What do you get out of this?

As I asked all of them to look around in the place they'd been for months, probably even longer if they were a long-time homeowner, they looked at me confused initially before the realization hit that the place they've known to love and worked so hard for to call their own was just a smidge of what it used to be.

This place was essentially just a collection of fancy houses around this 14-foot concrete wall that only had a basketball court, tennis court, and a multipurpose hall to keep things "interesting".

But now, it had random shit all around and everyone else's lawn had turned into this hodge-podge of random crops planted asymmetrically with a few chickens or ducks running around with a dog or two.

Even one of the houses was burned to the ground for some reason—which we weren't responsible for—but there were more that looked like a crack house of sorts due to the attacks it failed to fend for long ago.