A misunderstanding

Aariv returned to his room, he passed by the mirror and noticed that his clothes weren't good for the wedding.

~Let's go all out for this. Gold is the theme~

He asked Juno to make a golden sherwani with patterns made of gold thread. (a long coat-like garment worn in South Asia). It looked majestic. After that, he needed something to cover his head. But aariv didn't like turbans, he thought for a while and decided to make a mukut(A helmet-like crown). It was 100% made of gold and decorated with gems and a peacock feather.

[See the dress picture in discord]

Aariv got the inspiration after remembering Krishna wearing the same thing. Mukut was rare these days and most rich people wore turbans made of silk but still some kings wore mukuts. How could he not have one?

Then it was time to customize his ride. He noticed that there weren't any nice roofed carriages in the current era. So he decided to make one. A nice cozy carriage with sofa seats. Black in color with gold here and there.

[Picture in discord- https://discord.gg/drcz5yS]

He would go there with 100 guards. He didn't need them for his personal safety but his plan. He was feeling this excited after a long time.

Satya also asked to come but Aariv denied, however, he permitted him to come with the army. He had already used his biokinesis power and had unlocked the genetic potential of Satya, now he just needed to train and grow.


The next day he got dressed and headed to the palace entrance where the carriage was waiting. His family was waiting there and his mother had a golden plate in her hands which had different kinds of things on it and some incense sticks burning. She came forward and did a small prayer for good luck.

"Good luck, son," she said with concerned eyes.

"Haha, don't be so worried mother. Your son is very powerful. I'll show you everything live, then you'll know," he said.

"Big brother, that turban is so cool," Bindusara said with his eyes shining.

Aariv ruffled Bindusara's hair and laughingly said, "You can have it after I come back"

He went into the carriage and sat down. He looked out from the window and saw Kautilya coming closer.

"I have already chosen the governor and the administrative staff for Kalinga. I'll send them the moment I receive your order" He informed Aariv.

Aariv nodded and signaled the driver to start moving.

While crossing the city everyone stopped whatever they were doing and started looking at the majestic carriage in awe. Aariv looked ahead at the leading horses. He noticed that one of them looked extra buffed. It had muscles growing in his legs and back. He felt a little familiar seeing it.

"Hahaha, surprised aren't ya? master" A voice came.

"Stupid horse?" Aariv exclaimed in shock.

"Yeah, it's me," he said, although he felt annoyed being called stupid but he couldn't do anything other than accepting it.

Aariv noticed him getting irritated and asked, "What happened? how did you get like this?"

"well, In the beginning I didn't like exercising but still I was forced to do it. After some time I realized that I got faster than before, at that moment I felt a change inside me. Since then I kept on exercising so that I could get faster and before I even knew it I became like this." The horse pridefully said.

Aariv smiled, he was genuinely happy for his dumb horse.

"Good job, Shakti," he praised.

"Haha... thanks," he said cheerfully, then he suddenly realized.

"Master, you... called me by my name"

"You deserve it now,"

Shakti got emotional and excited at the same time, "Thank you, thank you".

"Oy, oy... stop shaking the carriage"

"Oh... sorry master, I got excited," Shakti apologized embarrassingly.

Aariv was surprised that Shakti could get this far without his genetic strengthening, he was now interested in using his power on Shakti.


3 days passed and he was about to reach the capital city of Kalinga. According to history, Toshali was supposed to be the capital of Kalinga but god knows what happened, the city of Toshali surrendered to the Mauryan empire. It was the butterfly effect in action.

Aariv needed to bring some men into the city without anyone knowing, but he knew that all the 100 men he brought with him would be under strict surveillance. So, he sent 20 men acting as rich traders to the city. It was a festive time due to the royal marriage, so all the traders who brought high quality or rare items were welcomed.

Aariv could see the big city on the hill some distance away. He was currently on the main road leading to the entrance. People gave way to his entourage, seeing the fancy-looking carriage and well-armored guards they knew that it was someone important.

