Spend the Night Pt. II

Placing my back against the wall he trails kisses along my jaw down my neck and my exposed shoulder. I bite my lip as another moan escapes and causes him to abandon my shoulder to look at me with passion filled eyes before he kisses my lips again. Filled with sexual desire I kiss him as passionately as he kisses me. This continues for what feels like forever until he slows his kisses down and he buries his face between my neck and shoulder for a few minutes, I assume to calm himself down.

"I'm sorry baby," his muffled voice says as I run my fingers through his overgrown curly hair.

"What for," I ask confused as my body cools down and my goddess fans herself.

"I almost lost control of myself," he says voice still muffled as his head is still buried as he's holding me against the wall.

"I would not have complained if you had continued honestly," I say as my face heats from my honest yet embarrassing comment.

"Trust me, I understand. This isn't how I want our first time together to be and I want you to be in love with me," he says finally lifting his head to look me in the eyes with his shining with sincerity.

"You promised to make me fall in love with you…Kai I'm falling," I say to him softly as my heart races while I confess my feelings to him.

"Really," he asks with affection sparkling in his eyes.

"Yes, I've gone back and forth about it in my mind but I know how I feel," I say with a shy confidence and he squeezes me tightly and spins me around.

"That makes me very happy love," he says still holding me and kisses me lightly.

"Me too," I say smiling and all of a sudden his phone rings interrupting our moment.

"I guess I should answer that huh," he says with a sigh finally setting me on my feet.

"Yeah, I have to get dressed anyway," I say adjusting my robe surprised that it's still intact for the most part.

"Alright, I won't take long," he says.

"Take your time," I say and make my way to his closet.

I close the door to give him some privacy as I get dressed. I picked the pretty silk camisole and short set to wear to bed. When I'm finished in the closet I grab the robe I used and return to the bathroom to gather the dirty laundry and take them to be washed. Seeing what I intend to do Mekhi follows me out of his room and to the laundry room assisting all while maintaining his conversation on the phone. We go back to his room where he sits on the bed and pats the spot next to him indicating what he wants. I take my seat next to him and lean my head against his shoulder.

"Its fine Mom, we can meet you this weekend," Mekhi says smoothly and I automatically sit up looking at him surprised.

"That's your mom," I mouth to him with wide eyes and he nods.

"You will love her mom, she's amazing," he says affectionately.

"Me," I squeak.

"Yes, you…no Mom I'm talking to Lena. No, she's right here…I'm always nice…fine hold on," he says talking to his mother then handing me the phone.

"Are you sure," I say as he holds out the phone for me to take.

"Go ahead, its fine," he says encouragingly and I take his phone.

"H-hello," I manage to say as I put the phone to my ear.

"Hello, Lena dear, how are you," his mother says friendly and familiar.

"I'm fine Mrs. Johnson, how are you," I say looking at Mekhi a little lost as to what I should say or call her.

"Its fine dear, you can call me Mrs. Eason. I'm doing well, thank you for asking. Mekhi has told me so much about you," she says politely.

"That's good to hear Mrs. Eason. I hope he has told you all good things about me," I say looking at Mekhi blushing.

"All wonderful things, please tell me if he bullies you in any way and I will take care of him for you," she says with a laugh that tinkles like a bell.

"You raised a very respectful son. He has been very kind to me," I say confidently.

"That is nice to hear…I don't know if Mekhi has spoken to you about this weekend…," she says unfinished.

"This weekend," I ask her confused.

"I believe I should let my son talk with you about it. It was really nice chatting with you, please tell my son that I will talk with him tomorrow. Have a good night Lena," she says sweetly.

"Good night Mrs. Eason," I reply just as sweet and hand Mekhi his phone back.

"What did she say," he asks.

"She said that she will call you tomorrow…what's supposed to be happening this weekend," I ask him.

"I wanted to take you shopping at the biggest shopping mall in the region for vacation and home goods items seeing as though you're getting your own place," he says surprising me.

"Oh, that's nice. Why didn't you tell me before," I ask him.

"Mom called before I could get it out, she's dying to meet you. So I told her my plans with you for the weekend and she asked if she could meet us there," he explains.

"Oh, is it appropriate to meet your mother at the mall while we're shopping," I ask him.

"She will be staying at a hotel near there, if you don't want her to accompany us we can have an early dinner with her," he suggests.

"Mm okay, are you sure you're ready for me to meet your mother," I ask him.

"If it were up to me, you would've met my mother long ago," he says with a smirk.

"Then I agree with your plans since I've already agreed to shop with you and have spoken to your mother. She seems lovely by the way," I say.

"She is and I'm hoping that you two will get along well," he says.

"Of course I don't see why we wouldn't. Is your father coming as well," I ask him.

"No, he's still handling business in Europe and mom is feeling a little lonely that's why she's asked to meet you and tag along in our plans to shop," he answers.

"Okay, then its fine with me. Which day are we leaving," I ask him.

"Early Saturday morning, it's a two hour drive to that mall and I want to get on the road early," he answers my question with a smile.

"Okay," I reply having nothing left to say.

"Did you still want to go and watch a movie," he asks.

"No, we can stay in here and watch TV," I say and he wraps his arm around me.

We spend the rest of the evening chatting happily about our weekend plans and vacation. Only falling asleep after talking our heads off, watching TV, and consuming fresh fruits and veggies. Holding me close as I lay my head on his chest we finally fall asleep.