When I'm with You I Feel at Home




My alarm signals another Monday morning, today however I am much happier than the initial morning that started my awakening. As I begin my morning routine I can hear my parents moving around the hallway as well. When I'm finished getting ready, I grab my bag and stuff my wallet back inside, then head downstairs to see what all of the commotion is about. I hear two doors close as I'm walking down the stairs and I know it's the twins behind me.

"Good morning," I say as I enter the kitchen.

"Good morning," the twins say in unison following behind me.

"Good morning," Mom says from the island with a mug wrapped in her hands.

"Good morning kids," Dad says from the fridge.

"What do you guys have planned this morning you made so much noise that I didn't know what to think," I ask them.

"Your father was being overly cautious because there's a baby on the way. He was the same with you guys," she says shaking her head.

"Hey, hey you're carrying precious cargo! We want to make it to the doctor's appointment this morning unscathed," he says handing her a bottle of water.

"Oh, there's an appointment today," Journee says excitedly.

"Yeah. This will be to see how far along I actually am to get a due date, measure baby's heartbeat, and establish prenatal care," Mom says smiling.

"Wow, this is actually happening," Jackson says and I mentally agree with him.

"Yeah, it is. Prepare yourselves because the baby will be here before we know it," Dad says.

"Wow, what time is Mom's appointment? Will you guys make it there on time if you take the twins to school," I ask finally entering the conversation.

"Yeah, we should be good on time. I know you have midterms to prepare for, you can leave without worrying," Dad says looking at his watch.

"Alright, as long as you guys are okay with it," I say looking between them and the twins.

"We'll be fine Na na, go ahead and study," Mom says encouragingly.

"Okay call me if you need anything," I say walking out of the kitchen.

As I head towards the door, I check to make sure I have everything before leaving. Once I get to my car I take a deep breath and start the engine. I decide to get some breakfast at the café while I'm studying before class. This will be a busy week and with Mom being pregnant I'll look into a few things we can do to help make her pregnancy smooth. I'll tell her and Dad about the decision I've made to go ahead and move out to make it easier for them. It feels bittersweet making this decision however I know it's easier in the long run for everyone and I'll be able to entertain my friends and Mekhi in my own place.

Once I arrive at the café I place my regular order along with a large Frappuccino and make my way to my "spot" as it's empty at the moment. I unload my study materials from my bag as well as my phone to keep track of time and begin to study until my name is called. When I get my food I eat slowly and attempt to continue studying as I text the girls and Mekhi. Besides Mekhi, the rest of us are actually studying while he's resting between practices for the semi-finals. The girls and I keep our study date for this evening and Mekhi and I agree to have lunch together. Ending both chats, I return to studying until it's time for me to go to class.

Arriving at campus, I park in my usual space and head to class. As it's the week before midterms, class is full of review and last minute work. Class seems to breeze by as I'm anticipating my lunch with Mekhi and as if on cue he appears at the door of my class to pick me up. Causing his usual commotion with grey sweatpants and a long sleeve white t shirt he looks scrumptious. Smiling as I make my way towards him, I feel so much lighter and happier.

"Hey baby," he says smiling as he pulls me into his embrace.

"Hey," I say and I automatically feel peace and at ease.

"How's your day going," he says as we start to walk to the exit.

"It's alright, though it's much better now," I admit to him.

"Missing me, huh," he says.

"Yeah, I didn't notice it until I saw you," I say to him honestly.

"I missed you too. Your parents' news still bothering you," he asks.

"Yeah, I don't know why. I'm happy for them," I say to him as we reach the parking lot.

"Because they said they're having a baby and mention you moving out all at the same time. You probably feel like you're being replaced or kicked out of the house but they're just concerned about your well-being. You're an adult now and they're gifting you with your own place; if you decide to start working while going to school next year coming home to a crying baby while having work to do will be stressful," he says logically.

"Yeah, it's exactly like that, I suppose. But when I'm with you, I feel at home…" I say realizing I may have said too much and he looks at me with a beaming smile.

"It's the same for me too, crazy right," he says pulling me close as we walk to my car.

"Yeah," I say as my blush begins to subside.

"It doesn't feel like it's only been two weeks with you," he says just as we reach my car.

"I know," I say as I unlock the doors and hand him the keys.

He open's my door then his and starts the car. When we leave the campus he turns toward the highway and I assume we're heading to his place.

"Remember when I said that you were 'it' for me? I think because it's the same for you that's why you feel so at home with me," he says as he's driving and holding my hand.

"You know, if I hadn't experienced being with you I would have never believed in love at first sight or even meeting a soulmate? I don't want to jump the gun and say that I'm in love with you…my feelings for you grow stronger each day and I couldn't stop them if I wanted to," I say to him with a racing heart.

