Mall Trip Pt. I

Ding Dong!

Ding Dong!

Ding Dong!

The sound of Mekhi's alarm wakes me up and as I get ready to move and turn it off he does it himself. He looks at the time and set another alarm.

"Go back to sleep baby," he says with his deep morning voice while pulling me closer and kissing my forehead.

"Are you sure you don't want to get up now," I say with my eyes closed.

"Mm, I'm sure. We'll just stay later if need be. Close your eyes," he says rubbing my back.

"Okay," I say with a small yawn and go back to sleep.

The second time the alarm goes off we both get up reluctantly and get ready. After brushing my teeth and washing my face, I decide to put on the one dress I brought with me and a cardigan. I apply light make up and a few squirts of my favorite perfume before letting my hair down. As I'm putting on my last accessory Mekhi steps out of his closet looking magazine photo shoot ready.

'He is so handsome! It really doesn't matter what he wears he just make everything look good.'

"You look really nice," I say biting my lip as my blush builds.

"Thank you baby and you're beautiful as always," he says kissing me on the forehead.

"Are we ready to leave," I ask looking at the time seeing that it's getting closer to eight o'clock.

"Yes, I've sent a text to security. They'll drive us in the SUV today," he says grabbing my hand pulling

me out the room.

"Oh okay," I say.

"It'll be fine, besides we didn't get much sleep last night," he says.

"You're right! I'm sure we'll be fine," I say as we make our way out the door.

When we get to the garage a big black SUV is there waiting for us. As Mekhi pulls me toward it a tall muscular man gets out and opens the door for us.

"Good morning, Mr. Eason, Ms. True," he says nodding his head at us.

"Good morning Jerry," Mekhi says nodding in return.

"Good morning," I say with a smile and wave.

Once we get into the SUV, Mekhi pulls me into the third row where the seats are all connected. He buckles me in and we leave the garage and head to the highway. Almost as soon as we hit the highway I fall asleep with Mekhi's arm wrapped around me. He wakes me up when we have stopped to have breakfast.

"Kai, we can't stop now we're already running late," I say to him as we walk toward the restaurant.

"But we haven't eaten anything and you drank last night," he says.

"It was just one drink. Can we just grab something to go," I say to him eager to get to the mall.

"It's okay to stop now. I'm afraid that when we get to the mall you'll be too excited to stop and eat.

Since we are running late I figured we'd have dinner with my mother so you can have enough time to shop before then," he says with a smile saying he has already thought of everything.

"Fine, you win," I say.

"Come love," he says pulling me through the door.

The hostess then seats us and gives us menus. I decide to have the garden omelet with fresh fruit and toast. Mekhi chooses an omelet as well. As we wait for our food he tells me a little more about his mother. The way he talks about her, I can tell that they are really close and that he loves her.

"You really love your mother," I say to him smiling.

"Of course, she gave me life," he says smoothly.

"I love that you love her that much. It's nice to know," I say to him as our food arrives.

"If I can't appreciate my own mother there's no way I'd be able to appreciate any other woman. How a man treats his mother is very reflective of how he treats his woman," he says before grabbing my hand to bless our food.

"That's interesting to hear, glad to know it! If you don't treat me well, I will definitely tell your mother," I say with a smirk as I cut into my omelet.

"Then I'll just have to do my best won't I? I don't want to have to face both of our mothers," he says with a smile before digging into his food.

We eat our food at a faster pace than usual then go back to the SUV. When I'm inside I realize that the windows are much darker than I thought. With the windows being so dark, there's no wonder why people are staring at us. They're probably trying to figure out who or what is inside. Fortunate for us stopped in a semi remote area and the people who did see us have no idea who Mekhi really is or who I am. The last thirty minutes of our ride goes by rather quickly as I'm watching videos with Mekhi on his phone. When I finally look up, I can see the outline of the enormous mall and know that I'm going to need more than just one day to visit every store in there.

"Wow, this place is huge," I say looking out the window.

"You've never been here before," Mekhi asks.

"No, when I didn't shop local I brought things back from vacation or shopped online," I say shaking my head with eyes full of wonder still taking in the enormous beauty that is the mega mall.

