
For breakfast, Ace made scrambled eggs. He doesn't normaly make scrambled eggs. I didn't have to help him today because, Ace told me that he wanted me to rest. Big brother Angel still hasn't said sorry for eating all of my food yesterday. I don't know what to think about that.

He floated downstairs, and ate half of my food like it was his to take. This wasn't cereal, I couldn't have seconds. I was still hungry even after Ace gave me the second biggest portion. I can't live like this anymore, this is ridiculous!

After breakfast, I decided to talk to big brother. I couldn't stand being hungry anymore. I grabbed his hand and brought him to the bathroom. It was the only place I could think of that nobody would be. I also needed to bursh my teeth. After brushing my teeth, I decided to tell him.

"Big brother I have to tell you something important." Big brother looked confused. He floated closer to me. I looked right in his eyes. I was not going to back down. Being hungry is a huge problem.

"I don't want to share my food with you anymore," his face turned from confused to shocked. He blanked out for a few seconds. He floated even closer than before.

"Why?!" he said loudly and quickly. Big brother said looking me straight in my eyes. Did he really not know?

"Every time I finish eating I'm still hungry." He looked away from me and went through the door. I followed him to my room. He took a box from under my bed. Opened it and gave me an apple. What and when?

"Sorry I never noticed you were hungry, If you are hungry you can eat what's in this box. I'm saving food just in case we get stuck in this room."

I didn't know what to say so I said "Thank you." Big brother hugged me. I felt bad but I didn't know why. He's the one who was eating all the food. Yes, it's all his fault not mine.

"I want to stay at the home today." Big brother didn't want to come to school. Should I be happy or sad? At least I will be able to eat a full meal today.


I didn't realise dad didn't like to share his food with me. Dad alway made me food in the past, and he seemed happy to do so.

He made breadfast, lunch and dinner. It was a rare thing for dad to order take out. Even when he had lots of work to do

I decided to watch TV to get my mind off of what just happend. When I floated through the door. The TV was already on and, I recognised the faces on the screen.

It was uncle Alex, the boy that got stabbed that I saved, and all the other kids. Their faces were blurred out but I could reconise them anywhere. They were having an interview. Is that even legal? Where are their parents?

"We heard you tried to fight the kidnappers, is that true? If yes what gave you the courage to do that?" The interviewers asked the boy who got stabbed.

"They tried to hurt this guy." He pointed at uncle Alex.

"I love super heros, I thought that if I kicked them, they would fall down. They didn't fall down. The kick didn't do anything. Then the guy that took me stabbed me in the leg and it hurt so bad."

"How did you feel?" She asked the boy with an interested expression.

" I was scared and could smell food that I couldn't eat."

How did you know not to pull out the knife?" Asked another interview with an interested expression on her face.

"I was saved by an angel." said the boy looking at his leg that was wrapped in bandages.

"An angel!" shouted the same interviewer with a shocked expression on her face.

"Yes!" shouted the boy right back at her. At least the boy knows who saved him.

Then the scene was cut to the weather, how boring is that? I changed the channel to something funny.

I left right before Helga walked back into her room. I changed the channel back to the news as well.


I was in the school bus alone again today. Nothing new to see when I looked out the window. Big brother Angel is so unreliable sometimes. Thinking about him reminded me of that apple. The Apple was so juicy and sweet. Does big brother eat apples everyday?

I had a lot of time to think in the school bus. Emily doesn't even talk to me anymore. She doesn't even look at me in the eyes. She stoped talking to me after we went to school. Also, nobody wanted to sit next to me on the school bus. Is school really a place to make friends?

I seem to be losing more friends. I have less time to play with friends.

Everybody at school laughs at me, and my only friend at school is Alex.

He laughs at me sometimes too. Big brother Angel also plays with me at school, but he eats a lot of my food.

Is school really a great place? All we do in my class is play with toys. I can already read a bit. The school bus stoped and I stood up quickly.

If I didn't get out now, I would be the last to get out of the bus. No one would let me go in front of them once the line appeared.

One of the girls in the seat next to the other window pushed me back in my seat. She laughed and no one stopped her. I was the last person to get out of the bus today. I missed big brother already. If he was here, it wouldn't be so bad.

When I walked into the classroom, I hoped that I would see Alex. Big brother Ace said he should be back by now. He wasn't in class today. Is today going to be the worst day ever?

I will try to make new friends. I walked towards two boys playing with cars. I didn't know which one to talk to, so I decided to talk to both of them at the same time.

"Can I play with you today?" They didn't turn around. Maybe they didn't hear me.

"Can I play with you today?" One of the boy's turned around, he was the smallest of the two.

"Are you that cursed boy?" What did he mean by cursed?

"Why are you talking to him evryone around him gets kidnapped." Said the other who turned around.

"What does cursed mean?" They both just ignored me and started playing with the cars. When I tried to play with some other cars, he slapped my hand away.

I looked for a new toy to play with. A toy that was as alone as I was. I found a book and read it out loud. It was a story about a boy who made lots of friends on his first day of school.

I wanted to rip the book after reading it. Why did it have to be so full of lies? I started to cry, I was just so sad. My heart felt like someone was intentionally crushing it.

I didn't like pain and my face started hurt because of it. I started to remember that horrible dream. I was all alone I that dream. I saw my parents dead bodies in the dream. Big brothe Angel didn't exsist and big brother Ace died. Emily was mean to me and the policeman didn't talk to me.

By lunch, I didn't feel that hungry anymore. My stomach rumbled, but the food tasted plain. I ate alone in a quiet corner. I felt empty even after eating. Sharing food is not so bad. I never felt this empty, even after sharing food.

When school was finally over, I ran to the bus and sat down in my seat. I can't wait to get home.

No one in the bus talked or sat next to me. When I get home, I will say sorry to big brother Angel and give him a big hug.


When dad got home, he ran straight towards me. I was shocked, what did he want? He spread out his arms, and gave me a big hug. That lasted more than thirty seconds.

"Sorry big brother I don't mind sharing food with you, I love you more than food." Emily looked at dad like he was crazy. She walked past him in a hurry and ran up the stairs.

"I'm sorry as well I should have shared my snacks with you. I love you to d-James" I huged him back tighter. I started smiling, I felt warm inside my heart.

Then I followed dad upstairs and into the bathroom. He looked me right in the eyes and asked me a quetion.

"What is a curse?"