Into the past

Warning: sad

I woke up to my mom calling me down for for dinner. I was excited I didn't have to eat the bread. I brought up stairs earlier for dinner. l ran down stairs. she was smiling at me, I look down to see what looked like soup. Ewww, I thought I don't like soup.

My mother was eating pizza, she pointed at the soup and said"for you."with a wider smile on her face.

I sat down and looked down at the white liquid. I should be happy that she even made me something to eat. I toke a sip of the soup from the over sized spoon she gave me to eat it with. It was the worst soup I have ever had in my life and I think I've lived for a very long time. It was like someone put salt in hot water no other flavor could be detected. It was the nightmare of soup.

She looked at me and said " That is what I think about you, you better eat all my love for you." While she was eating the pizza in my face.

I grab the jus next to me only to realize that it was even Salter. I wanted to cry. I remembered my dad his cooking was way better and his love way tastier, his love wasn't salty.

I looked down at the Poisson and thought of an Idea. Mom "can I eat in my room", I was a genius .

"no" said my mom her face became very scary. She grabbed the Poisson and poured it on my face. It was like time slowed down.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh" I screamed while run around the dining room.

My mom was laughing she looked like a monster in real life to me at that moment.

I ran up stairs to my room, my mom didn't stop me. My face still hurt and I didn't know what to do.

I searched up what to do on my phone it said to put the brunt area in cold water imediantly. I ran to the bathroom.

I didn't know how to put my head in the water and breathe. Then I thought of a shower. I stayed in the cold shower for twenty minutes or more. I realized that I forget my towel when I left the shower I thought of drying myself with my clothing but my clothing had soup on them. So I piked up my clothing and ran to my room that was two doors away.

My face still hurt, is this how my dad felt when he burnt his face.

do I look like dad now. I look at my reflection in the mirror on the wall my face was just a lot redder then it usually was I was a bit disappointed. A small part of me hoped to look more like dad.

I went to bed after eating a piece for bread. Even though I didn't feel like eating any more.

I woke up feeling very hot and uncomfortable. I went down stairs but mom wasn't there.

Ding dong, someone was ringing the door bell I wondered if it was Uncle Alex. I walked to the door and opened it, I saw Billy and his mom. they wonder why I wasn't at school yesterday so the came by to say hi.

I invited them inside. They asked me were my uncle Alex was. I told them how he disapered and how I was staying with my mom now.

Billy's mom noticed I was sick after checking my temperature. she gave me some medicine that was already in my house and made me something to eat.

She cooked lunch too and decided to stay with me until my mom came home. Billy told me about what he leant at school when I wasn't there.

my mom came back home the next morning. Billy and his mom slept over on my bed, it was big enough for all of us.

Billy's mom shouted at my mom for two hours. I felt kind of happy but the happiness didn't last long.

After Billy's mom and Billy left. Mom slapped me so hard that my face still hurt an hour latter and you could see the outline of her hand on my face.

I did the only thing that I knew could comfort me. I read my dad's journal. though it was sad, every time I read the journal it was like he was reading it to me.

I fell asleep dreaming about my dad. Then woke up soon after I fell asleep, it was a nightmare about me caling my dad a monter and him dieing over and over again. I heard my mother's voice in the background saying love is salty too this is my love for you. when I woke up I thought blood is salty too this is my love for you. I could not get the line out of my head. It was catchy in a twisted way.

When I woke up I decided to look up on my laptop if it ok to beat your children because my dad never hit me. The internet gave me mixed results. sometime It ok and some said it's not ok. One person said that you should only call the police if your bleeding. some say it's illegal. Some people say they were happy they got beat. Someone said that I should talk to who is hitting me.

I don't understand the internet. I decided to talk to mom, I wondered why I didn't think of that myself.

"Mom, I want to talk to you." I said after running to what use to be my dad's room.

my mom walked out with a angry look on her face and spat out , "what!"

I felt really scared, but I had to ask her why hit me.

"why did you hurt me," I felt scared and relived at the same time.

She looked at me like I was some kind of lost cause and said, "I hate you! I wish you were never born." Than she closed her door like that explanation was good enough for me.

I was crying, I have never felt so lonely in my whole five years of life, as I walked back to my bed.

Dad is dead, uncle Alex disapered when I needed him most and mom hates me.

I wondered why I was ever born. Maybe if I never existed dad would be alive and happy right now.

When I went to sleep, the words blood is salty too this is my love for you.

Would not leave my mind, it was like a twisted lulaby.

I went down stairs with my dad's journal, only to see my mom. She grabbed my hand and took me down into the basment. She left the basment with that creepy smile of hers.

The basment was empty, the television was gone, the games also gone and, even the Windows were covered with wood.

I tried to go upstairs but the door was locked. I started to panic I hit the door with my hands and sream out as loud as I could, but no one seemed to hear me.

I stop screaming when I couldn't without completely destroying my voice. My stomach rumbled, I was hungry.

"oh no," was the only thing I could say.

Then I remember that I brought my dad's journal with me. I was half way though his journal. Dad at I high school is were I'm now. Even if dad high school life was sad he did have some happy moments.

I fell asleep on the floor it was cold, hard and smelly. Mom never came back that day or the day after. I was so hungry that I could eat my dad journal.

I could smell pizza upstairs, mom seems to like pizza. my stomach rumbled for the first time in what seemed like forever.

I ran up the stairs with energy I never knew I had and started banging on the door. mom opened the door, I tried to run passed her she pushed me I grabbed onto the closest thing, it was mom.We fell down the stairs together head first.

I could fell blood in my mouth, I couldn't move. My last wishs were to see my dad again. I hope we could both have a happy life together. I wanted to punch uncle Alex. If posible take back the last word I said to my dad. I would do anything and be anything so those wish would come true.

I hope that uncle Alex was wrong. I was going to see dad again. from the corner of my eyes I saw dad's journal burst into flames.Then my eyes closed for what I thought was the last time.

I heard the sounds of animal, when I opens my eyes I realized that I was in a forest. Is this what heaven looks like. If it is were is my dad? As soon as I finished thinking that a ball of mud walked in my direction.