is full of undead. Aside from his very low health and defense for an intermediate boss, all of his other status is at its peak that is why he is given the title as King of the Undead.


King of the Undead, Karkavos

Threat level: Phoenix

+60% to all status

'Shit!' He couldn't accurately fly because of the window panel on his view and was slammed to the skeletal hand.

The skeletal hand clumped restricting Kris' movement.

"Khuekhuekhue! This hand will slowly tighten until your body turns into pulp of blood!" Karkavos looked at the floating skeletal hand who had grabbed Kris in amusement, he knew that Kris would be dead any time but then.

Cracks began to form on the skeletal hand then crack! The skeletal hand broke into pieces.

"Oh! Khuekhuekhe! You are able to destroy my defense! I see you will be a fun opponent. If you die, I'm going to turn your body into a lab rat and experiment it to make stronger summons!"