"Nervous…I understand how you're feeling though I've had a longer time to process my feelings for you than you have for me so I'll wait for you still. As long as you want to be with me I will lay my world at your feet," he says with a half-smile.

"Thank you, you make me feel so secure and I don't have anything to give you," I say to him and he kisses my hand.

"I don't need anything other than you beside me," he says.

"Okay," I say as we speed towards his place.

When we finally arrive at his place, I leave my bag in the car and only bring my phone with me. As we enter his kitchen I can't help wonder what we'll be eating for lunch. I take my seat at the island and he goes to the refrigerator and takes out a huge bowl of salad and a Tupperware container that has two salmon filets inside. He places the salad in front of me and takes the salmon to the microwave, he then takes a smaller container out of the fridge. He places it on the counter and takes out two place mats, two plates, and silverware. Just as he's finished setting up the microwave beeps and he retrieves the salmon which smells delicious and places it on the counter in front of me.

"This smells delicious, did you make this yourself," I ask as he places a salmon filet on my plate and tops it with a peach mango chutney that was in the smaller container.

"Of course. I hope you think it tastes as good as it smells," he says with a smile as he places salad on my plate as well.

"I'm sure it does, you're so capable is there anything that you can't do," I say teasingly and he pauses.

"Hmmm, I'm sure if I think about it I can think of something I'm not good at," he says as if scrutinizing.

"Yeah, yeah show off," I say as I watch him move around his kitchen.

"What can I say? Your man is so capable after all," he says repeating my earlier words.

"Thank goodness or I would have to do everything for him," I say sarcastically.

"Alright, let's eat," he says finally sitting next to me holding out his hand.

"Okay," I say and he bless our food.

Taking my first bite of salmon with the chutney and I'm in heaven, it tastes so divine I had no idea he was this capable.

"This tastes amazing Kai," I say when I'm finished eating and for the first time I see his blushing face.

"Hmm, thank you," he says taking a sip from the bottled water in front of him.

"You're welcome," I say as I blush myself watching him.

"Are you going to eat or do you want me to feed you," he says when his blush subsides.

"Hmm, you can feed me," I decide.

"As you wish baby," he says and he begins to feed me.

He feeds me alternately salad then salmon until my plate is clear. In between my forkfuls of food he feeds himself as well. When we're finished eating we go to his entertainment room where we sit on the couch and watch a show with two chefs battling each other to declare who's the better chef. As we watch the show and he's laid across my lap, I run my nails across his scalp as we talk about me moving and our trip to the coast coming up for spring break. Careful of the time we leave a little early to get back to campus with more than enough time to be on time. As we ride back to campus we continue chatting happily.

When we get back to campus he walks me to class slowly as we still have time before it starts and the weather is nice. He tells me that he'll likely be in practices for the rest of the day. I remind him to call me when he's done and he kisses me at the door of my class. Entering the class I prepare myself to mentally get back to midterm preparation and with that my day flies by. Pulling up to the café, I grab my bag and head inside to see that I'm the first to arrive. I find a table big enough for the four of us to study at and order myself a small coffee and two croissants as I begin study while waiting for everyone to arrive.

"Lena, we're here," Nova says as she's followed by Rylie and Susu.

"Hey," I say to them.

"Were you waiting long," Susu asks.

"No, I got here maybe five minutes ago," I say as I rip a piece of croissant and dunk it in my coffee before eating it.

"Cool, I'm going to get something small to eat and drink too," Rylie says as she drops her bag into a chair.

"Same," Nova and Susu say and they leave.

When they return with their food and drinks they pull out their books and study materials. We sit in silence for about fifteen minutes until Nova breaks it.

"So, did you talk to Mekhi about you moving out," she says straightforward.

"Yes, he basically said all of the same things you guys said," I say with a sigh.

"See, I knew he was sensible," Rylie says.

"Girl, I wish my parents would gift me with a place," Susu says.

"Right," Nova agrees.

"I know. I think I just took it the wrong way. Anyway, I'm good now. I'll tell them that I'll move at the end of the school year. Mom went to her first prenatal appointment this morning so I'll ask her about it before I tell her," I say to them.

"Good for you. Are you going to start working," Susu asks.

"Yeah, I'm thinking about finding part time work at a school or daycare either mornings or afternoons so that I can take my classes at the opposite time of day. I don't want to have to continue to rely on them for everything," I say to them.

"Yesss girl, claim your independence," Nova says.

"And alone time with your man," Rylie says.

"You're too much," I say laughing at her.

"Speaking of which, did everyone already book their flights and rooms for vacation," Susu asks.

"Yes," we all say and start giggling.

With that we get back to studying for the next few hours. When we're all studied out and can no longer focus we head to the pizza shop and scarf down pizza, wings, and cheesy bread until we're full. After our dinner we all head home for the night promising to text each other when we reach our destinations.