
Dad looked at me with his huge sparking brown eyes, as he confidently asked the question. Where did dad even hear that word? I'm with him nearly twenty-four seven. I also know all his friends, and dad doesn't have a phone, so where did he learn that word?

The word curse has several different meanings. Which one did dad want me to describe? Why do words have to have several different meanings?

"How did you hear the word curse?" I asked dad hopefully. Though all the meanings of the word are bad.

"A boy at school said I was cursed." Said dad quickly. Who is this boy? If I ever see him, it's not going to be pretty. How dare he insult my dad, who does he think he is?

"Hmmmm, Next time you go to school. Show me who this boy is ok?" I said with a huge smile on my face.

"Ok!" Good, dad actually agreed. this kid doesn't know who he was messing with. He won't know what's coming to him.

Just as I was about to tell dad what cures meant, someone knocked on the door.

"I really need to use the toilet, can you hurry it up in there?!" He wasn't leaving. That voice it's, my thoughts were cut off.

"Whats taking you so long in there? Does it stink in there now?" It was Joshua, one of the twins.

I floated out of the bathroom and dad followed me. I floated to Helga's room by habit. I was just too used to watching tv there. Dad had a confused look on his face, but he still followed me all the way to the door. I turned around and floated to the boy's room.

Dad sat on his bed and asked me again.

"What is a curse?"

I opend ny mouth to answer him, but then Ace walked into the bedroom and sat on his bed.

"What did you just ask I didn't hear you well?" Why do people just assume dad's talking to them when he's talking to me. That is so disrespectful, them acting like I'm invisible! Oh yeah, I actually am invisible.

Dad tuned his hopeful eyes to Ace, who's bed faced dad's.

"What is a curse?"

" Do you mean the bad word, or the cursed object?" Ace was completely off.

"I mean the cursed person." Dad looked directly at Ace, completely forgetting about my existence. I closed my mouth.

"I guess that would mean someone with really bad luck." After Ace told him what a curse was, dad wasn't so excited anymore.

After talking to Ace dad want to sleep. I fell asleep soon after I check the Journal. Nothing new was written in it.


I got in the school bus happy today. I am happy because big brother Angel decided to come. Even though when we were in the school bus, he told me not to talk to him. Just having big brother Angel sit next to me makes me feel less lonely.

No one tried to push me today. The girl who pushed me yesterday just fell by herself, I didn't see it happen. Big brother Angel saw it happen and said she fell. The day is already starting good, I couldn't help but smile.

"You pushed me!" Screamed the girl after she got up. I didn't push her, I didn't even see her fall.

Big brother Angel floated over to her and blocked her mouth. He told me to keep on walking out of the bus, so I did.

The girl wasn't even in my class, so I didn't have to see her. I saw Alex playing with some cars. He was sitting with another boy on the floor.

The boy had a bandage wrapped around his leg. Alex didn't notice that I was here, so I tapped his shoulder. He turned around shocked. The boy looked up at me too.

"Hello my name is Garry, this is my friend Alex." Why did he have to introduce Alex.

"Hi my name is James and this is my friend Alex." The boy looked shocked.

"Hello my name is Angel and, these are my friends James and Alex." Big brother introduced himself behind me. Garry didn't seem to notice him though.

"My name is Alex and these are my friends Angel, James and Garry. I meet Gray when I was kidnapped." Alex smiled after saying all of that. His "I look down on you peasant" look was nowhere to be seen.

"Are you laughing at me? I really did see an Angel you know." Garry was pouting.

"I can see an Angel too." Then Alex started laughing while looking at big brother. I felt a bit left out of this friendship. I'm not the only one who wasn't kidnapped, big brother wasn't there too. When I looked at big brother, I saw him laughing too. How did he get the joke?

"I've also seen an Angel before." I just wanted to feel included.

"You weren't even there though." Garry didn't belive me. I can say I have a big brother, that's an Angel. He will have to belive me then.

"My big brother is an Angel." Garry looked at me like I was crazy.

"I thought you were an orphan." Why can he belive his story but not mine?

"Orphans can have brothers too!" Alex stood up for me. He's a true friend, not fake like Emily.

"Sorry James." Garry apologized. I still feel a bit sad but I decided to accepted his apology.

I sat down next to Alex and James and started to play cars with them. It was fun playing with more people.

The boy who said I was cursed, and his friend walked towards us from the other side of the room. I could reconize them right away. They were looking at the cars we were playing with.

"Give me the car cursed boy." said the short boy from yesterday. He tried to grab it from my hand. Big brother picked him up and took him to the othe side of the room. No one noticed because they were at the bus playing with their toys.

The boy's friend peed in his pants and collapsed. Everybody turned in our direction. The teacher noticed what happened and brought him to the school nurse.

He came back an hour latter with a ice pack on his head. I'm not sure what big brothr did to the other boy but he didn't bother me again. Today is really a great day.

"Hmmm, James." what does Alex want to say?

"Whats up?" I turned and Locked Alex right in the eyes.

" I-I'm going to change schools, today is my last day here." Said Alex avoiding my questioning eyes. What does he mean changing schools? Can you even do that?

"You're leaving me!" Garry was shocked too.

"What school are you going to?" Garry asked Alex with a hopeful voice.

" I'm going to the private elementary school." Said Alex to Garry. My day just got worse.

"James I have a present for you at my house. I have already told Helga she said you can come over after school.

"Can I go too!" Alex looked at Garry surprised.

"You Have to ask your parents." replied Alex smiling.

No one bothered me for the rest of the school day. Garry asked his parents if he could come over and they said no. They said that they only just got him back and he was injured. Even when he told his parents he might not see Alex again. They still said no. So only me and big brother could go to Alex's house.

"Are you two coming? Hurry up," said Alex from his fancy looking car.

"Two friends today young master?" Alex and James looked shocked.

"Yes, two friends today." Alex smiled.

"How can he see you?" said me and Alex at the same time as we sat down on our seats.

"I let him see me." said big brother calmly.

I only now noticed the car. The seats were more comfortable then my bed.

"That's crazy man." Alex looked at me confused.

Alex took out a laptop and started playing games. Big brother ate some of the sacks that were in front of us. When we arrived, there was a tall man that looked like Alex there. Alex ran out of the car excited, and hugged the man.