Missing Me Yet...




I roll over to shut off the alarm and get out of bed to use the bathroom and start my morning routine. I wash my hands, brush my teeth, and wash as well as moisturize my face. When I'm finished I check the weather and style my hair accordingly. It is getting warmer the closer we get to spring and I dress accordingly. I wear a lavender sweater with a mini skirt and leggings underneath. I pick a few simple accessories and very light make up to finish my look. When I check myself out in the mirror I feel as though I look good enough to snap a few pictures. I grab my phone to take pictures and see that Mekhi has sent his good morning text so I snap a picture of myself in the mirror and send it to him with a good morning of my own. I take a few more pics, grab my bag, and head down to the kitchen.

As soon as I reach the landing the smell of bacon fills the air.

'That smells really good. I wonder which one of them cooked breakfast.'

"Good morning," I say stepping into the kitchen to see that its Journee cooking breakfast.

"Good morning," she says flipping a pancake then egg.

"Need any help," I offer.

"I'm just about finished, you could grab plates and cups please," she says turning off the burners and placing the pancake then egg on a tray in the oven keeping the food warm.

"Okay," I say grabbing plates and cups from the cabinet then placing them on the breakfast table.

Journee places the hot food on the kitchen island and I grab the orange juice from the refrigerator and place it on the breakfast table as well.

"I'll go and get Jackson," she says and just as she's walking out the kitchen he comes down the stairs at what sounds like two at a time.

"No need, I'm here," he says walking into the kitchen.

"Alright let's all grab a plate then," I say following them.

"Don't mind if I do," Jackson says rubbing his hands together and proceeds to pile food onto his plate.

"Good grief Jax! Make sure you save enough for the rest of us," Journee complains pushing him out of the way.

"Yes Jackson, Journee did cook the food," I say shooing him along.

He takes his seat at the table as Journee and I fill our plates with food. When we sit down we bless our food and Journee's hands that are responsible for making the food. I pour us all a cup of orange juice and we begin eating.

"This is really good Journee," I say to her between forkfuls of pancake and egg.

"Thank you! With Mom being gone and Dad working I didn't want to place all the burden of feeding us on you," she says.

"Well thank you! That's very thoughtful," I say smiling.

"Thanks Journee," Jackson says after taking a gulp of juice.

"You're welcome," she says and we all return to our meal.

After finishing breakfast we wash the dishes and brush our teeth again before heading out the door. We all load into my car and I let it warm up a little before pulling out of the driveway.

"How's Mekhi doing," Jackson asks.

"He's alright. He's on his way to an away game now," I say to him.

"Oh cool, when are they playing," Jackson asks.

"Tomorrow he said. Maybe we can all go out and watch the game somewhere," I suggest knowing my brother is a huge sports fan.

"Yeah, that'll be cool," he replies.

"What about you Journee? You in," I ask her.

"Sure, why not," she says neither enthusiastic nor upset, just mellow.

"It'll be good fun! We can go to that restaurant that sells wings half off on Wednesdays and have wings and nachos," I say excited!

"Yeah, that definitely sounds like a plan," Jackson says excited at the prospect of sports and food combined.

"Cool, maybe we can get a few of your friends to come out and watch the game with us," I say to them.

'I'll let the girls know and they can bring their siblings and just have a night out. I'll let Susu know as well and we can have out first official get together with all of us present.'

I pull up to the drop off line and wait until it's our turn to drop off.

"Alright sis, see you later," Jackson says getting out of the car.

"Bye Na-na," Journee says getting out after Jackson.

"Bye guys, have a good day," I say as they close the door.

I pull off and turn on my radio to today's music while waiting at the traffic light. I think about the day ahead and what I should make for dinner tonight. I also wonder how Mekhi is doing. Traffic is light and I have more than enough time before my first class starts so I head to the café to get some studying done. Today I forgo the caffeine and just find a table to study at midterms are two weeks away and I don't want to have any cram sessions. I settle into my seat and take out my biology notes, set my timer, and begin my review. About thirty minutes into my study session I get a text to my phone, I'm tempted to ignore it and continue studying, but something tells me to check who it is.

