
We're served chips and salsa when the waitress returns with our drinks and takes our order. Mekhi defers to me so as to make the waitress acknowledge me instead of focusing all of her attention on him. When she leaves we continue to chat about our spring break plans until our food arrives. We bless our food and begin to eat.

"Oh my gosh Mekhi! I didn't think I'd run into you here," a loud voice says coming from behind me and when I turn to look it's that Tori from the party.

"Oh fuck," I mutter to myself at least I thought until I glance at Mekhi and see that he's holding back obvious laughter.

"Yeah, who would've known," he says sarcastically.

"Right, what a coincidence," she says.

"Isn't it? This is my girlfriend Lena, the one you met at the party Saturday. Surely you're not going to come over here and not address my date as though she isn't there," he says gesturing to me.

"Oh, yes…hello Lena," she says sarcastically with a fake smile.

"Hello," I say just as sarcastically.

"Now you've said Hi, you can leave," Mekhi says bluntly.

"Wow, you're not going to ask if I want to join you guys," she says and I look at Mekhi with fire in my eyes.

"Absolutely not, even if I weren't here with Lena I wouldn't invite you to eat with me. Tori you have to stop this," he says.

"Mekhi, you don't have to be so rude. One day you'll be mine," she says touching his arm and he recoils at her touch.

"Oh for fuck's sake! Please leave us alone to enjoy our dinner in peace. Like he's asked you to leave can you not take a hint or do I have to spell it out for you," I say with my patience for her ran thin.

"You don't have to be so rude with your foul mouth," she retort's feigning hurt.

"Please spare me the formalities, he's asked you to leave and you are blatantly disrespecting me. I don't know why or how you think this is okay, but it's not. Have some self-respect and decency and stop embarrassing yourself in this way every time you see him," I say to her.

"Tori, just leave," Mekhi says annoyed.

"So you're just going to let her talk to me like that," she says to him.

"Look, I've asked you nicely to leave and you're being very disrespectful," he says.

"Well I'm not going anywhere," she says folding her arms across her chest and pouting her lips.

"Fine then, we will leave," I say throwing my napkin on the table and standing looking at Mekhi.

"Okay baby," he says standing coming to my side placing his hand in mine and walks me to the hostess.

"That girl is too much," I say to him.

"I'm sorry my love," Mekhi says as he hands the hostess his card to pay for dinner.

After he's done paying we leave the restaurant and walk for a little while. Knowing that I'm seething with anger Mekhi just holds my hand and walk with me until I'm calmed down.

"You know, I'm going to kick that girl's ass the next time she does that," I promise him.

"If that's what you feel like you need to do then I'll support you," he says.

"It is and I will," I say to him.

"Then go for it," he says calmly.

"Are you upset with me," I ask him.

"No, why would I be? You were patient enough with her and she didn't leave when she was asked," he says.

"Why is she so obsessed with you anyway," I ask him.

"Honestly she wasn't always like that. I went to high school with her and she was cool. I dated her briefly, I mean briefly maybe a month, but for me it just didn't feel right so I broke it off. At first she was cool about it until I started dating someone else and it lasted longer than the month I spent with her and she just got out of control," he says.

"I can't believe you dated her," I say to him with a disgusted look.

"Why? She's not a bad looking girl and she has a good head on her shoulders. It just didn't work for me and her persistence is crazy scary which is another turn off for me," he says shrugging his shoulders.

"Yeah, I can imagine so. I'm still going to kick your ex's ass just so you know," I say to him.

"And I'm perfectly fine with that," he says shrugging his shoulders again.

"Okay," I say with a huff.

"Are you still mad," he asks me.

"No," I respond.

"Are you still hungry," he asks.

"I don't really have an appetite anymore," I say to him.

"I'm sorry she spoiled your mood baby," he says apologetically.

"No, she'll be the sorry one next time," I say to him as we walk back to his car.

"Come here," he says pulling me into his embrace and wrapping his arms around my body.

Like a flame to wax, I melt into his embrace and feel peace spread through me. We stand like that for some time, neither of us talking just us taking in each other's presence and energy. When he finally release's me he kisses me deeply and I nearly forget that I was angry. My heart races and a warmth spreads throughout my body as the kiss turns my anger into burning passion and I get greedy taking everything he has to offer. Like the gentleman he is, he allows me to have my fill of him until I'm breathless.

"Better baby," he asks.

"Yeah," I say and he hugs me once more before we return to the car.

The car ride back to my house is silent, not awkward but peaceful and thinking. Once he pulls up to my house I take a deep breath and bite my lip.

"What's the matter," he asks touching my head.

"I'm going to miss you tomorrow," I admit to him.

"I know, I'll miss you too," he says.

"So win that game and hurry back," I say to him.

"Yes ma'am," he says and with that he gets out of the car to open my door.

He walks me to the door holding my hand and I'm sad at the thought of having to let go. Reaching the door he release's my hand and pulls me into another one of his bear hugs and holds me for a while. When he releases me we kiss again until we're both breathless.

"Goodnight baby," he says.

"Goodnight Kai," I say and he kisses me quickly once more.

"Get inside," he says and I open the door.

"Let me know when you get in," I say to him.

"Will do," he says as he turns to walk back to his car.

I watch him the whole way, waving as he pulls off. I go inside and close the door leaning against it after I've locked it. I take off my shoes and head to my room to begin my shower routine. Reaching my room, I place my phone on the charger and get ready to shower.

After my shower and face wash, I moisturize my body and put on my pajamas. I read and respond to Mekhi's text, then write in my new journal before turning in for the night. Thinking of Mekhi and our endless possibilities I drift off to a peaceful.