Everyone on the deck had a fear-stricken face, they felt like their legs were becoming noodles, losing all strength to stand, some of them fell down on the floor but before their despair could take over their body commander shouted.



"get back to your stations and warp out of here, set destination to Proxima Centauri b."

with that everyone mustered some courage and rushed to their respective places and got busy starting the launch.

"Sir, we have lost nearly all our Fusion fighters and aliens have started concentrating fire on us," Captain Jim said anxiously.


"T-10 for warp sir"






by now the EM DRIVE had started to provide thrust.


*BOOM* " WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?" Commander asked anxiously.

but before anybody could answer, the alarm started [BREACH DETECTED!... BREACH DETECTED!]



Listening to the System Warnings, everyone started accepting their fates that they were doomed now and death is the only way out. chaos broke out in the whole ship, some crewmen started crying, some ran towards the evacuation pods and left the ship only to be intercepted by Alien space crafts surrounding them and dying from their attacks.


Some Aliens had already started to board the ship through the breach, they had hideous looking armors covering their body and the only thing that could be seen was their face, through the transparent helmet screen, their skin was yellow in color and had 2 eyes, a mouth but no nose.

Some of the crew members tried to fight but were quickly overpowered by the yellow-skinned aliens, both physically and technologically they were stronger than humans. One by one all people on board were hunted and killed by the aliens and soon only the people in the flight control center were left.


A tall alien who was wearing a red armor unlike all others came into the New Dawn and as soon as other aliens saw him they started saluting him, this new alien was the highest-ranking commander of that hemispherical mothership.

The new alien started talking in an unknown language with other aliens around.

"jafjfs jhjm sfasfdi afefkj hjgkg" (catch someone alive and scan their brain then upload their language skill and knowledge onto our integrated system)

"hkjhkj adas uiio aefkj" ( Yes Sir, There are some aboriginals hiding behind that door, we'll take them out) one of the soldiers replied.

"hjbj" (ok, go ahead)

When all this was happening, on the other side of the door commander Alex and his crew were seeing everything through the camera, they knew that soon the door would be breached, so everyone picked their weapons and got ready to fight.

Commander Alex looked around the deck and his gaze stopped at a screen showing earth, he sighed and said "we may have lost the fight but our spirit remains, soon they are gonna come through that door but we shall not surrender, we shall fight as long as there is even a tiny bit of life remaining. MAY OUR SOULS REST IN PEACE"

*BOOM* With a loud bang the door was blown away and one unlucky alien came running through but was greeted by a shower of plasma bullets shot buy everyone, the alien had no time to react and got blown to pieces, but soon a very small ball-like thing came flying in.

Everyone understood that it was some kind of an explosive so they all took cover wherever they could but they underestimated the power of that little ball.

*BANG* with an ear-piercing sound everyone's vision went white, nobody knew what happened, soon they started feeling pain all over their numb body, their vision started recovering but what they saw was utter destruction in that whole room, bits and pieces of bodies were scattered around the whole room, someone lost their leg some lost their arm and some died.

They could not fathom how could such a small explosive bring so much destruction, 400 out of 500 crew members were gone in a second. no one had their body intact, the Commander also lost an arm and was lying in a pool of his own blood.

"akhfh iuyi asfsda jkh klkljh adu ipo" ( you fools why did you use such a powerful Dark ball, what if they all had died) Alien commander reprimanded his soldiers.

"jlghljh alsfuu uhua ncgu iyiu" (Sir, 400 dead and 100 hundred still alive) one of the soldiers came running from the room.

"klj werw ioyoi..." ( OK, Kill everyone except the commander, bring him to me I'll conduct brain search myself) Alien commander replied in a serious tone.

After a while gunshots could be heard coming from what used to be the flight control room, every gunshot would mean one less human, soon 99 out of the 100 humans were brutally put to death, leaving only commander Alex.

Soldiers brought the lifeless yet alive body of Commander Alex to the Alien Commander.