Mekhi: Beautiful as always. Have a good day baby!

Mom: How's everything going at home?

Turns out I have two messages, I'll respond to mom first.

Me: It's going well. We finished off the food for dinner last night; Nova and Rylie ate with us. Journee cooked breakfast for us this morning then I dropped them off at school. We were talking about going that wing restaurant tomorrow night to watch Mekhi's game with some of their friends and probably Nova and Rylie and their siblings. Make an outing of it, I'm at the café now prepping for mid-terms.

Mom: Sounds good, just let your father know your plans are and you guys call me later. Get back to studying and have a good day!

Me: Have a good day, Mom! Love you!

Mom: Love you too!

After texting Mom, I text Mekhi.

Me: You have a good day as well! Work hard and take care of yourself!

Mekhi: Thank you, love! What are you doing?

Me: You're welcome! I'm at the café prepping for mid-terms…occupying my free time.

Mekhi: Of course you are! Missing me yet?

Me: Almost…

Mekhi: You're getting there…

Me: You want me to miss you?

Mekhi: Of course! That picture you sent me is now my background wallpaper.

Me: Seriously! I'm flattered! I don't have any pictures of you!

Mekhi: not as beautiful as you are, but this should do

'He is so fine, especially dressed up like this! I can see his well-built frame in his fitted suit. He even has his tie undone and the top two buttons of his shirt is open. Mm mm mmm, he is fine as hell.' My mouth dries looking at all his smoldering sexiness and make him my background picture as well. 'I definitely hit the jackpot with him.'

Me: Stop it! You are handsome! I love to see a man in a suit!

I take a screenshot of him as my background and send it to him with heart eyes.

Mekhi: Baby, I'm embarrassing myself on this bus cuz I'm smiling like a fool at my phone and no one can figure out why…I think we look better together.

Me: I think so too! Don't be embarrassed you have a beautiful smile! They're just jealous because they have someone like me encouraging them.

Mekhi: I just told them that you said that they were jealous of me.

Me: !!!!! Why would you do that? Lol

Mekhi: You'll meet a few of them soon enough

Me: What am I going to do with you?

Mekhi: Idk! Go back to studying though! Text me before you go to class.

Me: Alright ttyl

Mekhi: Later baby

Talking to Mekhi gives me a boost of energy. I look at my timer and see that I still have forty five minutes left to study so I buckle down and take in as much information as I can. When the timer sounds I pack up my belongings and head to campus. My heart skips a little because I had Mekhi with me yesterday to endure the stares.

'Oh well! I'll handle it by myself. Keep your head up high and focus on your destination. It shouldn't be too bad today since he isn't here they may not recognize me.'

I sit in the car for a few minutes before I'm ready to get out and go to class. I grab my bag and phone, lock the doors behind me and walk through the parking lot with my head held high. I can see that the stares have died down considerably. I exhale a little and continue to walk to my biology class. When I reach the building relatively unscathed I text Mekhi.

Me: Hey, I'm walking into my Bio class…

Mekhi: Cool, let me know when you get out

Me: Okay…

Mekhi: It's to make sure you're fine, I'm not trying to control you baby

He responds reading my mind. At least I didn't have to ask.

Me: In that case thank you!

Mekhi: go to class, love.

Me: Going, ttyl

Mekhi: Later baby

I head into class and take my seat next to Susu at our lab table. She makes a little more room for me and we chat until the professor comes in. I tell her about watching the game tomorrow and bringing her siblings so that we can all be acquainted with each other. She agrees to come and bring her siblings, I tell her I'll reserve our seats tonight because we'll have a big group. When the professor is finished his lecture and gives us an experiment to conduct and we continue our conversation. When class is over we hand in our results and pack up to leave. I ask Susu if she wants to grab lunch together and she agrees. The staring continues, but it's nothing more than that. I text Mekhi when I'm leaving the classroom arms linked with Susu.

Me: Class is over, I'm getting lunch with my friend Susu.

Mekhi: Okay, baby. Have fun!

Me: Kk

We head to a sub shop in Susu's car for lunch and chat until it's time to leave for our next class.