The Morning After




My alarm went off and I quickly hit the snooze button and sleep for twenty minutes more. I am still tired when I wake up, but I begin my routine all the same. After brushing my teeth and washing my face I check the weather and pick an outfit to go with the impending spring weather. I style my hair into a half up half down style and get dressed completing my outfit with accessories and light make up. I grab my phone, wallet, and school bag and head down to the kitchen for a light breakfast since there's so much food leftover I'll come home in between classes for lunch. I put my wallet into my bag and drop it onto an empty chair at the table and put on the kettle so that I can have oatmeal and a cup of tea.

"Good morning Na-na," Mom says sweeping into the kitchen with an air of someone who is running late searching for a mug.

"Good morning Ma. Running late," I ask her pouring oatmeal into a bowl.

"Late for me, I wanted to get an early start today. You're down here a little late as well," Mom says not missing a beat.

"Yeah, I slept a little longer. I feel so exhausted after this weekend," I reply turning off the kettle and pouring the hot water into my coffee mug and oatmeal before offering to pour for her as well.

"I can imagine this is the busiest you've been in a while. You should've asked Mekhi if he wanted to take any food home last night," Mom says making a cup of coffee.

"I'll ask him now while I have time to pack it up for him," I say pulling out my phone to text him.

Mekhi: Good morning baby 6:03 am

Me: Good morning! I'm just seeing this! Do you want me to bring you some left over food from last night?

Mekhi: Hmm I can't get it from you any time soon…

Me: I'm coming back here for lunch later…I could grab it then…or you can come with me to get it

Mekhi: Oh really…I'll come home with you later

Me: smh alright, I'll let you know when I'm leaving to come home

Mekhi: Alright baby…ttyl

Me: Kk

"So what did he say," Mom says looking at me.

"I told him I would bring him some food, he doesn't know if he'll be able to pick it up from me. So I told him that I was coming home for lunch and that he could meet me here," I tell her.

"Well that's fine and let him take some food to go as well," Mom says.

"Okay," I say eating my oatmeal.

"I'll be leaving for a few days so it'll just be you guys and Dad here. The twins and your father already know so just help out when and where you can," Mom says.

"Don't worry Ma, I'll do my best," I reassure her sipping my coffee.

"I believe you; I'm going to finish packing" Mom says.

"Ok, Mom," I say finishing my coffee and taking my dishes to the sink to wash and put away.

After washing my dishes I go back to my room and brush my teeth once more before grabbing my jacket to head out. I go back to the kitchen and grab my bag and keys and put my jacket on.

"Alright Ma, I'm leaving have a safe trip," I yell for her to hear.

"Bye Lena, love you," she yells back.

"Love you too," I say and walk out the door and to my car.

In the car waiting for it to warm up I turn on the radio and listen to today's hits. Feeling the effects of the caffeine working I perk up and look forward to the day ahead of me. Even though I left out a little late today I still have some time before my first class starts. I go the library and study for a little while to make up for the lack of it this past weekend. Studying proves to be a little difficult as this weekend's events are running through my mind however I try to push through until I have to leave and go to class.

I sit near the window again to see if I'll see Mekhi again today. Half way through the lecture that the

professor is giving I see Mekhi outside surrounded by girls. Seeing this my heart falters as they all vie for his attention and it looks like he's waving them off. I hear someone sigh behind me and turn around to see that I'm not the only one watching the spectacle below. I let out my own sigh and tear my eyes away from them and continued taking notes on the lecture. At the end of class I decide to go back to my car to shut my eyes for a little while before my next class started. When I get to my car I put my sunshade up, set an alarm on my phone, and put my jacket on backwards and close my eyes to attempt to take a morning nap. Fifteen minutes into my nap my phone starts vibrates signaling a message or email has come through not caring I ignore it and continue to nap. What seemed like two minutes later my phone starts to ring and rather than trying to force myself to nap through the ringing phone I answer it.

"Hello," I say annoyed.

"Baby, what's wrong," Mekhi's worried voice says.

"I'm tired and was trying to take a nap," I say pouting.

"I'm sorry baby, I know we both have a little time before our next class I just wanted to see if you wanted to meet up," he says smoothly.

"Mmm, I'm in my car," I say to him.

"Where are you parked," he asks and I can tell he's walking by the change in his breathing.

"Near the library," I say realizing that he's coming to meet me.

"Alright, I'll be there soon," he says and hangs up the phone.

I stare at my phone a little shocked at the fact he hung up on me but recover enough to straighten myself and seat. I remove the sun shade, put my jacket on the right way, and turn my car on to let some music play in the background. I scroll social media until I hear a tap on my passenger window. I see that it's Mekhi so I unlock the door and place my bag in the backseat as he first adjusts the seat then sit on it.

"What's up baby," Mekhi says as he takes my hand into his own and immediately I feel a burst of energy as he holds my hand.

"Nothing really, just felt exhausted," I say smiling at him.

"That's my fault," he says apologetically.

"Nope, it's mine if I hadn't stayed up all night like a crazy person I would be fine," I say.

"Still," he says reaching out to stroke my cheek.

"Mmm," I say at feel of his hand on my cheek.

"You look beautiful today baby," he says smoothly.

"Thank you. You don't look too bad yourself," I respond to him.

"How was class," he asks.

"Interesting actually," I say remembering the girls surrounding him.

"Oh yeah, how so," he replies.

"In the middle of my lecture I happened to look out my window and see a certain someone surrounded by women," I say sarcastically.

To Be Continued....