"aajkfhj uiyi afadf" (So, let's see what your civilization looks like)

Alien Commander took out a Brain Scanner out of his armor, it looked like a pipe made of rubber, he attached one end to Alex's forehead and one end to his armor. Soon a lot of information started flowing into alien Commanders' brain, Commander Alex looked like he was in a lot of pain. The whole process took only about 10 seconds but those 10 seconds felt like an eternity to Commander Alex, he could not handle so much pain after being heavily wounded and in the end, the last of his remaining life drifted away.

Now that the aliens had stored the brain searched data into the integrated system, all the aliens could now speak and understand human language and knew about the background of the whole civilization.

"Interesting, so there is another one left in the prison and he knew we were coming?" Alien commander muttered to himself.

"Alright, our work here is done, call all units back to the mother ship and also call back those old androids from earth, we have to go to Andromeda galaxy next," He said to his adjutant.

"Also, there is another human left in the prison, bring him along to the mother ship," said Alien Commander in a playful tone.

hearing this adjutant's whole body shuddered but still managed to gather the courage to ask "But commander, isn't keeping slaves against the rules?"

"Ha Ha Ha, who said I want a slave, I just want to do some experiments"


Aariv was lying unconscious on the floor, his eyes started to twitch and he moved his body a little but still could not wake up, then someone kicked him on his stomach, in pain he opened his eyes.

He started to look around when the pain subsided a little, he knew that aliens had caught him and by looking at the strange architecture around he knew that he was on their spaceship.

He was in the prison cell so he didn't know what happened to all the other people so he asked in a distressed tone "Where are the others? What happened to them?"



He waited but no one replied, he thought that they didn't understand his language but then a voice came.

"Oh... Don't be so anxious I'll show you everything"

Aariv saw a strange-looking yellow-colored humanoid alien, it was wearing a tight red dress, Aariv couldn't tell if that was a dress or just skin, it also had tentacle-like hair on their head but he couldn't tell if those tentacles were controllable like an octopus.

Aariv looked at the alien as the alien came close to him and attached a tube-like thing to his forehead and another end to its own forehead.

The next 10 seconds were like hell for Aariv as he felt extreme pain and also the incoming memories, he saw all of the humanity die from the perspective of Commander Alex and also this alien, He saw earth being ravaged by countless unknown humanoid robots, they murdered whoever came in their way.

The alien was also scanning Aariv's brain at the same time, to see why Aariv was so sure that they would come to attack them.

By the time the whole process was over Aariv was once again lying on the floor, curled up into a ball, shivering and tears flowing from his eyes, blue veins could be seen popping all over his forehead ready to explode due to the amount of trauma he just went through.




Aariv started to have a mental breakdown and started screaming, he looked up with bloodshot eyes at the alien who was supposed to be the commander and lept on to him to kill him.

The alien commander was truly terrified when he saw Aariv's face and red eyes. He felt that if he did not move back, he would surely die.

As soon as Aariv jumped, commander's Adjutant came in the way to protect him, Aariv knew that these aliens have a really thick skin so he will not be able to do damage with his hand, the moment he fell on the alien he pounced on its neck and started biting it as hard as possible, soon, alien's loud screams could be heard but before anybody could save him Aariv had already removed a big chunk of meat from aliens neck, blue blood started pouring out of the dead body staining Aariv's whole body.

Now if one were to look at Aariv they would shudder in fear because he was looking like a demon, his face was covered with blue blood and red bloodshot eyes were sticking out like a lamp in the dark.

Fear stricken Commander was finally able to utter something and ordered the soldiers to sedate Aariv.

It took 6 of them to put Aariv under control and sedate him, after which they took him to the laboratory and put him on a metal chair with his hands and feet locked with metal holders.

All this time Aariv had his eyes opened but his face was without any expression as if it had no life, he was utterly broken, even the tears had withered away.

He was remembering the smiling faces of his Mom, Little brother and Dad, all the happy memories, his childhood and then the realization struck that they all were now dead.

Finally, his eyes twitched and tears of blood started coming out from his eyes flowing down on to his expressionless face.