30% - Can I be brutally honest?

As I said that, everyone from this camp was more or less convinced to be under my wing though we did discuss the rest of the specifics while my builders started to come in droves. It was to patch up the hole in the wall for this afternoon and build its new solid gate then eventually mounting it first thing in the morning.

Other than that, my old truck also came in driven by Unc Zardon and it carried a top-up of sorts for the items they'd need moving further.

Granted I said that once we divvied up Mr. Crisologo's stash, they'd have enough for five months to a year, but that doesn't mean that they'd only need food to "live" like normal humans.

To further supplement their supplies, we parted with some fruiting bags, different varieties of seedlings, a couple of vermicomposting bins, miscellaneous tools, toiletries, cleaning products, a few sets of clothing, footwear, a cage of rabbits, books, electronics, etc.