Taco Tuesday

The next day breeze's by as it's the day before Mekhi leaves for his game. Needless to say I am unfocused in class and our after school study group. Unable to take my impatience any longer the girls and I decide to end our study time together early and I pack up to meet Mekhi back at my house. Driving home I nearly speed due to excitement at spending time with him. When I get home I greet everyone and head to my room to freshen up. After getting myself together, I send him a text.

Me: Kai, I'm here at home.

Mekhi: That was fast, love!

Me: I can't wait to see you!

Mekhi: Okay, I'll be there shortly.

Me: Okay!

I grab my bag, turn off the lights in my room, and head downstairs to wait for Mekhi. When I reach the bottom of the stairs I go into the kitchen where my parents are preparing dinner.

"Hey Lena," Dad says from the stove.

"Hey Dad, Mom," I say as I take a seat at the table.

"Getting ready to head out," Mom asks.

"Yeah, Mekhi is taking me for dinner since he'll be gone all day tomorrow," I respond with a smile.

"He's coming here to pick you up," Dad asks.

"Yeah, he'll be here shortly," I say to him.

"That's good, I wanted to have a word with him," Dad says with his 'Dad' voice.

"Sure," I say to him.

"Do you know where you're going," Mom asks.

"No, I'm not sure he didn't say," I say to her.

"Hmm, well wherever it is, I hope you guys have a good time and enjoy yourselves," she says.

"Thanks, Mom. We will definitely have fun," I say to her with a smile as my phone buzzes with Mekhi's text that he just pulled up.

"Mekhi's here," Mom asks.

"Yes," I say as I stand and straighten myself when the doorbell rings.

"I'll get the door," Dad says as he walks out of the kitchen and Mom and I follow.

"Honey, let Lena answer the door," Mom says pushing me ahead.

"Yes dear," Dad says as he takes a few steps back and wraps his arm around Mom's shoulder.

I walk forward to open the door taking a deep breath before I pull it open.

"Hey," I say with a smile plastered on my face.

"Hey love," Mekhi says hugging me.

"Come on, Mom and Dad are waiting for you," I say to him.

"Okay," he says with a quizzical look on his face.

"Hello Mekhi," Dad says stretching his hand forward as we step into the living room.

"Good evening Mr and Mrs True. Congratulations by the way, Lena told me the good news," he says shaking my father's hand and kissing my mother's cheek.

"Thank you, Lena has told us about your spring break trip together. I hope I can trust you to look after my daughter while you guys are out of town," Dad says.

"Absolutely Mr. True. I will definitely take care of her," he says with confidence.

"Thank you for that," Dad says.

"It's no problem, I'm glad you trust me enough to look after her," Mekhi says with his mega-watt smile.

"Hmm," Dad says.

"Alright, you guys go ahead and enjoy yourselves. Thank you again Mekhi," Mom says dismissing us.

"Thank you, Mr and Mrs True, have a good evening," he says shaking my father's hand once more.

"See you later," I say and lead him to the door.

When we hit the sidewalk I feel relieved and happy to be outside the house. We walk to the car in silence and Mekhi open's my door as he normally does and walks around to his side to get in and start the engine.

"So what was that about," he asks as he buckles his seatbelt.

"I honestly have no idea. I think my Dad is just being protective. He's actually taking me moving out the hardest," I say to him and he holds my hand.

"Hmm, that's because you're still his baby. A man's daughter will always be his baby no matter how old she gets and when she moves out of the house and is with another man he can only hope that, that man treasure's his daughter half as much as he does…your father doesn't have to worry about that though," he says with wisdom.

"How do you know that? And why doesn't my dad have to worry," I ask him.

"Well, I can only imagine how I would react if I had a daughter and well your Dad has entrusted you to me, I don't think he could find anyone better," he says smugly.

"Hmm, we're full of ourselves this evening," I say to him sarcastically.

"Or confident either way is fine with me," he says with a wink and squeeze of my hand.

"So where are we going," I ask him.

"I'm not sure, where would you like to go," he says giving me the opportunity to choose the place.

"Let's have tacos…it is Tuesday," I say to him.

"Okay, we can do that," he says and drives us to a Tex-Mex restaurant down town.

When we arrive he parks the car and open's my door. We walk hand in hand to the restaurant and wait to be seated. As we're waiting Mekhi whispers sweet nothings in my ear causing me to giggle uncontrollably and drawing attention to us. The hostess finally seats us and hand us menus before wishing us a good meal. Then the waitress comes with sparkling eyes for Mekhi taking our drink orders.

"What am I going to do with you? We can't even go out without girls ogling at you…what am I supposed to do," I say with a sigh rolling my eyes.

"I can't help that I'm attractive, but I hardly pay any girl that ogles me attention if she isn't you," he says sweetly.

"Uh huh, that's why they chase you," I say stubbornly.

"Believe me, it was worse than this before. There are only a few who are bold enough to approach me now," he says with a smile.

"Yeah, like Tori," I say sarcastically.

"Baby, are you jealous," he asks with a chuckle.

"No…maybe…yeah," I say admitting it.

"I see, it's alright you don't have to worry about me though. I'm glad you don't play on any sports teams or you're not in the public eye as much as I am because then I'd be the jealous one," he says placating me.

"You don't know that for sure," I say.

"I do, you don't notice how men look at you, but I do. You're a beauty," he says grabbing my hand.

"Thank you. I don't know what I'm going to do without you tomorrow. I really hope I don't run into any trouble," I say to him confessing what's been weighing on my mind.

"Yeah, I've thought about that as well. Just try not to be by yourself for too long and defend yourself if you have to," he says with a half-smile.

"Okay," I say.

"Has everyone booked their rooms and flights," he asks me changing the subject.

"Yeah, we're all ready to go! I can't wait for spring break, I think I want to go shopping and get a few more outfits," I say excitedly.

"Wait for me to go shopping I want to grab a few things as well," he says.

"Okay, I can do that," I say biting my lip.

"Good, do you plan to watch the game tomorrow night," he asks changing the subject yet again.

"Yeah, but I'm not sure where. Mom can't take too many food smells so we just might order take out and watch it in the entertainment room," I say to him.

"Right," he says.

"Are you nervous," I ask him.

"I'd be lying if I said I wasn't," he admits.

"Yeah, you have reason to be. My man is so capable though that I'm sure it'll go your way," I say cheering him up.

"As long as you believe in me, it'll get done," he says leaning across the table to press his lips to mine.

"Hmm," I say as he kisses me and we both relax.