Everything's Over

In the prison cell, Aariv woke up and touched his head.

"aaarh.... my head hurts"

the last thing he remembered was getting punched in the face, so when he woke up he was confused by his surroundings. He got up on his feet and looked at the translucent wall.

"It seems they have put me in the ship's prison cell"

The prison cell was a 3X3 meter sized room with a bed and a toilet. Aariv knew that he was still on the ship and not on earth because he could see the starry sky through the window, moving at a very high speed.

He knew that they would be arriving at the Mars controlled space soon so he stayed near the window looking out anxiously and preparing his mind for the inevitable but suddenly the Alarms started announcing.

[possible collision detected]

[possible collision detected]

Aariv tried to see through the window, he was shocked thinking that something could trigger the collision warning of the ship because the New Dawn ship was very huge and had energy shield around it so most of the asteroids would just get burned the moment it would touch the ship's shield.

For an object to trigger the alarm it needed to be at least 1.2 times bigger than the ship and how could the flight control miss such a big asteroid.

He saw outside the window but there was nothing but when he focused he saw something moving outside, he could not explain what it was because it was too big, it was nearly transparent but when he focused he could see a dense, water-like substance and it was moving in the opposite direction of the ship. He had goosebumps all over his body, he turned to the translucent door of the cell and started knocking it crazily.

He was continuously thinking about that vision he had in the hallway, the burning earth.


Meanwhile in the flight control room.

Commander Alex was going crazy due to the sudden alarm "What the hell is going on, Lieutenant Akihiro are you even looking at the sensor data? how could something collide with us?"

"BUT SIR, there is nothing on sensors, the data shows that there is nothing near us, not even a fist-sized astroid," Lieutenant Akihiro answered.

"Then what started the alarm?"

"SIR, there is no object near us but our sensors detected something strange, a gravitational disturbance, for a moment just before the alarm started, extremely high amounts of gravitational waves were detected near the ship."

"THE ANOMALY" commander thought in his head.

"And did this disturbance have any direction of propagation?"

"yes sir, it was moving opposite from us"






"Sir, no one is responding, it's like they are not even receiving our sent signals"

*sigh* Commander Alex took a long breath before asking "how far are we from Mars, lieutenant?"

"2 minutes at warp speed, Sir"

"Ok, continue on to Mars and switch off the alarm and also open the ship-wide intercom"

Everyone on the deck was surprised to hear the last order of the commander. Soon their questions were answered when he started speaking through the intercom.

"All crew members attention, this is your commander speaking"

"All crew members attention, this is your commander speaking"

"Initiating Code Black, all personnel get ready for combat and deployment"

"This is not a drill, Initiating Code Black, All personnel get ready for combat and deployment"

"MOOOOVE" he shouted his last words and ended the announcement.

"Captain Jim Initiate Code Black, All defenses Up at full power and keep the backup power generators on standby."


By now everyone had understood the seriousness of the moment, what they all feared might have come true. Aliens and not the friendly ones.

Inside the Prison cell

*bam* *bam*

Aariv kept hitting the door but no one came so he stopped after some time and went to the window hoping that what he just saw was his imagination. Soon he felt the outside scenery change.


He looked out of the window but instead of Mars and the Rings of Mars there was only chaos, there was no planet, only the bits and pieces of it, the whole place was filled with big asteroids and pieces of ships and space rings. Aariv grew more anxious as he thought about the fate of other colonies. [Enemy Alert!... Enemy Alert!]

hearing this he again looked outside and saw some small space crafts moving but he could not recognize them as he had never seen a spacecraft like that, the color nor the shape matched any record. He knew that these were the enemies.


In the flight control center.

Everyone on the deck was looking out of the big main window

"Oh no, what happened here?

" Are we in the right place?

All had fear painted on their faces when they saw 5 unknown small spacecraft moving and then the Alarm started [Enemy Alert!... Enemy Alert!]

Commander Alex was frightened, seeing what was supposed to be Mars, he also noticed the alien space crafts.

