Chapter 2 Teasing The Maiden

When Fang Jun turned his head, he saw a peerless beauty in her dudou.

The woman was more beautiful than a flower, and had the wonderful body of a vixen. Her peaks were budding flowers, her waist was thin and lovable, and her skin was milky white which stood out even more against the rising mist. Her silky long ink black hair cascaded down her shoulders to her waist.

Even though Fang Jun had seen many beauties, this made him surprised. She was pure but seductive, holy but with devilish charm. A red blush was creeping across her cheeks, neck and ears. A look of surprise, bashfulness, and anger was in her eyes.

Fang Jun let out a devious grin. "I guess the little Water Fairy hasn't ever seen such a beautiful man such as I, this Lord!"

"You pervert! Hmph! How did you get past the array I had set up?!" The girl bellowed with a bashful face tinged with anger.

"Me? A pervert? Little Water Fairy aren't our roles reversed? I was here first. So therefore your in the wrong," Fang Jun spoke matter-of-factly with an air of righteousness."But if it was someone else, they would have their way with you. And you call that rudimentary tool an array?"

"But I do forgive you since I'm so handsome." Fang Jun spoke seductively while sliding his robe halfway to show his sculpted body jokingly. He didn't even bother with the array. After all, Fang Jun knew a thing or two.

The girl blushed even redder. The girl twirls her finger above the water. A sword was coming towards Fang Jun.

Fang Jun merely sidestepped since the sword had no malicious intent. He snatched the sword using his thumb and forefinger, clenching it like a vise.

"Little girls shouldn't play around with toys, especially sharp objects." Fang Jun applied force, causing the sword to snap in half. The pieces of the sword fell onto the grass.

The girl harrumphed coldly and floated above the water with the air of a Fairy. "You lecherous devil, I'm only . If you don't turn your head, I'll skewer you with my sword!"

Fang Jun peeked at the girls intoxicatingly seductive body, and let out a beaming smile.

The girl finished changing. She was dressed in a white robe, with a pink sash. A violet flute was hanging on her hips. Her black hair was let down, still wet with water dripping at the tips. Her beauty was more subdued but also more pure.

"What is your name?" The girl asked immediately. Her dainty lips were quivering a little for a moment.

"Since little Water Fairy wants to know my name, it's Fang Jun. Come find me in Tianxuan City and let's have some fun." Fang Jun walked away while merrily laughing.

After Fang Jun left, a small mosquito voice said. "Since you took advantage of me, I will make you take responsibility." A bright red blush spread to the girls ears and neck.


Fang Jun was sitting on a thick tree branch. He poured his conciousness into the spatial ring and examined the insides. He saw a dusty manual and a broken sword.

Fang Jun called the manual and the sword. He rubbed the cover of the book and saw that it said Disembowel the Immortals Sword Art. It was separated in three sections. The first was Disembowel the Buddha Stab, the second was Disembowel the Devil Slash and Disembowel the Gods Chop.

Fang Jun grabbed the handle of the sword and swung it. He felt like the sword was melded to his hand. The sword was almost like an extra arm. Fang Jun instantly knew this sword was extraordinary. He sat the sword down and sat in a lotus position.

He bit his thumb and poured a drop of blood on it. The Rusty broken sword began to shake and crumble. What was once broken became anew. The sword was covered in grimy dust. Even the broken part of the sword somehow grew out?

Fang Jun blew away the dust and was shocked. What was laying there was a beautiful longsword.

The body of the blade was obsidian and the guard and handle was carved with blood red Jadeite, and the pommel was in the shape of a tortured demon. The sword emitted a cold aura full of killing intent. Looking at the sword made one think the sword is sharp enough to cut their own soul.

Domineering words appeared in his head. 'Devil Sundering War Blade sounds very familiar.' he thought. Fang Jun went through his memories.

A hint of happiness flashed across his abyss eyes and returned to normal. He remembered a war that took place over a sword that was found in a ruin from the ancient times almost 1,000 years ago.

The sword was hailed as a Divine Sword because of its otherworldly craftsmanship and unparalleled sharpness.

Top tier forces of the Divine Fang Dynasty fought for three days and night, causing the land to tremble. Blood flowed like rivers, bodies were piled everywhere. On the last day of the battle a very powerful Cultivator came and took the sword.

No one knew who he was or his name, but everyone soon started calling him the Executioner Emperor because of his peerless sword art and his weird attack methods.

He later founded a sect named Heavenly Executioner Sword Sect and was powerful throughout Zhouyun Continent. It's power was below the Fang Dynasty.

Later the man was betrayed and no one ever knew where he disappeared to since. 'I didn't expect that skeleton to be the remains of the powerful Execution Emperor.'

The Fang Jun right now couldn't even use the sword due to his weak Cultivation. He sighed deeply. Put the sword back in his spatial ring along with the Disembowel the Immortals Sword Art.

Fang Jun somersaulted from the tree and landed on the ground. He straightened out his back and went hunting for an inn. He was quite a few miles from Tianxuan City, and sleeping in the woods wasn't so pleasing.