Mall Trip Pt. II

When I'm finished, I grab Mekhi's hand and pull him toward the store with the swimsuits. He laughs at my enthusiasm and allows me to pull him along. Stepping into the shop the associates immediately offer us their services. I ask them about their summer wear as I'm preparing for a vacation and they begin asking my preferences before taking out different pieces to show me. As I'm getting wrapped up in the selection process I begin to worry about Mekhi since all of our shopping has really been for me. When I look to check on him, he's pointing out different pieces that he likes for me.

"Here try these on," Mekhi says with an armful of items he chose.

"Okay," I say surprised and we walk to the fitting room.

Taking my time to look through the items he chose while I'm in the fitting room, I choose the backless sundress first. The dress fits like a glove and I can't help taking off the sunglasses and hat to snap a few pictures on my phone.



"Hey, are you going to let me see," Mekhi says knocking on the door.

"Sorry, I was taking pics," I say as I put my sunglasses back on and phone away.

"Come on love, let me see," he says with a chuckle and I imagine him shaking his head.

"Ta-da," I say as I open the door and step out of the dressing room.

"Beautiful," he says touching my naked back.

"You picked the perfect size," I say doing a twirl.

"I did, let me see the others," he says with a smile.

I spend the next hour trying on clothes and swimsuits. I keep all of the swimsuits, a few of the cover ups, and all of the clothes Mekhi has picked out. I pick out a few pairs of shoes and some accessories as well. After paying for my things and gathering my bags, I vow to myself to find some items for Mekhi before we leave the mall today. We head towards the food court for a light lunch as Mekhi suggested before. We go to a sandwich shop and get wraps with fruit and water. We find a place to sit and eat in the shop.

"How do you feel? Are you tired from all the shopping and walking yet," Mekhi asks before biting into his wrap.

"No, I don't think I can get tired of shopping. I am a woman after all," I say with a smile.

"What else did you want to do after we're finished eating," he asks.

"We can shop for you! Almost everything we picked up today was for me and I don't think that I'll wear half the things I picked up on vacation. I feel a little guilty so I want to find some things for you," I say to him when I'm done chewing.

"I don't need anything really. I brought you here to enjoy yourself and to relax before midterms next week," he says with a smile.

"I still want to find something for you. You've been so considerate and caring towards me that I want to do something for you even if it's as small as buying an outfit I'm going to do it," I say to him stubbornly.

"I'm supposed to do those things for you, however if it makes you happy to shop for me, then we'll shop for me," he says placating me.

"Okay, what time are we meeting your mother," I ask him.

"As soon as you're ready, we can head over to her hotel," he answers.

"Okay, we can go after I've found something for you," I say nodding my head.

"Are you still nervous," he asks.

"Just a little bit," I answer honestly.

"You'll be fine," he says with a chuckle.

"Sure," I say sarcastically and we continue chatting until we're finished eating.

Once we're finished, I set out on a mission to find something for Mekhi. We go into several shops geared towards men and I find more than enough items to satisfy my need to shop for him. I am finally satisfied with this shopping trip although we I didn't get to see the whole mall I know that I'll be back. Before Mekhi agrees to us leaving he insists on entering a shop that sells artwork to find a gift for my place. Feeling moved by his insistence, I follow him willingly to the shop.

Stepping inside, I see all kinds of paintings. Some are copies of famous works, more are original pieces by local artists. There are some line paintings, landscapes, photos, statues, and woodwork. Surprised at the variety of and quality of the work in the shop I have a hard time in choosing what I want. In the end I choose a neat wooden bowl, two paintings, and three ceramic vases that I have no idea where I'm going to put because I haven't seen my house yet. Mekhi pays for the items and have them wrapped up and taken to the car.

When we leave the shop we decide together, that we're ready to leave the mall. Our security, who has blended in so well I forgot we had a whole team, leads us back to the high end department store that we entered the mall through. After bidding farewell to the mall's manager we are escorted to our vehicle. Climbing inside the SUV, I realized that I've been superfluous in my shopping as the bags are not only piled in the trunk area, but in the third row as well.

"What's up baby," Mekhi says seeing my stunned expression.

"I am just realizing how much shopping I did," I say blushing from embarrassment.

"You mean how much shopping we did," he says removing his hat and sunglasses.

"You're just trying to make me feel better," I say shaking my head and removing my hat and

sunglasses as well.

"That's not true, I handed you a lot of clothes and shoes," he says putting on my seatbelt.

"You're right, you did. But I still bought them," I say.

"Well you have a new house with a brand new closet to fill and you can leave some things at my house. You know I don't mind it," he says with a mischievous smile.

"Since you did contribute to my over shopping I will definitely use some of your closet space if I need it," I say to him while running my fingers through my hair.

"I don't mind it at all," he says wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

"Sir, are we headed to madam's location," Smith asks as he's the driver.

"Yes, Smith. Jerry could you notify her of our plans to come to her," Mekhi answers professionally.

'He sound so good using his professional voice. And he's handsome, I feel like I haven't seen him all day since we were wearing the hat and sunglasses.'

"Yes sir," Jerry answers.

"Where is your mother located," I ask Mekhi noticing that we're headed towards the highway.

"She's at a place about thirty minutes from here," he says running a hand through his hair.

"Okay," I respond and take out my compact mirror to check my hair and reapply my lip gloss.

"You don't need to do that, you're fine as is," Mekhi says.

"Yeah, well I only get one first impression so I might as well make it a good one," I say rubbing my lips together.

"Thank you for putting in this much effort," he says holding my hand.

"You did the same for my parents," I reply leaning my head back on the seat.

"Mm," he responds and we ride in silence all the way to the hotel.

Arriving at the hotel it screams luxury. The grounds are immaculate with a beautiful fountain outside the entrance. There's valet parking and golf carts to travel to the other amenities the hotel has to offer such as the golf course we passed before. Suddenly all the information I had researched about Mekhi's family and their massive fortune comes to mind and I become nervous.

'I know that my family is wealthy in their own right, but we are new money. Mekhi comes from old money. I've never wanted for anything whereas he's had no time to want for anything because everything is handed to him.' I say internally freaking out.

"What's the matter love," Mekhi asks squeezing my hand.

"The magnitude of who you are has just hit me," I say with a nervous smile.

"Does it change anything for you," he asks.

"My feelings haven't changed but I do feel like a fish out of water," I admit.

"I'll bring the water to you so that you'll always feel secure," he says with a smile.

��You are too smooth sir. Has anyone ever told you that," I ask him giggling.

"Nope, only you," he says and I roll my eyes.

"Sir, we are here," Smith says stopping at the entrance of the hotel.

"Okay, are you ready," Mekhi asks me.

"Yes, as ready as I'll ever be," I answer him calmly.

"Good," he says kissing my forehead.