Someone's Despair Can Be Rid Of

November 24, 2026

As a kid, I was bullied for having no friends. They would bullied me at school, after school, and even cyberbully me online. I never told my parents, so they thought everything was fine in school.But they were very wrong.

" Why don't you try to get a life for once, brat." They teased me. I fell on the ground and as I tried to get up, I got another blown to the face.

" Ha, look at him, such a failure. Y'know what kid, you're always going to be used, one way or another. Your parents are probably using you right now, taking your money and using it for themselves."

It made sense then. I always noticed some of my money disappeared whenever I got my check from a small job I did. Was he really right?

And the situation got worse, super worse, worse enough to turn in fights.

" I don't want to eat" I said, pushing away the plate of food.

" Well, you have to, or you'll get sick." My mom, Alice told him.

" Why are you lying! You don't care! You just want me for money when I'm older! That's what everyone says!" I yelled at them.

Then I started to cry. " Why don't you care about me?!" I screamed into their faces and ran upstairs to my room.

They don't care for me, they use me. It's true. It's gotta be. From now on, I'll never let anyone use me. Ever.

The next day, I locked my door.

" Kyle, open the door, it's time to go to school. You're going to be late." My mom called.

" No one cares if I'm there, so why should I go?" I muttered under his breath.

She sighed. " Fine, but this is the only time your not going to school."

After she left, I got up and started to work on a robot I had designed to keep me company whenever I was alone. It was fully functional, and it helped me a lot. I would spend all night talking to it. I decided to call it Hope.

" Hope, do you care about me?" I asked it that night.

" Of course I do! Why would I not about about you, Creator?" Hope's face that I had made for them had a concerned face.

" For the last time, please call me Kyle. I don't like it when you say that." I faced towards Hope. " Also, I don't think my parents care for me. I've been told many times that they use me. It seems like that."

" Who told you that? Your parents love you. They're just lying to you. They want to make you feel angry."

" Maybe you're right. Should I not get my hopes up?" I pondered for a while. It was right. They do love him. He's just been shutting them out of his world. Now was the time to bring them back in.

I got up and opened the door. I had stayed in the dark most of the time, so the light blinded me for a few seconds before my eyes adjusted. " Mom, Dad, I'm sorry." My parents looked towards the stairs. I had rushed down and hugged them. " We're sorry too, we didn't notice you needed help. Just tell us what happened and we'll try to help." His dad said, smiling.

Then he told them everything. About how he was bullied. And they did help him. They managed to get the kids who bullied him in detention. And they got a person to always be with him while he walked to his classes. I was finally happy for once. And I managed to smile for my parents. I did though had tiny bits of depression though, so every month a person would come and talk with me and try to help me. Now I doesn't have depression thanks to them.

"That's my story. It's not really interesting, though."

" Wait, what about your scars? What had happened?"

" Well, here's what happened."

One night, I got sad because some of the kids at school broke Hope. I started to cut myself because of depression. I remember it clearly.

" Why would they do this to you!? You've helped me, but they destroy you. It hurts to see you like this." I started to cry. I took the knife I had incase someone broke in and started to cut myself. It hurted. Each cut I made, I thought of one thing they did to me.

Push me,

kick me,

knock me out,

punch me,

hurt me,

call names,

tease me,

bully me,

make fun of me.

All of those things they did to me.

And there was a long list of more things.

Meaning lots more cuts.

I finally stopped doing it, but I would need to cover it up. I would put on a hoodie and sleep in it. It started to become a habit soon enough.

And when I fixed Hope, they started to notice too.

" Crea- I mean Kyle, why did you start wearing hoodies? Even in summer you wear them."

"I wear them because I wanted to."

"Yes, but isn't it odd to wear it?"

"Well, I don't see it that way."

" Oh well, it's your choice."

And I shouldn't have installed that health feature as well.

" Kyle, can I try the health feature on you? Just to make sure it works?"

"NO-I mean no thanks."

" That's mighty suspicious. What did you do? Just tell me."

" I didn't do anything! What are you talking about?"

I had felt myself sweating. What if it worked? What would they said? Would they attempt to tell my parents?

" Oh my goodness, Kyle ,WHAT HAPPENED?! What did they do to you!?"

Their face turned completely shocked

"Um, well...." Should I blame it on the bullies? I mean, they do deserve it. But then again, If they tell my parents and get me in trouble...

" My bullies did it to me. It hurted, but I'm fine." I didn't want to lie to them, but I had to.

" So, yeah, that's what happened, August."