I Want To Protect Her

Juno looked at Aariv's determination and decided to help.

"Okay, Your mother will be poisoned and the only way to save her is to heal her before things go out of control.

As long as you reach the Novice level in your strength you will have the Minor healing power which should be enough to get rid of the poison.

We can not expect anything from the doctors of this period as their methods are very crude so it all depends on you Aariv."

Aariv felt a little relieved to find out that there is a way to save her: "I presume you have a way to make me reach Novice level?"

"Yes...you will have to suffer, a lot," she vaguely replied.

"Get to the damn point, Juno" Aariv got restless.

*Sigh* "You don't have a fully grown physical body so it's not possible to get stronger by exercising.

So the only way to make you stronger is by transmitting all the data I have about the human civilization from the beginning to the end, All the languages, All the books, everything. Doing this will temper your mental strength and also when you breakthrough to Low-level Novice you will get the mental and physical strength, plus memories of 10 random alien souls.

You will not only have to withstand the pain from the transmitting data but also the tempering of your body, mind, and soul."

"haaaaah" Aariv took a long breath "how long will the pain last"

Juno helplessly said, "I don't know, there is no way of calculating this, we can only hope that the process doesn't last longer than 3 weeks."

"Okay Juno, start sending the data when I say it" Aariv said this and closed his eyes, he sat down crossed legs, he focused his mind at the center of his forehead.

After a few minutes of silence Aariv lightly said "Do it"

Juno complied "here goes nothing"

She started sending all the data, from small things to big. She also kept a watch on Aariv's condition so that she could stop the transmission if it becomes unbearable for him.


1 week had passed, in the beginning, Aariv didn't feel much pain but then it kept on increasing. Every time he gets used to the pain, it increases. He didn't know how much time had elapsed, to him it all felt like an eternity. He tried to not scream but every once in a while that pain would get unbearable and he would start screaming.

Many times Juno thought about stopping when she saw Aariv screaming madly but every time Aariv would deny.


~I don't know how long he will be able to keep this up, 1 week has passed and only 40% data has been transmitted yet~ Juno was talking to herself.


2 weeks had passed Aariv was still sitting cross-legged. The data had already been transmitted but he was still not waking up, Juno thought that this must be related to his level up.

After all, he will be combining the strength, soul, and memories of 10 people.

Meanwhile inside Aariv's mind.

He had stopped feeling pain and when he opened his eyes it was a different scene, he saw himself in a space endlessly stretching, he saw 10 aliens standing there looking at him.

He had concurred that these must be the 10 Alien souls who will integrate with him. They all looked like they were from the same species. They had bodies just like humans except it was violet and they had a very large forehead.

All of them walked and came close to him then he heard a voice directly inside his head. It was the aliens but he could see that they were not using their lips.

"Do not fear us human as we do not mean you any harm. We have telepathic ability so we don't use our mouths.

You are about to integrate us into your body but before you do that, we have a request."

Aariv was not used to telepathy so he still spoke with his mouth "Okay, say what is it"

"We all, not just the 10 of us but the undecillion of us wish that you stop the war before it begins and save us all from the misery that is yet to befall on us."

Aariv thought a little and decided to accept because no matter what, he will have to face this war problem sooner than later.

"Okay, I can not promise but I will try my best to stop the war before it begins"

"Your best is enough, thank you for giving us hope. Good luck" the 10 aliens spoke together and then their bodies started to emit white light, soon all 10 of them converged into one single orb of light and it started to float towards his forehead.

Aariv prepared himself. The moment the orb of light made contact with Aariv's forehead many different memories started flowing into his mind, he saw these 10 aliens die. Some of them got burned, some were cut and some died due to vacuum.

He felt immeasurable pain all over his body, in every single cell. His cells were exploding and the reforming into better and stronger cells.

He felt pain in his mind, body, and soul altogether.

even his physical baby body inside the womb was twitching continuously.


