A Journey

A few minutes after I'm propped up against my pillows in bed watching TV my phone starts ringing. Checking the screen, I see that it's Mekhi calling so I answer.

"Hello," I answer smiling.

"Baby…" Mekhi says sounding a little distant.

"Hey, what's wrong," I say a little worried.

"Nothing, I am tired," he says with a yawn.

"Oh, then why did you call? You could've just sent a text," I say scolding him.

"Because I wanted to hear your voice. I won't be seeing you for a few days," he says easily.

"Awww…hold on," I say and hang up the call on him to video call him.

"You hung up on me," he says with shock written all over his face and in his voice.

"Yeah, but now you can see and talk to me," I say blushing because I'm in my hair wrap and a night shirt.

"You're right, this is much better," he says as all traces of sleepiness leave his eyes and is replaced by lust.

"Why are you looking at me like that," I ask him feeling a little self-conscious.

"You're still beautiful baby. Don't think too much about it," he says smiling.

"What did you think I'd look like? Thought I'd have on a face mask with rollers in my hair," I say laughing.

"Yeah that sounds about right," he responds laughing himself.

"Hey! You weren't supposed to agree with me," I say feigning hurt feelings.

"I'm sorry baby," he says with a smile.

"Nope, I won't forgive you," I say still playing along with him.

"Aww don't do that to me," he says touching his chest and I realize that he doesn't have a shirt on and I'm getting a full view of his well sculpted chest.

"Put a shirt on and I'll forgive you," I say blushing again as my thoughts run away with me.

'If his chest is that well sculpted then I know the rest of his body is in top form.'

"What's wrong you don't enjoy the view," he asks jokingly moving around to grab a shirt.

"No, I enjoy it quite a lot actually however you're distracting me with it," I say honestly.

"Okay, okay. I'll behave and put my shirt on," he says pulling his shirt over his head one handed.

"Thank you, sir. I really appreciate it," I say mentally fanning myself.

"Now that's taken care of, how was the rest of your day," he asks settling into his own bed.

"It was good. The girls came over and we narrowed down some vacation places and studied. We had dinner with the twins then the girls left to spend some time with their boyfriends," I tell him.

"Sounds good. I'm surprised they wanted to spend time with their boyfriends, you three are always together," he says teasing me.

"I spend time with you," I say defensive.

"Yeah, well I take whatever time with you I can take," he says truthfully.

"That's fair," I say admitting that he's right.

"So what are you going to do without me there," he asks mischievously.

"Oh, I don't know be bored out of mind waiting for you to come back," I say sarcastically rolling my eyes.

"You like teasing me," he says.

"You're easy to tease! All jokes aside I'll probably feel a little lonely. We've spent the last forty eight hours nearly inseparable so it'll feel a little weird knowing that you're actually not here but somewhere miles away from me," I say honestly and this both pleases and shocks him as I see both emotions play across his face.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. However that means that you'll miss me," he says smugly.

"Yeah, I'll miss you and you'll miss me! Now that we have that established…" I say.

"I can go to sleep peacefully," he says chuckling.

"You're just too much," I say laughing with him.

"Only for you," he says.

"Yeah, yeah. Get some rest you're tired and have to get up early in the morning for a long bus ride," I say to him reminding him of his upcoming game.

"Yes ma'am! Make sure you get some rest as well. I hope that you can watch the game," he says.

"I'll do my best to watch the game. Are you nervous," I ask him.

"I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't but not too much. I'm ready for it to be over honestly," he says.

"Why do you say that," I ask feeling like I'm treading into unknown territory.

"The constant travelling sucks honestly. I just want to get to the end result hopefully with us winning the championship," he says honestly.

"We can't rush everything. The journey may suck, but it's the journey itself that make the end result what it is whether it be good or bad. If I hadn't dated the moron I was dating and hid myself away at the café you never would've found me. That journey for me was awful, but I got you in the end of it all so it kind of feel like it's all coming full circle for me. This is part of the journey you must take to reach your destination," I say to him with some wisdom.

"You're right. If ending up with you is a part of my journey then I guess I can be a little more patient.

So wise," he says with appreciation filled eyes.

"I'll be here for you. Do your thing and work hard," I say smiling at him.

"Alright baby, I'll handle my business," he says smiling.

"That's what I want to hear, now go to bed," I say to him.

"Fine," he says.

"Goodnight," I say blowing him a kiss.

"Goodnight baby," he says with a tender look in his eyes and I end the call.

'He is going to drive me crazy! I'm going to have to work out or something to burn this excess energy.'



"Come in," I say wondering who it could be.

"Lena, you're not going to sleep yet," Dad asks as he pushes my door open,

"Not yet. What's up Dad," I ask.

"Nothing much. Just wanted to check on you," he says sitting in the chair at my desk.

"I'm alright Dad. How are you," I say to him.

"I'm fine. As long as my family is fine I'm happy," he says easily.

"Missing Mom already," I tease.

"Yeah, I missed her as soon as she left," he says easily.

"Dad you're so sappy. How are you and Mom still in love after all these years," I ask him.

"Falling in love is easy. Staying in love is the real task. No matter how easy it is to get complacent I never stopped dating her and letting her know she's the most important person in my life," he says imparting some of his wisdom on me.

"I hope I can get that one day," I say to him.

"I don't believe you're too far away from it now darling. I'd hate to admit but, that Mekhi is really into you. He reminds me of a younger me pursuing your mother," he says.

"Why do you hate to admit it, Dad," I ask him.

"Because I saw you at your lowest and I do not wish to see it again, but this boy seems genuine in his words and actions and I just hope that t is exactly what it seems to be," he says.

"Aww Dad, I'll be fine. I don't think he'll hurt me," I say placating my father.

"I don't think he will either. Just let me be a dad and continue to be skeptical," he says chuckling.

"Okay Dad," I say.

"Alright, get some sleep," he says rising from his chair and heading to the door.

"Alright…Dad do you think that he really could be the one," I ask just as he reaches the door.

"Yeah, I do," he says leaving my room.

"Goodnight daddy," I say as he pulls my door closed.

"Goodnight Na-na," he says closing my door.

After I think about my father's words for a few minutes more I turn off my TV and go to my desk. I fill the day's events into my journal and when I'm finished I turn off the lights and go to bed. With all things Mekhi still filling my mind I find sleep fairly easy.