"I'll have to bring you here again when we have more time to spend," he says with a smile.

"Of course, I'll hold you to it," I say excitedly squeezing his hand.

"Alright," he says with a laugh.

Smith and Jerry take us to an entrance used for employees where there are several other guards waiting for our arrival. Getting out of the car we are greeted by the mall's manager and promised a safe and wonderful shopping experience. Taking the hats and shades we are offered we put them on and follow the manager through the entrance to a high end department store's loading zone. As we pass through the back area of the store the mall manager goes on to tell us about all the shops and boutiques the mall houses as we as its food court and plethora of restaurants.

"If there are any problems or have any questions please do not hesitate to call me on my personal phone Mr. Johnson," Mr. Platt the mall manager says with a smile as he hands Mekhi his business card.

"Thank you," Mekhi says taking his card then handing it to Jerry.

"Sir," Jerry says taking the card.

"Have a nice day and be sure to enjoy yourselves," Mr. Platt says then turns to walk away.

"Give us a little privacy and don't follow too close," Mekhi says to Jerry then grabs my hand to pull me out of the backroom of the store.

"Yes sir," he and Smith answer then turn to the rest of the guard to relay instructions I assume.

"Come on love, you've been quiet for a while now," he says as we stroll through the department store.

"This is a new experience for me. Having security and what not," I say dropping my voice at the last sentence.

"It'll take some getting used to for sure," he says with a smile.

"Definitely, since we're here, help me find something to gift your mother," I say to him with a smile.

"Alright, what are you thinking of getting her," he asks as I pull him towards the accessories department.

"A silk scarf and maybe some perfume," I say as we pass the perfume counter.

"Okay," he says.

He assists me in finding the best scarf for his mother. We choose a pretty white scarf with accents of blue. After we have a sales rep box and wrap the scarf, I pull him to the perfume counter. Smelling fifteen different perfumes, Mekhi has some mercy on me and shows me one of her favorite scents. I'm a little miffed with him for saying something only after I've smelled so much perfume and coffee beans. When I smell the perfume he pointed out, it smells wonderful. It's a light floral scent that can be easily forgotten in a room of heavy scents. I really like this scent as well and can understand why she chose it, it reminds me of warm spring days or a cool summer breeze.

"I think you are a fan of this scent as well," Mekhi says with a smile.

"It smells really good. It's a smell I would choose for myself," I say to him then ask the sales woman to wrap the perfume as well.

"What about this," he asks handing me a vintage styled perfume bottle similar to the ones women used in the old black and white movies.

"The bottle is very cute…it smells amazing," I say after spraying it on a sample card.

"I'll take this one," he says to the sales woman.

"Are you buying that for me," I ask with a shy smile.

"Yes, it's a scent I've always like," he says with a smile.

"How did you come by this scent," I ask him with a raised eyebrow.

"I'll tell you later," he says wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"Mm, okay," I say agreeing with him.

Retrieving both mine and his mother's perfume we wander around the department store for a little while longer. Happy that I got the matter of her gift done and over I am completely ready to shop. We wander in and out of boutiques picking up a few things every so often. So we're not loaded with bags from shopping Jerry and Smith take turns running our purchases to the car.

As we walk through the mall, I decide to stop at the ice cream stand and get a vanilla-chocolate swirl cone. The vendor makes the swirl really high which makes me happy. The last few hours of shopping is making me a little hot as well as the sunglasses and hat I'm wearing. Mekhi has his ice cream in a cup and we continue to stroll through this enormous mall. It hosts an indoor roller coaster and carousal.

"We should probably have some lunch instead of eating ice cream," Mekhi says as he finishes his cup.

"Maybe, but we're having dinner with your mother right," I ask him.

"Yes, but that's not for a few more hours we should still have something to eat," he says.

"Okay, let's check out the food court after we go inside that store," I say pointing to a store that has bathing suits and sundresses in its display window.

"Alright, we'll go in once you're finished with that," he says pointing to the remainder of my cone.

"Okay," I agree and try to finish my cone as fast as I can without giving myself a brain freeze.