Spend the Night Pt. I

Walking in to Mekhi's place, I place my school bag, jacket, and shoes in the coat closet then proceed to the powder room to wash my hands. When I'm finished I enter the kitchen were Mekhi has already taken the food out of the bag and two plates from his cabinet.

"Wow, you move fast," I say taking a seat at the counter.

"You already know that your man is capable," he says licking his lips.

"But of course," I respond licking then biting my lip.

"What am I going to do with you," he says shaking his head.

"Besides feeding me and keeping me here…I don't know," I say shrugging my shoulders and he walks around the counter to me and kisses me hard.

'Uh oh!'

"Behave yourself," he says when he releases me.

'Thank goodness there's backs on these barstools or I would've hit the floor.' I think to myself at the force of his kiss.

"Mm hmm," I say nodding my head with a small smile.

"Good, what do you want to drink," he asks.

"Water is fine," I say to him.

"I have iced tea and lemonade as well," he offers.

"In that case I'll have iced tea. Thank you," I respond.

"Yes, ma'am. You as always, are more than welcome," he says turning to the cabinet and pulling two glasses out.

He pours our drinks and takes out two bottles of water as well. When he's done with that, he slides the box with the nachos to the middle and hands me my box, plate, and utensils. He places his items in front of the place that he will be sitting, then comes to take his seat.

"What would you like to do tonight," he asks after we bless our food.

"I guess we can watch a movie or something and hang out," I suggest shrugging my shoulders holding a nacho.

"It's whatever you want to do baby," he says with happiness in his eyes.

"Okay, I definitely want to wash up first though," I say with a shy smile.

"That's fine, we're not going anywhere else this evening," he says.

"Good," I respond.

"Did you want to get some studying done tonight," he asks with a raised eyebrow.

"No, I'm not going to be able to concentrate. At this point I think I've done everything I can possibly do to be prepared. I'll review the morning of each class's midterm for a refresher, but I believe I will do well enough without it," I answer.

"Are you sure," he asks.

"Positive. Why, what's up," I ask him.

"Just wanted to ask, I didn't want to hold you here and not make sure that you study," he responds.

"Nope, you have me to yourself tonight," I say flirting.

"Hmm," he says and we continue eating our dinner while talking.

When we're finished eating, I help him to clean up the dishes we've used and put away any leftovers. He suggests showering first, then watching movies. Agreeing to his suggestion he insists that I use his tub again because of my aching feet. He starts my bath water when we enter his room.

"Baby, go look in the closet and grab a robe and some pajamas," he calls from the bathroom.

"Okay," I say and enter the closet flipping on the light switch.

First I grab the robe that I used the last time I bathed here. Then I go to the drawer holding the underwear and I see that there's a space with an assortment of brand new panties for me and my heart starts racing. I slam the drawer close and put my hand over my racing heart not believing what I saw. I, then open the pajama drawer and see that there are pajamas there for me as well. My heart moved by his thoughtfulness I am unable to do what I came in here to do. Shocked and nearly moved to tears I try to gather myself before I leave the closet when I feel hands snake around my waist.

"What do you think baby? Is it alright," Mekhi says into my ear hugging me from behind.

"This was really thoughtful of you, it's perfect," I say after taking a deep breath and clearing my throat.

"Are you sure," he asks kissing me behind my ear.

"Yes, thank you," I respond to him turning in his arms to kiss him.

"You're welcome," he says returning my kiss.

"When did you have time to do this," I ask him.

"Sunday when I was on my way back from dropping you off at your house. I figured I should pick up a few things just in case we have anymore impromptu sleepovers," he says with affection in his eyes.

"Aww, Kai…" I say unable to finish my statement as he crushes his lips to mine. Kissing me deeply and passionately until we are both breathless.

"Come, let's get you in the bath before the water gets cold," he says pulling me out of the closet.

"I didn't pick anything out to wear to bed," I say following him out of the closet with my robe in hand.

"You can grab it when you get out," he says as we cross the room to the bathroom.

"Okay," I say as we step into the bathroom and the setup is the same as it was when he prepared my last bath.

"Try not to fall asleep in the tub this time," he says with a smile.

"I won't, I'm far from sleepy," I say to him laying the robe on the counter.

"Okay, I'm going to shower in the other room," he says removing his shirt in one move showing his masculine upper body.

"Okay," I say as I greedily allow my eyes to roam all over his well sculpted upper body.

"You don't have to stare love," he says with a satisfied look pulling me back to the present.

"Get out," I say giggling and pushing him out of the bathroom.

"Alright, I'm going," he says laughing as well.

When I close the door, I lean against it and shake my head as I think about the feel of his toned body and satiny skin. Shaking my head again, I stand up and begin to undress then fold my clothes.

'He is going to drive me crazy! I can't believe he bought those things for me though. He is so sweet. Things are progressing a little fast, but I know how I feel and so does he. He hasn't been anything but sweet and kind causing me to fall for him.' I think as I get into the bathtub and soak my body.

I soak for a little while before washing up a few times and prepare to get out of the tub. The lit candles with the lights off and hot bath water is enough to put anyone to sleep. I drain the water and grab a towel to dry my upper body, lower body, and each foot as I step out of the tub. When I'm fully dry, I grab his lotion and moisturize my skin, brush my teeth, wash my face, then put on the fluffy robe I brought with me to the bathroom. Stepping out of the bathroom, I see Mekhi's naked upper body as he walks out of the closet with a t shirt in hand and again my heart races.

"Hey baby, did you have a good bath," he asks when he notices me exiting the bathroom.

"Yeah, what about your shower," I ask.

"It was good," he says walking towards me and touching my face.

"Relaxing, I had to get out before I fell asleep," I say leaning into his touch very aware that I am very naked underneath this robe.

"I see you learned your lesson," he says kissing me on the forehead and I close my eyes taking in his scent.

"Yeah, I don't want to fall asleep yet," I say looking up at him to avoid staring at his naked chest keeping my hands at my sides.

"Even if you did, I would wake you up," he says with a chuckle.

"Hey," I say slapping his chest.

"Hey, what," he says pulling me closer.

"That's not fair…" I say when my lips are taken captive by his.

At first I am shocked by is sudden attack, however the shock soon fades and I return his kiss. The kiss deepens with lust as one hand holds the back of my head and the other roams my robed body. My libido stretches before she dons her leotard ready to begin her floor dance. I allow myself to feel his well sculpted upper body up while I place my other hand on his waist. The kiss deepens even further as I moan into his mouth from his roaming hands sensitizing my skin through the robe. This causes him to growl and lift me up, going with his actions I wrap my legs around his waist and I can feel his very present erection at the apex of my thighs.