A Piece of Rubbishness

The Pitch Coffins expeditionary had been a failure. They left the perimeter leaving only the immobile Kris.

From Kris's Vicinity, he waited until they completely disappear after he'd try to move. It would be a problem if they'd learn that they were just tricked on thinking that they're assumptions were correct.

Until then, Kris dashed down back to the heart of the forest before logging out. He still had to check if the items he placed on the market were all sold so he could quickly buy the map so he could disappear from this forest once and for all.



"Ugh! That was just great, finally I could escape from this shit hole as a "Special Boss Monster.""

Kris then walked out from his capsule and sat on his chair quickly browsing the computer.

Just as what expected, a notification on his account had send the money he had earned.

"Good! Let's see how much I got!" He pressed his accounts setting and check the entirety of the money.



Bank Account

P149,000 ($2980)

"A hundred thousand!?"Kris exclaimed. He had never seen this much money in his life. He didn't expect it to go up this much since it were all epic rated items.

It seems that equipment are badly needed by average players. Since the players on the game are getting more and more, the average capacity of hunting spots are slowly becoming lesser and lesser.

So this will result to a loss in experience and equipments from the players and this will be hard for them to catch up to players who are now reaching leaps and bounds.

We don't know what the developers are thinking but all we know is that they're not just gonna sit and wait until their game goes to the brink of crashing.

The actual price to Kris's items were tripled meaning he'd still have much money for him. He could use this cash either to pay for his tuition for school if he ever wanted to return or give this money to his parents to pay to the loan sharks.

"This is amazing! Well I'll just settle down the money for now and I should focus on levelling up so I can meet doc."


Here in Seville Kingdom, a giant house could be seen in the central park. In front of its gate, there lie a black banner that had a picture of a coffin while swords are implanted in the background.

This was the symbol of Black Coffins and as you know. This house is their base from this Kingdom.

8 gloomy players entered the house and sat down their perspective chairs on a long table used for meeting. They looked like they are having a bad day until a man dash through the door cheerfully greeting the players.

"Hahaha! Your back from the expedition? It must have been an easy one since your a bit earlier than what expected!" The man smiled and sat on the opposite end of the table which looked like the seat of the leader. He wore a light silver chest plate and a blue leather shirt, he partnered it with a blue torso which also had light silver armors embedded on the leg and knee parts. His boots looked like a normal type worn by a novice player while two short swords are pressed on his back lining an X. His face was of an average guy, other than his trimmed beard and black hair, there wasn't special about his facial figures.

Yes, he was non other than Roland, the Captain of Pith Coffins clan. His playful demeanor and cheerful look enlightened some of the members.

His appearance looked a bit very average and it doesn't seem to fit him as a leader but don't let this fool you. He had actually use a concealment item to hide the actual him. The only people that had saw his actual appearance is his fiancé and some other close friends.

"How did the expedition go? You seem to be gloomy. Did the monster escape?" Roland asked the members near him.

"Well, the monster didn't escape, it didn't even try to. Its just that it was a failure" Draven said pressing both his index finger.

"Oh? Why was it a failure? Sylvia, is it true?" Roland looked at Sylvia with his blue and deep eyes.

"U-uhmmm, yes actually. The reason it was a failure because, the new monster is too strong that it single handedly defeat one of our elite member without a use of a skill." Sylvia was scared after contacting with Roland's eyes. She answered stuttering and swallowed her dry saliva.

"Oh, no wonder one of the seat are empty." Roland replied looking at the empty seat.

"B-but! We did manage to get some clues."

"And what is it?"

"We learned that it is a territorial type of monster, and is fully resistant to any type of debuffs."

"Woah really?! A monster that is resistant to all debuff skill. That's new, well why did you return so early and got this little of a clue?"

"Well, we don't want to lose more teammate and we though that retreating would be a good decision." Sylvia answered. She was scared shitless to Roland since she had long known of his true colors.

"So?" Roland's intimate self had become serious. His aura and pressure flowed out murdering intent on which cause all of the players on theur seats to shut their mouths and stare down the ground.

"We-We needed s-stronger reinforcements so we can assure that we'll get a g-good outcome o-on this expedition." Sylvia was stuttering all over. He couldn't help but swallow large amount of dry saliva.


They all simultaneously swallowed their nervous saliva waiting for Roland's answer. His aura was spreading all over causing everyone to feel a shiver down their spine.

"Well then! Why didn't you say so? I haven't gotten out for a while and it looks like this will be a good thing for me to release some stress. I have been buried with paper works you know and this might affect my head to be retard-dead hehehehe, get it because retard and dead?"

"Hahahahaha, that's really funny!"

"I couldn't agree more."

"Yeah! Retard-dead! You know like hahahaha!"

They all made sarcastic laughs even though the joke was kind of a nonsense and cringey but this help them relieve a sigh. Finally they could get a breather and could live for another day.

"Well then! Let's not wait for Tempest! I'll punish him later."


Their body shudder after hearing those words, they thought that Roland would just let this go but no he wouldn't. Roland's punishment was not any normal type, if you'd get punished, you'd either wish you were dead or force yourself to delete your account.

"What are you dazing there? C'mon! Let's go!"

They all paused for a moment and continued on exiting after hearing Roland's call as sweat covering their entire body.


"Shit! The auction is almost over!" Kris sweared out after seeing that the item he wanted to buy was already on its end. Only five minutes left before the items gets a deal.


P- 90,570~

"Buy for 100,000!"


P- 100,000~

Someone would still willing to but it at a high order and it wasn't weird that the price would still go high but Kris didn't care about it. He'd want to buy it if its the last thing he'll ever do.

P- 105,000~

"Buy for 120,000!"

P- 120,000~

going once-

going twice-


With that in hand, the auction had stop and Kris had successfully bought it. Who would've waste a hundred thousand for a map that even has 20% chances of finding it. No one would do such reckless acts but Kris had done it.

"Lets return!"

Kris logged in back to the game and quickly opened his inbox.


Blurred out Map of Agatha

Rate- Common

Type: Map

A weird map that seems to have been wet to a reason that some of its parts are blurred out. The map's hard to tell which direction to go and if sold, it would be a good for nothing paper scrap.

"It really is just a worn out map." Kris sighed, he never thought that thus was no less a piece of paper. The only thing peculiar about it is the grid lines marked in weird directions. If it was the direction to the dungeon, the player would have been long lost and even if I were to let a cartographer appraise this map, he wouldn't even try to check it out and just conclude it as a piece of rubbishness.

"Sigh, let's just go to Agatha Cave, I might get more clues there." Luckily for Kris, from Black Forest to Agatha Cave, you'd need to walk for an hour to reach there but for Kris, his speed was quadruple the amount of a player that is equal to his level.

When Kris was about to dash out, he felt a strong presence dashing through his direction accompanied with a couple familiar sensation.

"Their back this quickly? And who did they brought now? Did they ask a ranker to help them? Well, bring anyone you want, I'll crush them to pieces!" Kris refrained, but what he didn't know that, the fight he'll face head on will place him to a near death situation.