
Aariv and Juno spent the next 5 months sorting Juno's memories in chronological order. They were both surprised by the sheer amount of data Juno had and even after 5 months they still had a lot of unordered data left because they had no idea about its origin or time period.

The little soul that Aariv was watching over was also growing normally but he still could not get it to speak.

Juno and Aariv had formed some type of understanding and didn't waste time-fighting, Aariv had also accepted Juno as she is and stopped thinking about all her blabbering.

but now Aariv had a new problem. Juno is getting bored and whenever she gets bored, she goes crazy.

~how the hell am I supposed to Entertain her in this dark place~

"Aariv am boooored, doooo something" she started nagging.

Trying to ignore her he focused himself and checked the soul of his mother, he was still afraid of complications due to his past actions.

He was carefully checking every strand of her soul when he suddenly felt a connection being established between him and his mother's soul. This time instead of being hostile he just accepted the touch from the other side.

He felt warmth and safe when he got deeply connected with his mother's soul, he didn't even know that he had closed his eyes due to feeling so relaxed after so long.

After a while he got used to the warmth and slowly opened his eyes, the more he opened his eyes the more shocked he got. He could see a bright light bedazzling his ey filled. It took some time to get used to the light.

After some time he was able to see his surroundings, was in a large room with beautiful carvings on the walls, big red curtains covering the walls as decorations but to his surprise no doors, there were also many golden accessories and showpieces in the room.

His view changed and was now looking downwards but Aariv only had question marks all over his face. He saw a very fat tummy and also something bulging out on his chest. It took a moment for Aariv to process all this.

"JUNOOOOOOOOOO! I...I think I am a Woo..Woman, a PREGNANT WOMAN!" He started screaming.

"WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT! How is this possible? I thought you were a guy"

both of them started going crazy. Aariv closed his eyes.

"I REFUSE, I REFUSE TO ACCEPT THIS," he said, gnashing his teeth.

Juno, instead of comforting him, added fuel to the fire: "How can you refuse, you can't just refuse your gender, you can't just ignore the reality. You're a fat pregnant woman from now on and you have to accept this"

"Nope, no, this is not real, GODDAMNIT OLD MAN GIVE ME MY JOYSTICK BAAAACK" he started cursing the old man for his fate.

just then Juno notices something "Oh, hey look Aariv you're moving"

"What! how? I don't feel anything" he was confused.

It all felt like watching the world through a window to Juno and Aariv. Then Aariv realized something "Hey, I can't feel my body, It's like...It's like a robot"

The view started moving towards a wall which had a mirror on it. Soon Aariv could see a figure in the mirror.

It was a beautiful woman, she had fair skin, a mature and warm face. The figure put her hand on her inflated belly and smiled while lovingly looking at it.

"afaf fjioj sert klmjl sdxv jnkjksd uiguygijio" She said something.

Aariv couldn't understand what the figure was saying as he didn't know the language.

"Aariv I don't think this is you, I think it's your mother," Juno said as she analyzed what the figure said.

"And she said 'I am waiting for you my child, be healthy', you are still inside her womb"

"Oh, so she's my mother, she looks so... kind," Aariv said as he looked at his mother's image in the mirror.

"Wait, Juno how do you know what she said?"

"simple, we sorted this language out a while ago so I remember It. The language is called Magadhi, and its footprints can be traced back to 800 B.C. It was majorly spoken in Indian subcontinent"

Aariv was baffled: "What! you mean we are in 800 B.C."

"I don't know, looking at the decorations in of the room through your mother's eyes, we could be anywhere in between 400 B.C. to 1800 A.D.," Juno replied after thinking for a while.

Aariv contemplated a bit: "Wow, that's a pretty big window of time, well whatever it doesn't matter anymore, if I am born near the 1800s then I will not have to make certain things and if I am born in B.Cs then I'll have to invent many things. To be honest I'd prefer to be born in B.Cs because then I'll have enough time to change people's mindsets and certain beliefs."

"Any way you could let me learn this language?" he asked Juno

"Yeah, it's pretty easy, I'll just have to transmit the data to you, we're already mentally connected."

"Okay then, I want to transmit everything you have about languages to have ever existed in the Indian subcontinent"

Aariv just already knew that he is in India right now, so it will be pretty helpful to know all the languages.

"Are you sure Aariv? that's a lot of data, there are about 2 thousand different languages." Juno asked uninterestingly.

"Yeah, do it"

"heh, You asked for it, "She made an evil chuckle.

"wait! Are you hiding something Ju...." he couldn't even complete the line, he felt sharp unbearing pain in his mind.