The commanding officer of the hundred man was Gopal Vyas. He was the right-hand man of War minister, General Karamveer. He was one of the chosen men who was assigned a Holocom X.

They were nearing the city wall when suddenly Aariv saw a man walking with a painted canvas in his hands and a canvas stand tied on his back. Aariv felt intrigued by him as he had not seen someone with a painting set like that.

"Stop," Aariv said on his Holocom to commander Gopal.

"HALT!!," Gopal shouted with his fist in the air. his shout was so loud that some of the passersby tripped and fell down due to sudden shock. One of the people who fell was the painter.

Aariv stepped out and helped the man out. The scene was funny but he controlled his laughter. He helped him get up and then picked the canvas which had gotten spoiled by dirt. Still, Aariv noticed that it was a painting of a magnificent building. It was detailed and looked like it was designed by a professional.

The man looked at his spoiled painting with a disheartened look. He was going to try to sell it to some rich people in the city, as there were a lot of rich people who came for the wedding. He had spent extra money on colors and 5 hours on painting it.

He then looked at Aariv and saw his super expensive dress and the mukut, he knew that he couldn't anger Aariv as he saw the guards and also understood from his clothing that he was way above in the social ladder than him.

He bowed and apologized even though he didn't make a mistake.

"I am sorry, I'll clear the way"

"Get in the carriage," Aariv said nonchalantly.

His heart fell when he heard that, he knew that he couldn't run or deny. He felt like being treated like those bad girls in the city(hookers). He looked at Aariv's back, imagining that Aariv was one of those dogs who don't like bitches but other dogs.

He slowly got into the carriage with a depressed and tense face. He was baffled by the beauty of the carriage from the inside. He then looked at the seat beside Aariv, he imagined that if his guess was right then he would be asked to sit beside Aariv.

He still mustered some courage and moved to sit on the seat opposite to Aariv.


He started sweating profusely and slowly lifted his face to look at Aariv. But to his surprise it wasn't Aariv who spoke. It was a guard who had his canvas stand. It seemed like he forgot it on the road due to stress

He then took the canvas stand from guard and sat down. He notices that there were bottles of exotic drinks at the side.

"Start moving," Aariv commanded.

Aariv then picked up a nice high-quality glass and poured some whiskey which he personally made.

"Here, take this" he handed it to the guy.

~Oh, so you want to make sure I don't remember anything. Good thing we are about to reach the city, I can hold myself till then and I'll jump out the second we are in the city but... I am in a dire need of money and if he can... no no no... don't think about that Surupa, I need to protect my sanctity~ He said to himself.

Aariv was looking at the everchanging expressions on the painter's face he didn't understand why the guy was acting so depressed. He assumed that he was depressed because his painting got spoiled.

He took out 2 gold panas from his money pouch, thinking that he should compensate.

"Hehe... haha... you naughty boy... If you want my first time then you need to... pay more" the painter stutteringly said, he couldn't hold the whiskey.

Aariv felt weird and thought that the man wanted more for his first drawing. He couldn't believe that someone could draw such a nice building on their first try.

~Maybe this guy is a genius in architecture~

He took out 8 more gold panas.

~Hehe... okay... I just hope eh... that... uh keep this... a secret eh" The guy said while taking money and then started to undress.

Aariv jumped in his seat seeing that. He then thought about the conversation and finally understood what a dense mofo he was. All this time he didn't get the clue that the wild dog was after his virginity.

~F*ck my luck, here I thought I found my architect,~ he said in his head.

"Wait... what the f*ck dude... you got me wrong... I like chicks 100 percent" Aariv tried to rectify the misunderstanding but suddenly.

"Don't be shy now... naughty boy" Painter guy said and pounced on Aariv.

Due to his instincts, Aariv punched the guy and broke his nose. The painter guy fell back on his seat, unconscious and shirtless.

"ahahahahaha... Sh*t... this just made my day... I am going to make digital copies of this" Juno started laughing crazily,