A Walk

"Oh yeah, how so," he replies.

"In the middle of my lecture I happened to look out my window and see a certain someone surrounded by women," I say sarcastically.

"Well they're upset with me now and I couldn't care less but, I can't have you upset with me," he says sincerely.

"Because…" I say waiting for him to explain.

"You matter to me and they don't. It was brought to their attention that I am seeing someone so they wanted to keep asking about it and I told them it was true," he says.

"Who would tell them that," I ask.

"It's on the campus' social page. Someone spotted us out together and it spread," he says sounding slightly apologetic.

"Someone took our picture," I gasp.

"Nah, it's just gossip going around the school," he says calmly.

"Is my name in it anywhere," I ask not wanting to be rude, but I don't want the attention that comes along with being in a relationship with someone as popular as he is.

"No, they don't know your name," he says.

"Cool," I breathe a sigh of relief.

"What do you mean? You don't want anyone to know we're together," he asks a little upset.

"Of course I want our relationship to be public however I don't want to announce it to the world. I

don't want people following me around or cursing me or whatever because I'm with you," I say looking for him to understand my viewpoint.

"So you don't want the popularity," he asks.

"Or the issues," I add.

"Okay, it's alright for now then," he says understanding.

"Cool, I didn't wanna have to dump you because of your fans," I say jokingly.

"Nah, I'd dump the fans first," he says and without warning he grabs my chin and pulls me in for a kiss.

"Mmm," I say feeling less tired because of his kiss.

"Where's your next class? I'll walk with you," he asks giving me his mega-watt smile.

"It's art 101. You don't have to walk me," I say trying not to fall for his charm.

"I have time," he says and with that I'm defeated.

"Fine," I say with a pout and he plants another kiss on my lips.

"Good, how much time do you have until your next class," he asks.

"Umm, about forty five minutes," I say while looking at the time on the dashboard.

"Okay, close your eyes for a little bit and I'll wake you up in about a half hour," he says.

"Are you sure? I don't want you sitting here bored watching me sleep," I say already settling in to go back to sleep.

"Its fine, I'll play a game on my phone," he says as he reaches over to turn off the car and lean his seat back.

"Okay," I say and turn my jacket back around and lean my seat back to get comfortable.

I shut my eyes and try to clear my mind of everything running through it when I feel something being placed over me. I keep my eyes closed and turn my head a little waiting until sleep eventually finds me. I sleep for what feels like a long time before I'm gently shaken awake and hear the sweetest voice calling my name. I open my eyes to see Mekhi straightening his seat and I look down to see that he put his own jacket on top of mine to keep me warm. I wasn't actually cold, I just like to sleep with a blanket or something like it covering me. I hand him his jacket back and turn mine back around before I stretch in my seat.

"How was your nap," Mekhi asks.

"It was refreshing. I'm definitely going to bed early tonight," I say grabbing my bag out of the backseat to get the bottle of water and take a swig to swish around my mouth.

"Yeah, I'll bet. I'll be at practice so my night will probably be a little longer than yours," he responds.

"Sorry to hear that," I say replacing the cap on my water bottle after taking another sip.

"I'll sleep on the bus tomorrow though so I'll be fine," he says.

"Oh, you guys are leaving tomorrow," I ask.

"Yep, let's get going you don't want to be late to class," he says teasing.

"It'll be your fault for distracting me," I say giggling.

"Alright let's go," he says grabbing my bag before he gets out of the car.

"Ok," I say and I get out of the car, straighten my clothes, and lock the doors.

"Come on baby let's get you to class," he says walking around to my side of the car with his hand out waiting for me to grab it.

"I'm coming," I say as I grab his hand and we start walking towards the art building.

We walk in silence through the parking lot just enjoying the peace and quiet. I'm thinking about whether I should still meet the girls at the café after school or have them come to the house.

"Next time you want to take a nap just let me know and I'll bring you to my dorm," he says casually.

"Hmm I don't think you can do that," I respond.

"It's fine, it's just me in there," he says.

"Yeah, but what if you get caught with me in there? I don't want you to get in trouble," I say to him.

"It's alright, I can handle it. Could you imagine you're taking a nap in the car and someone decides to break into it," he says.

"You have a point. I'll think about it," I say placating him.

"Sure. I'll be gone for a few days so try not to nap in your car while I'm gone at the very least," he says protectively.

"I won't," I say as I catch my first stare of the day from a group of girls as we pass them.

"Good," he says oblivious to the stares we're getting as more and more people take notice of us.

"Isn't it annoying to have people staring at you all the time," I say loud enough for those with range can hear and stop staring.

"I'm used to it, remember I'm a basketball player," he says easily.

"It's annoying," I say frustrated.

"Don't pay them any mind baby," he says and squeezes my hand reassuringly.

"I'll try," I say and put a smile on face and hold my head up even higher.

"Good," he says bringing my hand to his mouth to kiss it and some of the stares immediately change

into shock and glares.

"You're so smooth," I say complimenting him.

"You'll find out how smooth I am soon enough," he says with a smirk.

"Sure," I say as we get to the front of the art building.

"After you," he says holding the door open for me before resuming holding my hand.

"Thank you," I say as I lead the way to my classroom.

"Is this it," Mekhi asks as I stop in front of my classroom door.

"Yeah, I'll see you later," I say to him with a smile and he tugs my hand closer pulling me in for a kiss.

"Smooth," I say again as he releases me.

"See you later baby," he says and walks away.

"See you," I say before I enter my class.