When You Tell Me

The ride back to his house starts out a little awkward but we end up finding a way to get back in sync. Neither of us are talking too much as we're both lost in our thoughts of the events of the party.

"You know, you could have thoroughly kicked her ass and I would have defended you from beginning to end. Just because I knew her longer than you don't ever think that I would side with anyone over you. Even if you are wrong as wrong can be I will protect you first and everything else can wait," he says after a stretch of silence.

"For a little bit, I thought that you would stay there and I would have had to wait for you outside or found my own way to my car," I admit.

"No, when I saw you turn to leave I made my move to leave as well. She tried to stop me, but those friends of yours made sure to block her way," he says with a half-smile.

"I'm happy to hear that," I say with a smile.

"Like I said before, I'm going to take your side first. Always," he says squeezing my hand.

"It sounds good, but that won't always be the case. I'm sure a time will come where taking my side or defending me will be one of the hardest decisions you will ever make," I say to him with a sad smile.

"And I'll make that decision knowing that it'll be the difference between what is expected of me versus what I expect of me," he says confidently.

"You're very confident in yourself," I say to him.

"Because I know myself like I know that I will have to prove myself to you until being with me becomes second nature to you. I accept the challenge because I wouldn't expect anything less from you. Just be sure to be a little easier on yourself neither one of us can control outside forces we can only control how we respond to them. As long as we present a united front we will always prevail," he says.

"Hmm, I understand. I'll take your advice and apply it to our relationship," I say to him whole heartedly.

"Good, we're home," he says as he turns the car off and I realize that we're already in the garage of his building.

"That happened fast," I say surprised trying to ignore the fact that he said "we're home" like it doesn't make me feel good inside.

"Time always pass fast when you're having a good conversation," he says before getting out of the car to open my door.

"How much did you have to drink," he asks as we get on the elevator.

"Just a cup of beer. Why do you ask," I say curious.

"Because you were very angry and that slap was heard around the world. I can only imagine how less composed you would have been if you had more to drink," he says.

"Yeah, the beer definitely enhanced my anger but I did tell you that I would kick her ass the next time. I was composed enough to not cause that big of a problem. I don't drink to get drunk because I want to maintain some level of self-awareness," I respond to him.

"That's good to hear. If you would have kicked her ass you would've been justified in doing so however I'm glad that you showed restraint," he says as he holds his front door open for me.

"I think its years of martial arts and learning patience and restraint," I say as I take my shoes off and slide my feet into my slippers.

We end that conversation and put our belongings away before heading to the room. I place my phone on the charger and decide to respond to my girls later as it's already after midnight. I look up and notice Mekhi getting undressed and I hear the shower water running. I take a big gulp as I look at his sculpted back watching him strip down to his underwear before going into the bathroom.

"You know, you can join me in the shower instead of sitting there watching me," he says as he walks into the bathroom.

"Huh," I say feigning innocence.

"You've been caught," he says.

"No, it's okay. You shower first," I say to him blushing my life away.

"If you insist," he says from the bathroom and closes the door.

'Getting in that shower will begin changing things between us. If I stay out here it will take us longer as we teeter on the precipice of our relationship.'

Making my decision I begin to undress. Folding each item of clothing as my hands are shaking because I'm nervous. With my bra and panties being the last to come off I steel myself and walk confidently into the bathroom. Steam from the shower fogging everything, I walk towards the shower and his back is turned to me. I stealthily slide the door open and step into the shower. Before he can turn around I hug him from behind feeling his hard abs beneath my hands.

"You changed your mind I see," he says as he holds my hands.

"Shhh," I say hushing him and he gets quiet. He walks further into the water so that we are both getting wet.

"How long do you want to stand like this," he asks after some time passes.

"I'm okay now," I say getting over my shyness and he turns around.

"Good," he says pulling me to him and kissing me hard.

He continue to kiss me as his hands roam my very naked body. My sensitive skin becomes even more sensitive as his every touch sends a jolt directly to my vagina. Try as I might, I can't help myself and I moan into his mouth. Using this as a boost he launches an attack on my body. Caressing me more, taking time to knead and massage my breasts. He then moves to my butt, carefully kneading and massaging all while we're still kissing. When he's had enough of my behind he pauses and kiss me harder.

"When you tell me you love me I will claim this," he softly growls in my ear as he cups my sex and I moan at his touch.

"Yes," is all I can manage to say as I'm wrapped up in his touch.

"You will say it, until then we can only do this," he says in my ear again before removing his hand from my sex.

He captures my lips again a little more tenderly and resumes the caressing of my body. This goes on for what feels like five more minutes until he grabs a loofah and body wash and begins washing me. Taking his time, he washes my body with care and precision. Wanting to return the favor he declines at first, then allows me to wash his back before shooing me out of the shower.

Leaving the shower I smile uncontrollably to myself as I dry both my body and my hair that is soaked through. After brushing my teeth, I go to his closet and put on one of the satin night gowns he purchased for me before finding his blow dryer to straighten my hair. When I'm done, I carefully wrap my hair, moisturize my body and wait for him patiently in the bed. I'm nearly sleep when he finally leaves the bathroom.

"You're finally out," I say to him.

"Yeah, I needed to cool myself down," he says with a half-smile.

"Sorry about that," I say shyly.

"It's okay, you took me by surprise for sure," he says before walking into the closet.

When he's done in the closet he turns off the lights and climbs into the bed. He wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me close to him. I smile to myself as I settle into his embrace.

"Get some sleep baby, tomorrow is going to be a good day," he says with a yawn.

"I hope so," I say yawning as well snuggling even closer to him.

"If you keep moving around, I'm going to need another shower," he says into my ear.

"I'm sorry, being in your arms feels so comfortable," I admit to him.

"Does it now," he asks.

"Yes, it feels like home," I admit again.

"Then these arms are yours until they can no longer hold you," he says kissing me behind my ear squeezing me.

"Okay, I'm going to hold you to that," I say sleepily.

"Sleep baby," he says.

With his words being the last I hear, I drift off into a peaceful sleep. Forgetting about the awful events of the party and even my attitude towards Mekhi afterwards. I dream the dream that's been replaying for the last few months except this time I know that it's Mekhi that I was searching for.