
The boy was my dad, does that mean that my grandma was a crazy murderer.This whole situation was crazy. I was happy that I didn't have to find my dad anymore.

We can be together again. Even if my dad was a weirdo. I started crying because I was happy. The boy no, my dad looked confused as he looked at me.

"It's ok I'm here,"he got off his chair to hug me. The policeman looked confused and worried.

"We found a place that would accept the boy," said the policeman with thick eyebrows as he ran into the room.

"We found you a new home," said thick eyebrows, my dad didn't look very happy. I wasn't happy because my dad wasn't happy. Also becase I remembered my dad's journal, and hoped it wasn't the same place. The two police officers realized my dad didn't seem As happy as they expected.

" it's a great places James, you'll find friends and maybe another mommy and daddy." It's weird hearing my dad's name.

"No go!"my dad wasn't having it.

"You have no other options kid" thick eyebrows said that with a scary look on his face. Why does everybody look so scary at this police station?

"I will stay with brother,"the first policeman looked touched. My dad was looking at me and holding my hand as he said those words.

"Sorry James I can't afford another child right now," My dad looked confused as to why the policeman was responding, I was confused too.

what did he have to do with my dad, and affording children?

My dad looked at me again, hoping I could answer that question.

My dad stomach started to rumble again so the policeman with tears in his eyes offered to take him out to eat somewhere. That policeman is so not cool, like the movies.

The policeman took us into this place, I had never seen before and asked my dad what he wanted. My dad pointed at nugget and asked for two.The policeman looked touched again he was sometimes very easy to read.

When the meal came my dad took both boxes of nuggets. The policeman had a surprised look on his face but he went to order more food.

"For you," my dad place a box of nuggets in front of me. I ate them before the policeman got back.

He brought himself a burger, he was surprised when he saw that one of the boxes of nuggets was finished.

My dad laughed when he saw the policeman's expression. It was the same laugh as before just more high pitched, I wondered why I never realized it before.

After they finished eating we started heading to the orphanage. The drive was long. we endedup in the middle of nowhere again.

The house looked smaller then our house and was very old looking.There was a small playground that had some toy scattered all over the floor.

Then dark clouds gathered over of our heads. I had a bad feeling so I moved my dad back. Lightning struck down at the spot he was just standing on, the clouds disappeared.

The policeman looked at My dad and said "did that just happened."

My dad had a interested look on his face and reached out to where the lightning had just stuck.

The policeman quickly dragged him inside. The person who opened the door looked like mom. Blonde hair but she had brown eyes not blue like mom and she had bigger ears and a bigger nose. She also looked way older.

I didn't like this place already, someone that reminds me of mom can't be any good.

"Hello little one, are you hungry" said mom's look alike.

"no!"my dad answered quickly.

"Their is some soup," ewww, she's to much like mom. Soup sounds terrible must be salty.

"He ate with me," said the policeman while looking around.

"You can leave now," said mom's look alike to the policeman. He looked like he didn't hear what she said, so she had to repeat herself but this time she wasn't smiling.

"Don't worry boy I will visit you when I have time,"then he gave my dad a shopping bag.

"My wife brought some stuff for you, as all your things burnt in the fire." As the policeman left he waved goodbye seven times.

The woman took my dad up stairs and lead him to a room with four bed they were bunk beds. The were some toys but they didn't look that interesting to me. So kids really didn't have laptops when dad was two. what did they do at home alone?

My dad ran to some coloring pencils, and started to draw a picture in the journal. I opened the journal that appeared in my hands and saw the picture quickly being drawn.

Trees, a fire, two people and an square. He could draw good for a two year old be cause I could at least recognise what the drawing was.

After a long time had past or what felt like a long time three boys walked into the room. One was really tall and looked older then me, the other two still looked older the me but younger then the other boy.

The oldest boy walked towards my dad he had brown hair like dad but his eyes were blue.

"Hello little boy my name is Ace, I'm the olddest kid here and I'm fourteen years old what's your name?" said the tall boy.

"James I two," I silently corrected my dad in my head.

The other two boys came forward they looked the same. They had dark brown skin and curly dark brown hair.

"Hello James my name is John," said one of the twins.

"My name is Joshua we are seven years old." said the other twin

My dad pointed at the and said "look same," the twins laughed.

After that everyone started explaining how they got here, in the first place. The explained it in two words parents dead. They all the started to cry. I cried too happy that my dad was back in my life.

My mom was dead to me I laughed a little at that thought.

"I will take care of you and be your big bother from now on," said Ace with a worried look on his face. I was a bit unhappy was this boy trying to take my dad away from me.

"Brother said my dad while looking at me," I felt a bit better. Ace had a happy look on his face. Did ge think my dad was talking to him?

I started to laugh, and my dad smiled.

The boys played games l decided to look around because my dad fell asleep. The house looked a lot bigger on the inside. There was three other bedroom's.

One had a big bed, one had four bunk bed again but it was full of girls. The next to the room with the big bed was a pink room full of toys.

I started to get tired so I went back to the boy's room an feel asleep next to my dad.

When I woke up it was night time my dad was next to me but he was crying. I gave him a hug but he didn't stop crying. All the other boys were sleeping and, my dad's was very quite even when he was crying.

I asked him what was wrong but he was so sad that everything he said came out in a mumble.

He gave me some pieces of cardboard that I realised was the book. The book about the big brother. It was his treasured book, how could this happen.

I picked up some tape I had saw and tried to tape the book back together.

Some of the pages didn't look the same as before. I got it to at least look like a book.

some of the words were missing but I was able to read the story from memory so that was ok.

My dad fell asleep and I wondered who would do such a thing?

Who ever destroy my dad book will wish that they never destroyed it when I'm down with them. Sometimes you can't talk to peolple.

I should have ran to the police right after my mom didn't feed me. The only good thing about everything that happened is I'm with dad again.

People are the worst, that boy said he would take care of dad but he was useless. Yes, Ace was useless.

I got super tired again and fell asleep, while thinking about that book. I woke up that morning to my dad hiding his book under his pillow.

All the other boys were already gone. Someone called everyone down for breadfast. I grabbed my dad hand and started to bring him toward the shout. I was going to find out who destroyed my dad book. I was going to find out today.