I Can Handle Myself

When we get back to campus, I go to my car and text Nova that I'm waiting for her in the parking lot so that we can go to our History class together. I see her car after a few minutes and flag her down so that she can park near me. After she parks she walks over to me with a ridiculous grin on her face and the only thing that comes to mind is: Mekhi.

"Lenaaaaa," Nova says in a sing song voice.

"Yesssss," I reply in the same voice that she uses wondering what's going on.

"Have you looked at the school's gossip page today," she says locking her arm with mine and showing me her phone with the other.

"No…" I say as I look at her phone recognizing different pictures of me and Mekhi together in various places on campus. I am shocked even though I'm not surprised. Our pictures are candid and cute.

"Well…what do you think," she says looking at me.

"I honestly don't know other than whoever took these did an amazing job," I say pulling out my phone to download the pictures taken of us.

"You're not upset," she says.

"I mean, I wish they hadn't taken our pictures especially without asking first that's a gross invasion of privacy. However with Mekhi being with me for practically the whole day yesterday our relationship is pretty much exposed," I say to her sending the downloaded pictures to Mekhi to see what he has to say.

"I'm surprised you're taking this really chill," Nova says touching my forehead to see if I'm sick.

"I'm dying inside trust me! I just don't want to show it or look vulnerable. I knew this would come along with being with him so I have to be strong," I say confidently.

"You think he's seen it yet," she asks and we start walking to class.

"If he didn't see it before, he's seen it now because I sent it to him," I say to her.

"You really downloaded the pictures," she asks surprised.

"Yes, they're cute," I say setting the one with me hugging his arm as my lock screen as we walk through the parking lot.

"What am I going to do with you," she sighs as I look around to see that the staring continues.

"Anyway, we're going to that wing place to watch the game tomorrow, I already to Susu, you guys should come and bring your siblings since I'll be with the twins and let's make it a thing. We'll tell Rylie too," I say to her changing the subject.

"Yeah, we can do that! It'll be a fun night," she says excitedly and a group of girls approach us.

"So you're the bitch hanging all over my man," the taller curvy girl in the middle says and Nova and I look at each other.

"Excuse me," I say holding back shock and laughter.

"Bitch you heard her," her shorter friend says.

"Who exactly are you talking about," I ask her confidently.

"Don't act like you don't know I'm talking about Mekhi," tall and curvy says.

"As far as I know the only woman dating Mekhi is me and if you have any questions or concerns you should take it up with your 'man' as he is the one who is 'hanging all over' me. Now if you will excuse us we have a class to get to," I say defensively and inwardly seething with anger.

"Bitch what," her shorter friend says.

"You heard what she said. Get the fuck out of the way," Nova says getting defensive and we take a step forward and they continue to block our path.

"Where do you think you're going? I'm not finished with you," tall and curvy says.

"No, we're not finished," her shorter friend says backing her up.

"But I'm finished with you and this conversation," I say and grab Nova by the hand and go around the group of girls when I feel a hand on my shoulder.

"I said I'm not done," the taller girl says holding my shoulder.

"If you don't take your fucking hand off of me I promise you that you will regret it," I say as onlookers start to pay closer attention.

"What exactly are you going to do," she says and just as she's finishing her question I grab her hand, step to the side, twist it and her arm around her back and hold her in place.

"I asked you to leave me alone, now I'm telling you. You had better leave me the fuck alone whatever issues you have with Mekhi you take them up with him. Do not come to me with petty drama I have neither time nor patience for it. This is my last time telling you leave me alone and move along," I say holding her place.

"Bitch you better let go of me," she says wincing in pain as I twist her arm a little.

"I'll let you go when you say you'll leave me alone," I tell her.

At this point Nova has her arms opened wide blocking the tall and curvy girl's friends from interfering. The group of onlookers growing a little bigger from the commotion. I didn't want to cause a scene and make a fuss.

'I've gone a long time without having any trouble and as soon as I get into a relationship here comes the problems. Why can't the universe just give me a break and let me happy in peace after all the drama and pain and suffering of the last year. I'll just let her go and go about my day.'

"Let's go Nova. It's not even worth it," I say releasing her and grabbing Nova's arm pulling her in the direction of our cars.

"Are you okay Lena," Nova asks looking around to see if we're being followed.

"Yeah, I'm just so over the drama like seriously," I say.

"Do you believe what she said about Mekhi," she asks.

"Honestly no. He's been stuck to me like bees to honey; I can't doubt his loyalty because one bitch troll thinks she has some kind of claim to him. I will tell him about it though. I told him these bitches would start acting up because he's doting on me so much," I say to her.

"Yeah, you're right. We can't blame him; I wanted to kick those bitches' asses though like what the hell. Even if he were cheating on her I don't see how it would have anything to do with you. I don't understand why women always want to check the other woman instead of checking their 'man'. It doesn't make sense," Nova says exasperated.

"I don't understand either nor do I want to. I was trying to avoid having to get too physical with her; she should've never put her hand on me. I guess she knows for the next time or she can warn the others about messing with me. However next time I won't be so kind," I say as we reach my car.

"Did you still want to go to class? We can still make it," Nova asks as we get into my car.

"No. Let's go to the security office and report the incident that way we can email the report to the professor and take the rest of the day off. I am drained of this non sense. Let me text Mekhi first so he knows what's going on," I say to her pulling out my phone.

I send Mekhi a message telling him what happened and that I'll be filing a report with the security office. As I'm driving to the security office my phone receives a flurry of messages as it's constantly vibrating.

"I guess you'd better answer him," Nova says as we park near the security office.

I unlock my phone to see messages from Mekhi lighting up my screen.

Mekhi: Wtf is going on?

Mekhi: Who is it? Do you know her name?

Mekhi: She put her hands on you?

Mekhi: Are you okay?

Mekhi: I'll deal with it when I get back!

Mekhi: Make sure you file a harassment report.

Mekhi: You're the only girl I have. That chick is delusional.

Mekhi: Call me as soon as you leave the security office, I assume you're taking the rest of the day off!

Mekhi: If anything, I'll protect you.

I smile to myself like a crazy person seeing how worried he is.

Me: I told you I can take care of it myself. I will file a harassment report against her. I am fine other than being angry that she would bring petty drama my way. Surprisingly I trust you, so I'm not worried about her claims. I will call you when I leave the security office, I'm here now. Aren't you still on the bus?

Mekhi: We got to our hotel a half hour ago so call me as soon as you leave.

Me: Okay…

Mekhi: Alright baby

And just like that with two words I calm down and rationalize my thoughts before going into the security office. Nova and I talk about what happened and get our story straight in the car before going inside. Once we're satisfied we go into the security office to report the events that had just occurred. I explain to the officer that I was forced to defend myself, but didn't actually harm the aggressor as I am a mixed martial artist and was taught to control and defend myself. I don't know any of the girls' names and he states that he will watch the parking lot cameras to see if she can be identified there. Half an hour later when we're finished he gives us a copy of the report and sends us on our way.

"So what do you want to do now," Nova asks as we leave the office.

"We can go to the café and hang out, but I have to call Mekhi first," I say to her.

"Okay, take me to my car and you can make your call while we're going there," she says

We get in my car and I drive her back to her car as planned. When she gets out she gives me the thumb up and I connect my phone to the Bluetooth in my car and proceed to make my call.