Shake and Rattle

'I'm actually back here, Ugh! Something's coming!' Kris could feel a fading of energy that comes out from life forms slowly moving towards his direction from every radius of his view point.

'Lets see... Hapt!' Kris let out a heavy puff and focused his senses.

'A player? No, a bunch of them!' He was bummed out on why would players pursue him and landed on a thought.

'Did they know that I was hiding here?' He thought that they were still chasing him for a bounty record as a criminal.

Kris' name icon was still flourished in crimson red because the duration of him hasn't finished yet so he needed to avoid crowded places to avoid getting killed for ransom.

'I should change my identity before they get here.' Quickly, Kris opened the settings of his mask.


DEATH MASK lvl 1 (0%)


PLAYER lvl (0%)

Human [MALE]

Human [FEMALE]

NPC lvl 1 (0%)

Human [MALE]

Duration: 90 hrs

Cooldown: 24 hrs

Human [FEMALE]

Duration: 90 hrs

Cooldown: 24 hrs


MONSTER lvl 1 (0%)

Skeleton [WARRIOR]

Skeleton [ARCHER]

Skeleton [MAGE]

Skeleton [ASSASSIN]

-If you change into a monster, depending on its type, you will have their traits activated as a monster.

- If you get killed as a monster, your penalty will be doubled.

- Killing players or NPC as a monster doesn't affect as a penalty and;

- Experience will be gained when killing players but original exp will be halved.

Notice that after changing your appearance, your status will not be affected.

- If you deactivate it even if there still a counting of the duration, the Cooldown will be expanded twice depending on how much the duration is wasted.

- The cooldown will start after the duration stops or cancelled.

That was all the information on the mask. He was a bit bummed out since he expected that after changing his appearance the effect would last depending on how long the user wants but he realize that this was not some type of easy game that you could get anything you want like picking stones on the ground.

'What should it be? A player? No, its too dangerous. How about an NPC? Wait, they might trail me thinking that I'd give a quest!' He scrolled down the options of the each mobs he could turn into. And one of them piqued his interest.

'A skeleton assassin!'


A nimble type of skeleton that has a weak defense but has high damage.

Skeleton Form.

- Base health will decrease by half.

- Defense (PHYSICAL/MAGICAL) will decrease by half

- Agility will be doubled

- Fatality and Critical increased by 30%

- Tenacity will decrease by half.

- Buff potions will have no effect.

- Cursed type skills will give buffs.

'The penalty is a bit worrisome but this will be a gamble.'


"Look! There is someone there!" A player shouted and pointed out to a dark figure just to his limit of his vision.

'Shit their here!' Kris could detect the players quickly dashing towards him. He accurately pin pointed out that there were at least a 100 of them.

"Change into skeleton."




- Status has changed along with the trait.



Level: 309

Class: Guardian to the World, 10th seat

Strength: 4878+500

Vitality: 1865

Agility: 3630+200+1000+(50%)

Intelligence: 865

HP: 4663

Energy: 120/120

Critical: 53.78%+(30%)

Fatality: 53.78%+10%+(30%)

Base Damage: 5378(×1.3)+10000+10000+2689

Defense: 932.5+10000+2450+466.3-(50%)

Tenacity: 183.5%-(50%)

Evasion: 141%+20%+100%

Attack speed: 4.830 hits/sec

Movement speed: 1410+100+500

Cooldown Reduction: 8.65%+20%

Insight: 8.605%

Status points: 150

"Amazing!" He was shocked on his status and couldn't help but blink twice. His outer appearance had change into a skeleton but his limbs had lengthened by 1 foot. He felt his body so light as a feather and his senses was fully aware of the situation.

The players crowded Kris and readied their weapons.

"A skeleton?" A player who was in front of Kris stared at his appearance and could clearly see the skeletal body standing still like a statue.

"Careful! It might a special type skeleton, mage check his status." A Knight called out the mage in the rear and checked its status.

"Yes sir, Keokuk!?"






"What is it?" The knight asked the mage who was sweating like crazy.

"I can't appraise it." The mage said.

"No way! How high is your inisght?"

"Its already 10% and I could easily appraise boss monsters but this monster is different!"

"Yes his right, I also can't appraise it and my insight is 2% higher than his." A druid classed player replied.

