Let's Do It

Not sure of what else to do because my mind is too busy for bed I send my girls a text.

Me: Ahhhhh!!! You guys WOULD NOT believe the bomb that my parents just dropped on us!!

Nova: What!?!

Rylie: ???

Susu: !!!

Me: They're having another BABY!!!

Nova: Whaatttttttt!!!!

Rylie: Wait, what?!?

Susu: Oh my!! Congratualations!

Me: That's only half of it y'all!

Susu: …..

Nova: And?

Rylie: ?

Me: They're going to buy me a place…in their words I'm an adult and need to focus on my studies and having a baby in the house may be a distraction for me…I can choose not to accept it and stay in the house, but they think it's best for me to move out…I don't whether to laugh or cry

Nova: Whatttttt!!!! Do both! I surely would!

Rylie: You're getting your own spot, celebrate girl!!

Susu: Congratulations again! That's big news!

Rylie: Have you told Mekhi yet?

Me: You guys are the first to know, I haven't spoken to him since this morning! Honestly, I'm not sure

how I feel about it, I mean I'll have my own place, but I feel like they're putting me out because they're having a new baby…as childish as that sounds I'm just filled with mixed emotions.

Nova: You're allowed to feel that way chica! It's a lot to process at one time, but I know your parents, they won't touch your room even if you decide to move out and take everything out of it.

Me: Yeah, I know.

Rylie: And you don't have to make this decision fast we can talk about it until you're blue in the face if that's what helps

Susu: Plus we have spring break vacation coming up that'll help you to put things into perspective because we'll be done with exams and relaxed

Nova: And we're so ready for vacation! We already know we're going to the coast so let's just book our rooms and flights tomorrow!

Rylie: Let's do it!

Susu: Cool, I'll look for a few deals on flights!

Me: Alright ladies y'all got me! Let's do it!

Rylie: That's the spirit! Now I'm going to get ready for bed so I'll see you guys tomorrow!

Susu: See you guys tomorrow!

Nova: Goodnight everyone!

Me: Goodnight!

Feeling better from my text exchange with the girls I begin my shower routine. I think about everything that has happened today and realize that having my own place may not be a bad idea after all besides it would give the twins a place to chill out in case being in the house with the baby becomes too much during important times of the school year. It could be lonely as well, I'm so used to operating within a family unit it would take some adjusting. I take down my hair and brush then twist it, tomorrow is wash day so styling it will be very simple. I turn on the shower water and decide to play music on the speaker while I'm showering to help me relax. I undress and get into the shower letting the hot water cascade over my body. As I'm doing, what I consider, is my best thinking while in the shower I note to myself to make an appointment to get waxed next week.

When I'm done with my shower, I wash and moisturize my face then lotion my body down. I put on my night clothes and turn my music down, just as I'm getting ready to sit down and write in my journal a call comes in through on my phone. When I see that it's Mekhi, I smile as I answer his call.

"Hello," I say smiling and biting my lip.

"Hey baby," he says.

"What's up," I ask.

"Just checking in with you. How's it going," he asks and I smile even more.

"You won't believe what my parents had to tell us at dinner," I say to him.

"What is it," he asks seriously.

"They're having a baby…and I'm going to be getting my own place, if I want," I say to him holding my breath waiting for his reaction.

"Woowww, that's big news. Really big news. How are you feeling," he asks concerned about me.

"I don't know, childish, happy, and sad. I want to laugh and cry, but I've already spoke to my girls so I'm coming to terms with it," I say to him.

"It's alright to feel all of those things, Congratulations for the good news. For me however I'm more intrigued at the thought of you getting your own place…you know I've never seen your room and you've slept in my bed twice," he says with his panty busting voice and my heart begin to drum away.

"You do have a point there, maybe I can use your expert decorative skills to decorate my new place once I get over myself," I say to him smiling knowing that he's trying to make me feel better.

"Yeah, I can help you out with that and we'll help your parents with the new baby together. What do you think about that," he asks.

"I think that sounds good. Oh we've decided to book our trip for spring break on the coast tomorrow," I inform him.

"Alright, do you still want to stay in separate rooms, he asks.

"We can share a room, its fine since you'll be able to go and I've spent a night with and nothing's happened," I say with a sarcastic sigh.

"Alright, I'll take care of our reservations. Is there anything else," he asks.

"No, my man is so capable I'm sure you'll have it all together," I say to him.

"Thank you, love. I try," he says making me blush.

"There you go with that sweet tongue of yours again," I say leaning back in my chair with my hand over my face.

"But you like it," he says teasing.

"Yeah yeah, yeah…how was practice," I ask him.

"It was intense we're two games away from the championship so the coaches are riding us hard," he says.

"Yeah, I'll bet. Make sure you get some rest tonight and hydrate yourself," I remind him.

"Yes love," he says easily.

'If he calls me love one more time I'm going to scream. The amount of security I feel with him is too crazy. I can't wait for spring break.'

"You spoil me," I say to him.

"That's the goal, get some rest baby. I'm sure we both have a long day tomorrow," he says with a


"Goodnight…Kai," I say.

"Goodnight baby, see you tomorrow," he says smoothly.

"See you," I say and end the call.

When I'm finished talking to Mekhi I fill in the pages of my journal with the events of the last two days since I didn't come home last night. After I'm finished writing I place my phone on the charger, take out an outfit for tomorrow, and turn off the lights to go to sleep. I close my eyes and replay my weekend in my mind until I fall asleep.