Friends ?

I realized that I can't give up on making friends after the first day. when my dad read to me, the stories always started off bad but they always got better in the end. I need to give school another chance.

I went down stairs after my dad called me for breakfast. He helped me get ready. Then he walked with me to school. he left right after I was in front of my school.

I walked into class and saw that everyone was already play with the toys. I sat down near a box full of blocks and started to build a tower.

the group of boys from yesterday came and sat down next to me. He knocked down my tower, I was annoyed.

Then he said with a smile on his face, "hey do you want me to be your friend."

I started to get excited, all my annoyance disappeared, I was right giving school a second chance. I of course said "yes!" After I said yes all the boys in the group started to smile.

Then the boy said that we could be all be friends. If I let them come to my house to play.

Then we started to play together. I would build a tower and they would knock it down.

we played until ms.P started to teach us the alphabet and how to count to twenty, things I already knew.

After school we all left together, they all called there parents and told them they were going to a friends house, and also sent them my address.

I was surprised when the one who came to pick my up was my uncle and not my dad.

The tallest of my new friends Billy said "wow you and your dad look so alike."The other boys both nodded there head in agreement.

My uncle then quickly introduced himself as my uncle. we all walked to my house. My new Friends were all amazed by how big it was.

Then Billy with a surprised expression on his face asked "are you rich?"

I didn't answer the quetion.

When I brought them all into my house, they all had shocked faces. Everyone but uncle Alex of course.

I didn't know what they wanted to do, as it was my first time having friends.

uncle Alex said " why don't you give them a tour. so I showed them the living room, the kitchen, the game room, the exsersise room, the leisure room, the basement, the bathrooms, the guestroom, then I showed them my bedroom.

Billy ran to my bed and started jumping on it, the other boys join him. My laptop fell to the ground. I quickly piked it up and put it in my drawer.

"hey! what's in that room" said Billy while pointing to the room across the hall from mine, with a curious look in his eyes. It my dad room so I didn't show it to them in the tour.

"I want to go in that room,"said Billy as he slowly walked towards me.

I said "no," but Billy didn't listen to me, and before I could even explain he couldn't go into the room. he had ran into my dad room.

Then I heard a loud scream"ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"


Today I didn't pick up Angel because. I had to much work to do, I am the boss of a online game company after all. So I only saw Angel message that he was going to bring friend over after the child ran inside my room and started screaming.

Because after that the children all called their parents to pick them up.

Is my face that scary? Sometimes I forget as the only people That see my face these days are my son and my best friend Alex.

Sometime I wish my face never got brunt as a child. Alex said that I should just get plastic surgery, but I'm to scared and it will also take to long.

what happened with my son new friends is also the reason I don't like going outside.

Everything that I need is in this house I can even order food. Oh no I'm taking to myself again.

I have to go and comfort my son now. He doesn't even realise why they got scared.

"uhh!" I said while walking to my son room. I opened the door to see him crying on his bed. He was confused at why his friends were so scared.

I was forced to tell my son the truth. I told him that my face got burnt when I was younger then him, and that why I look so different from every one else.

my son stoped crying and asked me " did it hurt." I told him that "I can't remember when I was that young." I thought, even if I'm only 23 years old.

After my son was happy, I went down stairs to start cooking dinner. I saw Alex just sleeping on the couch. so I made dinner for him as well.


I went to school today with uncle Alex. Dad said he didn't want to come today.

Billy walked towards me as I walked into the class room. Then he said with a facial expression I couldn't recognize,"your dad looks like a monster. Does that mean that your going to grow up to be a monster."

when I got home I was sad, are friends normally like that. My dad didn't even ask me how my day was, he didn't even welcome me home.

I went to sleep not wanting to go to school tomorrow, and wondering why school had to be five days a week.

Dad took me to school today, when I waked into my classroom, a girl walked towards me and said "Is it true that your dad looks like a ugly monster?"

I wonder why someone would ask something like that. I said that "my dad just looks different, but he doesn't look like a monster".Then I told her, "don't ask questions like that because they hurt my feelings."

she apologized with a surprised expression on her face like she just realize that her words could hurt others.

My classmates call me monster or ugly child now.I don't know what I did for them to treat me this way.

I don't like going to school anymore. I'm too scared to tell my dad and I don't know why.

I've been going to school for two weeks now. I don't think I have any friends, And I think am being bullied. My life is just sunshine and rainbows now, no it's the opposite it's clouds and rain.

I called my dad an ugly monster today, he look hurt after I said that so I ran outside the house. I saw Billy he was by himself he started to run across the street. there was a big truck heading in his direction. I ran to save him not thinking about the danger. Dad pushed us out of the way.

Dads head was bleeding and his body didn't look right, and he wasn't even wearing his shoes. I called 911, dad stoped breathing I didn't know what to do the truck kept going until it crashed into our neighbors tree.

Billy was screaming, and I was crying. I hope dad would wake up but he never did.

Me and uncle Alex held a funeral for my dad. Uncle Alex said that "your dad is dead. you will never see him ever again." Billy came and he said "sorry," he said he came to my house to say sorry. my dad died because of an apology. No, he died because of the truck driver.

I found a thick journal in my dad's room the cover was a bit burnt.I put it on my bed. Me and uncle Alex went to hear the reading of dad's will.

In my dad's will he gave everything to me and he hoped that uncle Alex would take care of me if he died. Uncle Alex disappeared after mumbling "I'm too young for this."

Some grown-ups said that they found my mother. I have a mother, they told me they had already talked to her and she said she wanted to take care of me.I was excited for the first time since my dad died.

She moved into what is now my house in a way. she looked like me she had blue eyes too. She smiled at me and started moving her stuff into my dad's room.

she stated to sell all my toys, and all the games in the game room. She didn't even talk to me.

At dinner time after I asked her were dinner was, she spoke for the first time. She said with an annoyed look on her face"cook your own food."

I had toast for dinner that day. I wondered if this was what mothers were like.

I started to read dad's journal the first pages had pictures on them. The first picture was of a forest, the second picture was of a house on fire.

I started to read it. I learnt that my dad grew up in an orphanage, people weren't nice to him there at school people also weren't nice to him. Then the kid like writing stoped and there were paragraphs but I couldn't read them very well. So I used my laptop to read them for me. And also used it to understand some of the words better.

I stayed up all night my mother didn't notice. There was no breakfast ready when I went down stairs so I went back to sleep. I guess I'm not going to school today.