"Keep distance! We don't know what this creature could do so prepare your buffs." The knight ordered everyone. Even if they were all strangers, they had the similar idea to back out and be cautious.

The support classes buffed the tanks who were in front while the swordsmen readied their weapons. The marksmen charged their bows aiming it at the the stiff skeleton.

The mages had also placed their powerful area effect skills while the other ones chanted in advance their cc skills.

"How high is its level?" The knight who was now their temporary leader asked.

"Its level 309."

'Its lower than I thought. I'm level 320 and most of them should be in the levels of 250 and up, this shouldn't be such a hard fight.' The knight said to himself.

"Hey! Isn't it weird that not only it doesn't move, we should've receive like a window alert if we are facing a special type boss."

"Yeah, he's right."

"We still don't know of this okay, so that's why we had to prepare." The knight replied with a brash tone.

"Sigh, since this skeleton haven't move, we should takes this opportunity to attack. Now, charge your spells!" The knight yelled out an order.

In unison, the players cast their spells simultaneously, all crashing through the skeleton.

They were sure that that would be enough to kill the skeleton but they were still making precautions in advance.

Boom! Boom!





Continues of explosion clash through the area which was standing. The surrounding were now covered with after smokes from the barrage of skills and waited for the smoke to vapor out.

"Cough! Cough! Did we defeat it?" A player ask while covering his nose from the thick smoke.

The smoke disappeared in a moment. They saw that the skeleton was nowhere to find and they thought that he was dead for sure.

"We did it! Wait! There's no loot drop!" The knight yelled out and alerted everyone before they could make a deep sigh.

"Holy sh*t! Where is the skeleton?" Thy began to scan their surroundings but thy couldn't sense any moving footprints.

"Heh, it might have actually died. Kuok!?" A warrior swallowed his words after seeing a blade penetrating through his chest. He coughed up blood and slowly attract his gaze behind him.

"M-monster..." The words came out from his mouth was enough to tell what was Kris.

The void eye sockets stared at his eyes yearning for death. He disappeared in ash without even getting to fight.

"The-there!" A player pointed out the skeleton.

They were all getting shivers on their spine after witnessing an instant death without them knowing.

Actually, before they could barrage their attacks, Kris had used Shadow Teleport to near player just in time to make an ambush.

"Attack again! And don't stop!" The knight ordered everyone and the long ranged players began to attack without care. They also charged with the melees while the MTs defended the forefront.

But then again, Kris disappeared in thin air causing the melees to stop in action.

"Whe-where did it go?" They where shaking in fear and their eyes stared at different directions.

They began to encircle through each other hoping that they could defend their supports and long ranged but then.


A dark figure appeared in the middle of the circle. The figure's sword was now covered in pitch black mist. The players still didn't know that what they were trying to avoid was already on their behind.

'Tornado slash!' The figure spun his swords horizontally slashing down all of the supports and mages.

After the long ranged could react, the wound on their body had turned to a black gush of liquid that poisoned their insides.

Shortly, their bodies decomposed and died causing black blades of waves to spread through the circle.

"Khuak! What is this!" The players hardly believed that situation and tried to avoud the waves but the amount of waves flying out was quadruple the amount of the previously killed players.

The inner players which were the marksmen where all hit by the waves of blades and similarly died also having their bodies decomposed leaving a spread of a second waves of blade now hitting all of the swordsmen and other damage type melees.

"Khuaaak! This is madness!!"

"Somebody! Help me!"

They were all screaming in pain because of the collusive damage they were receiving.

'' The leader knight knelt on the ground after getting hit by continues waves. He couldn't define what was happening was real and crippled in despair.

They left clashing waves of blades know hitting the tanks that was their source of defense but even with their high defense and tenacity, they couldn't cope up with the continuous damage they received. Some had endured it but the side effect gave them curse debuffs resulting to their inevitable deaths.


"That was wicked sick!" Kris shuddered after seeing this moment. He was scared on what he could do to players and shivered on his own prowess.

Everything happened in an instant and the effect of the shadow blades caused a deadly chain reaction.

Now Kris had became a deadly boss of the Black Forest and became a talk between the players in the world also becoming a pique of interest among the unified rankers.