" EVERYONE! back to your stations" he shouted

"Captain Jim, send 20 Fusion Fighters to fight those space crafts"

"Lieutenant Akihiro connect the earth headquarters with my personal intercom"

Lieutenant Akihiro was trying to connect with earth but was not able to, he noticed the same communication problems as they did when trying to contact Mars. When he imagined Earth's fate the same as the current Mars His complexion, he shouted to commander "SIR!, we're not able to contact earth, just like what happened when we tried to contact mars."

Commander Alex's breath got faster as he was getting anxious thinking about what could possibly have happened to earth "Call back all the Fusion Fighters and prepare Origin Cannon"

Hearing this, Captain Jim argued, "But sir, that would wipe out all the remains of Mars, It's too powerful."

"I know Captain but we don't have the luxury of time to individually fight those alien space crafts, Earth could possibly be fighting an alien invasion as we speak right now, so we need to solve things here as quickly as possible and return," Commander said in a restless tone.

With that the origin Cannon was taken out, this cannon was the most powerful weapon on the Ship, it could shoot concentrated plasma force equal to the force of 1 Billion full-sized fusion bombs, just for the knowledge, it would only require 10 full-sized fusion bombs to completely destroy a planet the size of the earth.

The cannon was out and ready to be shot, the target was set to somewhere in the middle of the 5 alien space crafts. *boom* with the firing of the missile the whole aircraft shook a little.

All crew members looked at the shot through the window, the plasma shot first reached the targeted area and then stayed there like a twinkling star but in the next moment it started spreading outwards into a sphere and whatever came inside that sphere was erased from existence, the power of the blast was so big that the alien space crafts had no way of escaping.

With a satisfied look, Commander Alex notified his assistants and crew of his next orders.

"Alright, set flight destination to earth and use EM Drive to reach earth, Keep the Origin Cannon on Standby, All of the 10,000 Fusion Fighters ready to be deployed."

"YES SIR! " all said in unison.

Soon the ship was already on move, it was estimated that reaching earth would only take 2 minutes. All 90,000 people onboard prepared themselves for the big fight, they armed themselves with as many weapons as they could.

2 minutes passed in a blink and New Dawn warped out near the Moon but what greeted them was a full-scale ongoing war with space crafts everywhere. The moon only had half of its mass remaining, maybe it got destroyed in enemy fire, they had no way of knowing.

All the Fusion Fighters were sent out without delaying any second and the Origin Cannon also started firing like crazy on a big ship which seemed to be the mothership of the aliens. The mothership was even bigger than the New Dawn, it would be right to say that New Dawn was like an ant in front of Alien mother ship.

The ship was nearly the same size as the moon but in a hemispherical shape, it had fins like things coming out on the top. The Origin Cannon had no effect on the Mothership, it seemed to have some kind of a protective shield so whenever the laser touched it, it looked like the laser was absorbed in water, leaving some ripples behind.

Commander Alex was looking at the alien mothership and understood that the aliens are far more advanced than them, he was getting frustrated because he did not know what to do next, they had run out of all options, their Fusion fighters were getting shot like it was a child play for aliens.

Just then they received a communication request from the earth.

"Commander Someone is trying to contact us"

"connect it"

everyone looked at the big screen showing the received message.

"This is General Gustov, this is a pre-recorded message and by the time you see this, we'll most probably be dead. NEW DAWN we can not fight them, I repeat we can NOT fight them, they are too advanced and they had already planted their Android army on earth inside the ancient Egyptian Pyramids.

In the past whenever someone tried to explore the pyramids with high-tech tools their missions would always be unsuccessful, either their whole exploration team would go missing or they would not get authorization to explore. Even the government never tried to explore that area, Commander Alex, it seems like humans were doomed from the beginning.

There must have been a spy in the higher ranks, but it doesn't matter anymore, everyone's already dead on the earth.

You must take the NEW DAWN to somewhere far away, find a habitable planet and repopulate, 90,000 of you are the last hope of humanity, survive and flourish once again...someday."