
The room had a large table with ten chairs, three were empty. My dad looked around with a worried look on his face.

"James come over here,"it was Ace, my dad ran over and sat down next to him.

Two plates were already empty. My dad seem to calm down. Everyone else had bowls in front of them, is it cereal?

I was right Ace poured some cheap looking cereal into dad's bowl. Then a scene you would only see in a nightmare happened. He poured water into the bowl.

He passed the jug of water to the next person and they did the samething.I looked on in horror.

"Soup?" said my dad to Ace.

"It's cereal" replied Ace.

The other kid had already started eating. My dad just looked at the food.

"You should eat the cereal, it taste better than it looks." Ace was encouraging dad to eat that thing.

My dad ate the cereal and asked for another bowl. This time he stoped Ace from putting water in it.

"Brother," said my dad while looking straight at me.Then he slowly passed them one piece at a time to me.

After we finished eating Ace washed all the bowls. Then all the older children left on a school bus. Not before Ace helped my dad brush his teeth and all that other stuff. Dad likes hot water.

It was a Monday in May, dad's birthday was coming up soon.

their was only two girls left and my dad was the only other boy if you don't include me.

The lady who this orphanage belonged to, walked down the stairs. Their was a little girl holding her hand. She had blue eyes just like me.

Dad started to tremble as soon as he saw the girl. I couldn't understand what he thought was scary about her. She even looked a little cute.

Dad hide behind me, but the little girl could see right through me.

"I hate you!" shouted the little two year old looking girl.

"Be friends," that was all the lady said, how useless. Then she started to teach the children numbers and words. My dad stayed silent even when, he knew the answer to her questions. The mean little two year old was the only one that answered the quetions.

"My little Emily is the best," she gave he daughter a big hug.After that she went upstairs.

Her daughter stayed down stairs, She walked to my dad and pushed him. I looked for the other two girls but they had already ran away.

What should I do in that type of situation? My dad said to never hurt people younger then me. He said to never hurt people. I grabbed her hand when she tried to hit my dad, and placed it at her side.

Then I picked up my dad and ran away too. Just like the other two girls. I didn't want to deal with anything that she was dishing out. She started crying but I ignored her.

When we arrived at the boys room my dad check his book, that was under his pillow. He hugged the book then put it back under his pillow. So she the one who destroyed dad's book. Not really much of a Mystery. What Should I do for pay back?

"hmmm" what should I do?

"Brother, wants to play?" said my dad like it was a question. I locked the door after dad said that. We played games until my dad got hungry again.

When my dad went down stairs the lady was cooking tomato soup. My dad pointed at his stomach but the lady wasn't looking at him.

"Food," The lady turned around annoyed after my dad said that.

"Wait five minutes," said the lady.

I took my dad to a clock trying to teach him what five minutes was.

"When this line goes around the clock five time it been five minutes." My dad watched the clock. When five minutes had passed he ran towards the lady. She wasn't finished cooking.

"Let just wait until she's tells us she finished," my dad waited five more minutes.

The Lady pulled out a pizza from the overn and placed two pieces on a plate for herself and her daughter.

She poured the soup in three bowls then called everyone down for lunch.

I didn't want any of that soup. The pizza looked nice. I kind of don't like pizza any more. I never liked soup.

The girls appeared of nowhere and quickly ate their soup. My dad did too, this time he didn't save me any soup. I told him I didn't want any soup.

My dad hurried upstairs, that girl ran downstairs. She stoped runing when she saw my dad.

"What are you?"

It was like she was talking to me, but I know she can't see me. I don't know what I am. My dad ran right past her, I followed him.

My dad took out the destroyed book carefully, and asked me to read it for him. He fell asleep after I read it for the fifth time. I fell asleep too.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" What was that sound? I opened my eyes to my dad screaming.

The girl had climbed on my dad's bed. what was going on?

"Are you a human or are you a fairy?"

My dad had a confused expression on his face. He didn't get to answer the quetions because, Ace walked into the room.

"What going on?" Ace was asking the right kind of questions. I couldn't really understand, why this was happening in real life.

"He not a normal boy," said the girl with a confident expression on her little face.

"Whats a normal boy?" Ace answered with a question. The girl looked confused. She couldn't answer his question.

"He flys up the stairs," she thought of something abnormal but, no one would believe that. Even with all the imagination in the world. My dad told me I couldn't fly. I didn't believe him and jumped off of a table. I also put blankets and towels on my back, they never helped me fly. My prayers of flying and my wishes were fulfilled after I died though. I think I died?

When I stoped thinking the girl had already left the room. Even Ace was gone. My dad hid the book back under his pillow.

The twins entered the room. They had backpacks on their backs and they were both smiling.

"James guess what happened at school, we both got all the answers right on our test.°

My dad just smiled at them. I didn't know if he understood or, if he was just happy because they were happy. Toddlers change their emotions a lot.

"Let's play together," said John he was wearing a red t-shirt today.

My dad played with them and I fell asleep. I was never a kid that like toys review videos. I don't like to watch other people playing, especially when I'm in the same room. I'm alone by myself and my dad, didn't notice my lonlyness.

I went back asleep and dreamed of dad but his face was burnt and I wasn't their. A fire was raging, my dad looked scared and not curious of the fire. My dad looked more lonely then I was now.

I woke up just in time for dinner, my dad had already left the room. Why was my dad lonely if John, Joshua and Ace existed?

Dinner was soup again this time it was potato soup why so much soup. I don't want soup! There has has to be some real food some where in this place.

I went back upstairs to sleep again because, I just didn't have the energy for anything.

I woke up in the middle of the night. Ace was awake he was just staring at a wall weird and scary.

The orphanage looked very scary at night, even I didn't want to tour this place alone at night. So I went back to sleep. I kept on waking up every few hours. Untill the daytime finally came.

My dad was looking at me when I woke up. Should I tell my dad that it's not nice to stare at people?

Breadfast was toast today. Ace help my dad get ready for the day. All the clothes he put on him looked super old. They were also a bit big.

My dad needs some new clothes, but there is no one who can buy them for him. Why did grandma have to kill grandpa?

My dad use to get me new stuff all the time. l made a discovery. I thought there was no WiFi in this house. Until I saw the lady with a phone.

I followed her to her room after her short lessons and saw a tv. She was watching the some old looking show. The tv was so small I thought it was a computer.

When I got to the boy's room. The girl was standing in front of my dad with his precious book in his hands.

"Make me fly or I will brake book," my dad was crying. What was wrong with this girl? Why couldn't she just leave the book alone? I had to do something.