Chapter 3: A way in

I explore the main city for awhile getting used to the layout, my memory is sharper than its ever been and so are my other senses. with my new found hearing I pick up a conversation about a gang leader whose son is getting ready to ship out for the Academy, i asked the man about where i can find this gang leader and he points me in the direction.

It's midnight, I found where his operations are, he's known as a small time gangster but his operation was still pretty solid. He's held up in a four story abandoned building. All of my senses are enhanced so I can see his merchandise chained to beds and being forced to do "stuff", and yet i still feel nothing, they're not my objective.

My strength had also increased since I had "embraced the darkness" so i managed to jump onto the roof of a four story building across from the gang operation. As I observe the building, I can hear the voice again "shadow eyes" it whispers over and over again. So i eventually say it "Shadow eyes!", my eyes glow purple and at first it caught me off gaurd but I eventually begin to focus on the objective. The shadow eyes allows me to see through walls and mark people with their shadows so i know where they are at all times.

After marking everyone in the room the voice pops up again, this time whispering "Shadow soldiers" I chant the words and 3 shadow knights appear before me, there's a mental link that allows me to see what they see and hear what they hear. seeing and hearing from 3 different perspectives is hard so i find a way to isolate them and focus on them one at a time. After training for a little while, i finally decide to send the shadow soldiers.

The shadow soldiers are nimble and stealthy, any average person wouldn't be able to see them hopping around the roof tops. I can control them with my mind so i order them to infiltrate the roof and proceed to guide them through the building with my shadow eyes so they avoid detection, i place one on third floor, one on the second and one of the first, each lined up one above the other.

I then walk up to the entrance and pretend to be a customer, I keep my cool and convince the guard I'm only herr for some "fun". The guard lets me in and enter the first floor room which my shadow soldier is in. I then proceed to switch perspectives with the shadow soldier on the third floor, I can see and hear everything he does. I hear talking above me, "My sons entry permits to the academy are forged but those idiots won't know HAHAHAHAHA!!" he's loud, so the boss must be above me.

I switch back to my own body, I notice that there's a girl covered in bruises in the bed "I'm not here to use the merchandise so don't worry" I tell her, she looks barely alive and i pity her but that's not my problem. suddenly i hear a timid voice call out "va... valak... I'm going to kill you", I know this name but before I ask her anything I have to wrap up business.

I order the shadow soldiers to line up above me, the dark voice talks me to me again it tells me to raise my hand towards the ceiling so i do it, I feel the connection with my soldiers getting stronger then the dark voice shouts to me "NOW!" I clinch my fist and the shadow soldiers on the second and third floor blow up leaving two holes leading to the fourth floor, I grab the last soldier and throw him through the fourth floor, I look up and see bullets flying everywhere. I wait till everyone stops to reload and then i jump through the fourth floor and I see a man standing behind the desk "you must be the boss" with my momentum I grab him by the throat and slam him to the ceiling, I begin to kick off the ceiling and slam him on his desk

"Your sons entry permeit to the academy is fake, you're going to forge me some", "who the hell do you think you are" he replies, so I punch his dumb ass in the face and begin to repeat the samething over and over, he doesn't break and his gaurds do nothing in fear of shooting their boss, after a couple of minutes i notice two entry permits on the desk and grab them. The guards finally begin opening fire at me.

After taking the 2 permits i jump through the holes i made, grab the bruised girl and make a run for it. I guess that's the remaining parts of my humanity kicking in.


Name: Acacius

Rank: ???

Class: None

Element: None

Age: 16