Holocom X

Night came and with that the city became quiet,

Aariv was sitting on a carriage, Black was driving it. The carriage was filled with small metal balls. They were satellite carriers. He also had a laptop in his hand which was connected to the main workstation in the palace.

He was currently calculating the positions he needed to put the satellites in. They went to a hill outside the city.

This time, he had included small jet thrusters in the satellites so that they could be positioned correctly. After reaching the hill he unloaded all the satellites.

"Let's get started now," he said.

He picked up all 24 satellites one by one and threw them towards the calculated direction. He knew that he was able to do this because of the small size of satellites but if someday he had to send something big into space then he would need a proper launch vehicle.

After 3 hours of calibration, everything was set. It shouldn't have taken him this long but he miscalculated the angle for one of the satellites and ended up throwing it beyond the decided orbit. It took a lot of time to bring it back to its designated place with the help of jet thrusters.

Seeing that everything was okay he decided to head back to the palace and try out the Holocom X.

"Let's go back to the palace, Black" Aariv said and jumped on the carriage.

Black nodded and drove back. Aariv asked him to follow him to his room. Black followed the order, unknown to him that he was going to be used as a guinea pig.

When Black arrived in the room he was astonished by so many lights in the room. There were 6 big screens on a wall in the room and each had some words on it that kept changing. It was the navigation system control. The navigation satellites weren't just for navigation but also communication and now he could talk to anyone, anywhere in the world.

Aariv looked at the room which felt crowded due to so much stuff.

~I am going to need another room, or maybe a secret base~ he said to himself.

He made his way towards a cupboard and took out a unit of Holocom X. He also had a big injection like thing in his hand.

"Come, Black, sit here for me," he said and pointed to the bed.

Black complied and sat down.

"Alright, it's going to hurt you a little... show me your wrist," he instructed.


Aariv used the injection like thing to insert the wrist unit. It sounded like a paper stapler. It only felt like a pinch. He then asked Black to show him his back and Aariv implanted the nerve unit on his cervical spine.

Black didn't know what Aariv was doing but he guessed that he would get an explanation soon.

"Okay, now take this little thing and put it on your eye," Aariv said and demonstrated how to put on contact lenses. Although the contact lenses were removable, the user didn't need to do it. He could sleep or work with it on. It causes a little irritation in the beginning but in a day or two the user would get used to it.

After everything was done. Aariv put on a pair of glasses. He didn't want to use the Holocom X on himself. He wanted to make something even better for his personal use.

He made sure that everything was connected then he made a call to Black. Black, who was sitting quietly, suddenly jumped. He saw words and an image in front of him. He tried to touch it but his hands passed by it.

He was freaking out.

"Calm down Black. This is a communication device I made. The thing you put on your eyes is a screen on which images and words can be seen. You just need to think about accepting the call. Alright, now think about touching the green circular button."

Black did as instructed and he was greeted with Aariv's voice.

"Okay, now bring your wrist in front of your face and press the green square button"

Aariv then saw a live video feed of Black's face on his glasses. He took out a small extension from his glasses and brought it in front of his face. Black also saw a live video feed from Aariv.

"Oh my God, this is magic," Black said when he thought about the usage of this product.

"This is technology... okay, now click on..." Aariv then went on to teach Black how to fully utilize the holocom. He taught him how to record videos from his contact lens and also send the live feed from his contact lenses, how to use infrared vision or night vision. He taught him how to make calls and send text messages, how to use it for navigation, and finally the SOS signal.

Aariv was planning on making automatic armed flying droids in the future. So, whenever an SOS call was initiated, the droid would automatically be deployed for rescue. Currently, it would notify every other user of Holocom X in a 1000 kilometer radius and also start uploading the 1st person video footage to the main server. This would let them know what happened.

Black was shocked and excited after learning everything. He understood how revolutionary it was. It would make administrating easy and also surveillance and spying would become easy.

"The reason why I taught you all this is because you will be responsible for teaching the chosen candidates, to whom these devices will be given. There are only 100 of these right now but in the future I'll make more. This one is a special version only for Military usage. The people responsible for the administration would be given a turned down version of this." Aariv explained.

Aariv was now waiting for the list of men that Kautilya chose to be given these 1st hundred Holocoms, but he already knew about the men assigned for the Kidnapping mission so he decided to start from them.

He told Black to report to Kautilya and ask him for the list.


Aariv then started to make the more advanced version for his personal usage, he was only going to provide this to Kautilya, his father, mother and little brother. It was mostly the same as Holocom X but it used the 1 satellite that Aariv threw in space for master control.

Aariv had decided to use that satellite only for his personal use. It had extra features like you could see where all the other holocom X users were. The reason why it was the hardest to make was because it had a safety feature.

If the SOS was initiated then a sound on a certain frequency would get played, which would make anyone in 30 meters radius get unconscious, except the SOS initiator. It would also notify every Holocom X user in the world including Aariv. Many more features would be added later on.

He named the new advanced version, Holocom zero.


One month later.

Aariv implanted the communicators on his mother, father, little brother, Kautilya and himself. His Holocom had the highest level of authority. He then taught them how to use it.

He then saw his father, mother, and little brother doing a conference call and talking to each other, ignoring the fact that they were sitting in the same room. Kautilya laughed a little seeing that.

"Baldy, give the list of approved men to Black, he knows how to implant it and use it, I am going to Kalinga the day after tomorrow. I will teach the Army how to use the Catapults before going." Aariv said, he was very busy so he didn't have time to play right now.

"But, Aariv, aren't you going to take the army with you?" Kautilya asked.

"No, I am going to play some mind games with the King of Kalinga and make him give me his kingdom voluntarily. Send the Army 3 days after I leave and tell them to make a camp 200 meters away from the city and also block all the city entrances. Send Black with the Army to supervise it. I will give the order when to start on the holocom"

"How are you going to enter the city, son?" Chandragupta asked, he was interested in knowing what his son was going to do.

"Isn't King Anantha Padmanabha going to marry in 5 days? I'll go there as an esteemed guest and give him the biggest gift of his lifetime.

Their city is situated on a hill so they have an advantage and on top of that they have dug a moat around the city. Though it is rarely filled with rainwater, it is still a defense for them. We can destroy their walls with catapults but that won't open their gates and we also don't want to kill the normal citizens. If everything grows as I planned then we will win without even losing a single soldier from our side." He told them some of his plan with a devilish grin.


The next day Aariv went to an open field outside the city. He made Juno look around for spies from the air with the help of Jojo. He didn't want the news about catapults to reach Kalinga.

He then trained 400 smart soldiers in the art of using catapults. They did target practice for the whole day and finally stopped in the evening.

Although he was leaving the next day, he ordered the men to keep practicing until they are deployed. He didn't need to teach how to use longbows as the Mauryan army already had a good amount of trained archers, they just needed to get familiar with the bow a little.

Aariv returned to the palace and started to prepare to leave for the wedding in Kalinga. After all, he was going there as a lavish prince.