Outside World

Aariv's mother was on her bed, resting but suddenly she felt like the child in her belly started moving. She smiled and caressed her belly

"don't be restless my child, soon you will be coming out, just a bit more"

This movement kept on going for about an hour.

She was oblivious of what her son was going through at this moment


Inside Aariv's mind

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" He screamed more and more but no one could hear him, not even juno because all this was happening inside his mind.


Juno was looking at the twitching body of Aariv, She was scared beyond her wits. Even though she jokes about pain and stuff but she still cares about Aariv.

She didn't know what was happening "WHAT DO I DO? WHAT DO I DO?... AARIV WAKE UUUUP!"

She didn't have a physical body so she could only scream but her voice was not reaching Aariv. For the first time since being reborn, she felt helpless and angry that she didn't have a body.

She kept on screaming Aariv's name.

"WAKE UP! Aariv please wake up, you're scaring me Aariv" She said in a crying voice.

It should not be forgotten that even though she had the voice of a teenager, she still had the mind of a 10-year-old.


Aariv had started to lose himself in this pain, he was going crazy literally, he felt that if the pain didn't stop then his mind would break.

But then he felt something, a sensation like someone was continuously calling his name.

In the midst of all the pain, Aariv started to put all his focus on this voice. The more he focused, the more clear the voice would become.

Finally, after 15 minutes of continuously focusing on the voice, he was able to hear it clearly.

It was a girly voice, calling his name again and again.


He felt sorrow, pain and worry in her voice. He felt warmth from this voice. He wanted to protect this person and never let her cry ever again.

After so many years of isolation, he felt like this for the first time. Wanting to protect his mother from the poison was like an instinct for him but wanting to protect Juno felt like it was the reason for his very existence.

He muttered all his strength and said "Don't cry Juno"

After some time he opened his eyes. He didn't even know when it stopped hurting, he was only focused on Juno's voice.


Juno heard him and tried to stop crying.

It took a while for her to realize that Aariv had woken up.

"Aariiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiv" She screamed happily.

"I...I thought that I will not get to see you again" *Sniff* *Sniff*

Aariv was sure that if they both had a physical body then she would have hugged him tightly by now.

He felt sad for her and decided to send some of his soul energy to her soul.

Juno suddenly felt warm and stabilized herself. She was not sad anymore but still frowning.

"Is this going to happen whenever you level-up?" She asked worriedly.

Aariv smiled seeing her so stressed out about him. " Yes, I think so"

hearing this Juno got disheartened she didn't want to see Aariv in that state ever again.

Aariv continued "but you can help me Juno"

she got excited "What? HOW?"

"By talking to me, you see when I was in pain I heard you calling my name so I focused on your voice and then to my surprise I didn't feel any pain.

So you can help me by talking to me or maybe sing for me so that I can focus on your sweet voice and forget my pain"

Juno started blushing when Aariv said her voice was sweet.

"Ok" She answered shyly.

"Hahaha" Aariv laughed seeing this new side of Juno.


After some time Aariv was stabilized and also made sure that there were no side effects to his level up.

Now he wanted to know when he'll be born.

"Juno, do you know how much time has passed since we started all this?"

Juno thought a bit "I don't know exactly but am sure that you'll be born soon"

"Hay Aariv look... look it's your father... Oh my GOD!... Aariv they are about to have dinner together"

Juno's last words made Aariv cautious.

~If I remember correctly according to history my mother was poisoned because she ate food that was meant to be eaten by father(Emperor Chandragupta Maurya).

Because my father was in constant danger of assassination via poison, Acharya Kautilya(Acharya is a prefix used to address a preceptor or instructor in religious matters or a highly learned person) used to put little amount of poison in my father's food every day without him knowing so that he could develop immunity to poisons.

Father didn't know this and ended up sharing his food with mother which ended up in her getting poisoned~

Aariv prepared himself.

"Juno, see you on the other side," he said his final words to Juno because he knew that the time for his birth had come.

"Yeah, make sure you save her"

Both of them started observing the outside world through his mother's eyes, waiting for the inevitable to happen.