The pain increased again and reached its peak, Aariv clenched his teeth.

After some time the pain started to decrease and slowly subsided.

"JUNO WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?" Aariv angrily yelled.

"I...I didn't know it would hurt this much" she was trying to suppress her laugh.

Aariv was angry: "You knew and still didn't tell me."

"Hey... just so you know I actually helped you. In the future when you'll upgrade/powerup it'll be a lot more painful, this time you just felt it in your mind but later you will feel it in every cell in your body"

"You're a sadist aren't you?"

She denied "Hay what's a sadist?"

"Oh don't act like you don't know, you probably even know every single art of sadism"

*Phwwwwwhhht Phwoooooh* She started making whistling sounds to ignore him.

Meanwhile, Aariv just tried to calm himself down. He was still feeling heavy due to the pain.


"Hay... Hay Aariv look"

Aariv grunted, "What now?"

"Your mum's talking to some baldy," she said, while paying attention to the outside scenery.

Aariv was interested so he also focused and switched on to his mother's view.


The bald old man had a ponytail sticking out of the back of his bald head (It was the fashion of scholars and priests in ancient India).

The bald man was holding the wrist of his mother "Your majesty, everything seems normal, both you and the child are healthy. I advise you to rest as much as possible because you will be birthing the child in about 3 weeks."

"Acharya Kautilya(Acharya is a prefix used to address a preceptor or instructor in religious matters; founder, or leader of a sect, or a highly learned person) what a wonderful news and be sure to tell this to his highness, he must be worried "Aariv's mother joyfully replied.


(Kautilya is the name of the bald man. He is also called Chanakya or vishnugupta. Chanakya is one of the most remembered and personalities of ancient India whose contribution to the field of economics and statecraft are looked at with wonder even today. This stupendous hero has accomplished two great works namely Arthashastra (the principles of Economics) and Chanakya Niti (Chanakya's Secrets of Statecraft). He was a mighty kingmaker who single-handedly molded a street boy into a great emperor through sheer brain. He helped Emperor Chandragupta Maurya establish the Mauryan Empire by defeating the Nanda Empire)


Aariv was listening to them talking, he felt like he had heard the name of this old man before but he couldn't put his finger on where. "hay Juno search the data and tell me if you find anything about this Acharya Kautilya"

"Oki Doki, search engine Juno on duty" Juno cheerfully complied.

after some seconds she replied "yeah there is a mention of an Acharya Kautilya... Holy smokes, he's a big shot. He is the brains behind the Mauryan Empire, which was established in 322 B.C. by Emperor Chandragupta Maurya and..." She started blabbering about all the history as if reading from somewhere.

"stop! why are you speaking, just send me all the data from 1000B.C. to 2000 A.D."

"Ooooo, you're no fun" She threw a tantrum and eventually sent all the data about the related time period dating from 1000 B.C. to 2000 A.D.

Aariv knew that this was a lot of data and it would hurt even more than before. He prepared himself for the pain.

After 5 minutes Aariv stopped growling in a suppressed voice.

" Wow, It didn't hurt as much as before and it also feels good, am I turning into a masochist?" he questioned himself.

"That's because your mind got stronger from the pain you suffered before," Juno explained.

"haha...So eventually, I will turn into a masochist ha?" Aariv laughed it off but Juno butted in

"Eventually everyone accepts the noble ways of sadism and masochism... HeHaHa Haaa" She started laughing shamelessly.


Aariv ignored her and started analyzing the newfound data he received.

"Hay Juno stop fooling around, let's analyze our situation"

"oh, okii"

~Alright, So according to the scene we just saw outside we know that we are in the Mauryan Empire, The baldy called my mom Her majesty so she must be the queen and that makes my father the Emperor Chandragupta Maurya. My mom's name should be Durdhara. According to history, she gave birth to a son named Bindusara in 320 B.C. but I guess I replaced Bindusara in this world.

That baldy said that I will be born in 3 weeks...wait a minute... Oh Shi* !... according to the history my mother will be poisoned and that baldy will cut open her belly to save her son which is me. Damn it

there must be a way to save her~

"Juno help me, how do I save her? " Aariv asked her worriedly.

"I don't know Aariv, let me check...

Yes! Yes, I found a way but..." She cheered and then got worried.

Aariv had already decided that no matter what he has to save her, he had already lost one mother he will not let his new mother die "Just tell me what to do JUNO!"

"It will hurt a lot, like thousands of times more than before and maybe even that's an understatement" She genuinely sounded worried this time.

"I don't care, I have to do this Juno," he said firmly.