Chapter 3 Weary Traveller Inn

Sitting in a decadent room, a handsome young man with a conceited air between his brow was tapping his fingers on his chairs arm rest. He was feeling rather nervous.

This young man was none other than the Shen Family's Young Master, Shen Lan!

"Shadow!" A man in all black garb materialized from the shadows. He emitted a cold aura.

"Yes, Young Master!" The man had his hands in a palm salute.

"Find out what happened to the men I sent to finish of that Fang trash." He said while his brow scrunched up.

"This servant obeys Young Master!" The man disappeared in the shadows, making one think someone was never there.

Shen Lan felt something eerily wrong. He couldn't accept this feeling, so he sent Shadow to investigate. Shen Lan was more cautious than an old fox!

Shen Lan was pacing around his study.

A few hours later, Shadow came back. He appeared out of the shadows and knelt down on one knee. "Young Master, there isn't any signs of the Fang Clan youngster. But I found your servants shriveled corpses without blood. They had wounds from a sword strike. One of the servants were hit with a palm or fist. "

"Hmm...That waste must've had an expert watching over him. " A look of dread appeared on Shen Lan's face. Beads of cold sweat slid down his back. What he didn't know was an Asura was in tempest. Shen Lan would later regret ever harming Fang Jun.

"Send more men out with a cultivation of True Martial realm to kill that waste. I want his head on a pike soon, also don't report to my father yet." Shen Lan spouted these words hesitantly. Heavy caution could be heard.


The Weary Traveller Inn was very busy today. The amount of people who were flooding towards the Capital City, Tianxuan, was many. The influx of travellers made The Weary Traveller Inn huge amounts of gold.

A huge tournament was announced across the lands to celebrate the opening of the Divine Chu Dynasty's new institute, Divine Martial Way School.

The school wanted powerful talents to prosper and protect the future of the Empire. Commoners and nobles alike were able to join. Many people from all over the land flocked towards the capital in haste.

The Divine Chu Emperor himself personally overlooked the handling of the school, supplying it with the best of techniques and resources. He also picked many powerful instructors and military personnel to teach about stratagems, the martial way, and the art of warfare. This in itself was a very huge temptation to anyone.

Walking up the trodden road was a tall figure in black. Not an inch of dirt could be seen on his immaculate robes, he was emanating an aura of domination and Majesty.

His looks were too perfect, making many of the women riding carriages show looks of lust and bashfulness. He was upright like a sheathed sword, hiding his edge, readying to strike at any moment.

Fang Jun finally reached the sixth level of the Qi Refining stage. This made him grow a few more inches, reaching the height of 198 cm. Fang Jun wanted to advance further but decided to make his foundation more compact and sturdy.

Fang Jun left the woods to look for someplace relatively more comfortable than the forest floor. He saw a sign for an inn called The Weary Traveller Inn. He saw many extravagent horse carriages and horses outside the building.

He walked through the doors, and many were drawing their gazes towards him. Fang Jun could feel the many auras and breaths of experts.

He walked to the counter, pocketing out ten gold taels and laid them on the countertop with a loud clank.

"One room please!"

The hostess whom was extremely beautiful and gentile had a blank expression but then her face blossomed into a beautiful smile. Her eyes flashed with a look of amazement, surprise, and yearning. 'Such a beautiful man!'

Fang Jun found her reaction funny. A smile reached his eyes when he saw the girls action. 'I believe this face is too handsome?'

"Sir has come just in the right time for the last room." Her face turn into one of serious business. Her eyes were clear and her smile proper.

"I'll take it. Sleeping with the earth as a bed, and the sky as a blanket is oftentimes irksome." Fang Jun picked up the room token with a smile and turned to leave for his room.

"Wait!" A very arrogant voice resounded.

All the patrons in the inn turned their attention towards the door. A plump man wearing servant robes with an azure horsetail whisk sauntered inside. The man was insufferably arrogant with an air of authority. At his waste was a jet black whip with studded metal bits at the end. I jingled when he walked.

"Sir, my Young Master demands you hand over that room token. You will be recompensated the same amount spent!" His voice became very arrogant and authorative.

Many of the patrons looked at the servant in disdain and went back to their meals and conversations.

"Not interested." Fang Jun spoke nonchalantly and went back walking upstairs. A hint of annoyance was apparent on his face. Fang Jun really hated the types of arrogant fools. The servant became angry.

"How could you disregard the order of the Young Master Lang of the Lang Clan in Cuiting City? I'll whip you mongrel!" The servant exuded an aura of the 5th stage of the Qi Refining Realm. He shot his arm forward, aiming his whip at Fang Jun's head.

Fang Jun grabbed the tip of the whip, clamping it like a vise with his hand. He had a hold of the whip and jerked with all his might. The servant flew across the inn. Fang Jun lifted the servant by the throat with one hand when he landed at his feet. Fang Jun slap him a few times, causing teeth to fly and blood to flow. His jaw was loosely hanging. He was quite the site for poor eyes. But no one felt pity. He fully deserved it.

"I don't care who your young master is. If he wants this room, tell him that I, his father Fang Jun, will be waiting. If this was any other day, I would've killed you, your Young whatever and your entire family.But I'm in a better mood so I will only cripple your martial arts and break both of your legs and your right hand." Fang Jun released his killing intent, shocking many of the older men who were in the inn.

Fang Jun released the servant. He fell to his knees with a thump! With snot and tears flowing down his face, he began to beg.

"Ple-ple-please Y-young sire d-d-on't mum-ake me a crip-p-ple! I'll never harm anyone again u-use-using my master as an eye-excxcuse!" With his jaw hanging loose, the man spoke incoherently.

"Too bad." A cold voice rang out.





"Aaaaaaahhhhhhh!" A blood curdling scream came from the man. He soon passed out, with piss leaking along the floor.

Fang Jun threw the man outside and went for his room.