Chapter 24 The Diary of the Moon

Louie holds on Luna's precious diary, he feels that he is holding Luna now….. he is holding Luna's heart and mind...he thinks that it may be too late to atone everything but at least he will get to know Luna. As they arrived at the Chen Villa, he immediately rushed out and went to his study room and lock himself; he gave orders to all servants that no one must disturb him. He wants to know everything… he want to learn everything about Luna. And maybe through this diary, he can prove to the Vendari and Vallini's that Autumn was his Luna…. No!!!! She was his wife….. His wife…. his Luna. He didn't know if what he feels was excitement or fear... Ethan and Kim just shook their heads, as they can see how regretful Louie is, if Louie can bring back the time he will do it. Ethan blurted out as he saw how Louie humiliate, hurt and even ignore Luna. Ethan we need to help Louie, we need to search for more evidence regarding Sofia's background…. The riot at City C, and why the Lee couple leave this Villa. Kim told Ethan as they boarded their own cars and leave the Chen Villa.


Inside the study room

Louie sat down at the chair, he can feel that his hands are trembling; he doesn't know if he is agitated or terrified to know the answers' he wanted to know ever since he began his search for Luna. As he flips the pages of Luna's diary, he gradually learned many things about his wife. He always thought that it is Sofia that he first met…. But he was wrong…. It is Luna…. He first met Luna in one of the charity event hosted by the Cheung…. Luna's maternal grandparents are the Cheungs' and she is the masked violinist the he fell in love with before.

Dear Diary,

February 12

Another Summer event at Mystic Enchantress Hotel; it is a Valentine's Day Gala. My grandparents from my mom's side wants me to be there, but I don't want to. I have a part time tutor job to attend to, I need to earn money to buy some strings for my violin. Ever since mom left me to the Su family, I need to take part time jobs. My Father doesn't give me allowances anymore. He changed a lot, from the time when he brought his mistress and his daughter….. My half-sister back here at our home….. My mother in law always have to plot bad things for me. She and her daughter always scheme so that my father will be violent to me. My father tend to hurt me physically if my half-sister told him that I had done something wrong or that I had hurt her….. But still I have to pretend to be okay, especially in front of my friends….. The Wu triplets. I know they will turn havoc if they knew that my father have hurt me again.

Dear Diary,

February 14

I will be attending the gala on later, I've cancelled my tutoring lesson. Cassie is my angel in disguise. She lend me one of her precious creation. The blue and silver Phoenix Gown, and Samantha was the one who arranged my make up for tonight's event and Thank God it is only very light make up….. Jessica….. She made a beautiful mask that will conceal my identity when we will play on stage… I will play the violin and she will be on the piano…. Both of us will wear a mask so that it will give a total surprise for those who will watch it.

Jessica and I planned to play "Howl's Moving Castle Theme" and Promise of the World also from the movie Howl's Moving Castle. But my grandparents will love me to play their song….. And I beg Jessica to play it with me….. And with my charms that she can't resist…. She said yes….. So the song "La Vie En Rose" will be heard and I hope they will dance while we play it. We must perform it very well, I want my grandparents to be happy during this day…..

Dear Diary,

February 14 (after the party)

God!!!! Oh My God!!!!! I've meet someone, it's just a brief encounter but, my heart beats so fast…. This is the first time I've felt this feeling….. Butterflies on my stomach is flying...He is very charming man….. as I remember, he stands 6'7" tall, broad shoulders, his hair is copper brown in color, a pair of blue and bright downturned cat's eyes, tanned complexion that gives a very masculine aura, thin cherry lips, and a baritone voice…. We've met at the garden as he wants to get some fresh air…. He said his name was Lou….. When we shook our hands, even though his hand is quite rough it sends off some electrifying feelings to me…. I think I like him….. Or do I love him on first sight.

We've talk to each other….. He said he was a student at University Astute, in the college of Business Administration….. Wow! We are school mates, he is quite talkative, and maybe he was drunk….. Since we are in the same University I can still see him…. He ask for my name, all I can say is my name is also Lu without the o…. he laugh… I love it when he laughs… it seems he is so carefree….. I told him that I'm studying culinary arts. As I gaze upon him, I've noticed that he had a deep dimple when he smiles….. I hope to see him again….. But how? I've never took off my mask….. I don't want everyone to see my face... I don't want them to know that I am Luna…. That I inherited my mom's talents.

Louie flips every pages of Luna's diary and read it, his eyes became misty…. Then he remembered, she was the girl in mask…. The one who played the violin….. The one he fell in love with for the first sight.....he met Luna before Sofia…. They've met at a Valentine's Day gala that his parents and grandparents insisted him to join. He remembered that, he had a crush on the woman who wears the blue and silver Phoenix Gown that night… and he remembers the name Lu….. his eyes become teary eyed….he begun to questioned himself.... He made a research at Ford University and found out that the girl who wears the masked was Sofia Su... She said she was the girl who wears it during the Valentine's Day party at the Cheungs.... So it was not Sofia that wears that masked, but how come the mask is in the hands of Sofia? As he recollected, Sofia said that she doesn't want to play the violin anymore, she said that the violin she used to play that time was broken and can't be fixed anymore... But he never saw Sofia played any musical instruments. But the girl in the masked is very skillful in playing any other instruments. That day, he recalled that the girl who played the violin also played the saxophone as she was requested by the mayor that time to play one of Kenny G's hits... He wants to dig in more...

Louie took a break from reading, he wants to rest his mind he needs to reflect…. He wants to; no he needs to see Autumn... Autumn who resembles Luna so much….. He needs to talk to her, he wants to embrace her and smell her scent. As he uttered the name Luna... he recalled the girl who played the violin and saxophone... that was his wife…. his Luna....

Louie fell as sleep on his chair and dreamt of her…. About Luna... on his dream Luna is crying, as she mumbles his name, she can see the sadness of Luna of her eyes but still put on a smile for everyone. On his dreams, she was holding his pictures as she cries, she was mumbling the words "I'm sorry" a few times... and the words "I love you, I've fallen in love with you"...… then suddenly Luna jumps off the balcony of their Villa. He wants to shout, but there are no words coming out form his mouth... he wants to save her….. As he runs towards the balcony he can see droplets of blood and he saw Luna's lifeless body on the ground.

He suddenly opened his eyes and gave a deep breath; beads of seats forms on his head as he catch his breath. He feels he was suffocated to his dreams, he feels his chest as his heart thumps so fast; and then he remembered Luna's smile…. Autumn Vallini's smile and the girl on the mask smile is the same….. But how can he proved that Autumn and Luna is the same….. Jessica is right, how can he atone all of his sins to Luna?


Villa 8

Luna was inside her computer room, she was hacking again the PR Department of Louie's company. She sent a video, her pictures with Louie during their so called "Wedding", she also send pictures of how they've fooled their elders showing how happy they are during their 8 month marriage. She set the time and when it will be released….. She wants him to suffer emotionally….. She can't hurt him physically yet... but she wants him to experience to be wounded emotionally. She knows that a week before the gala, Louie's company annual celebration will be in two days. She have plans to make it very exciting... her brothers at HADES are already on the loose to be on that event….. Dimitri planned it well, and through connections the Chen and Su families will never find it out. She also send videos of Sofia's' affair before their marriage... as she type the codes on her computer she didn't notice that Dimitri is already watching her.

Dimitri pats her shoulder and she jolted when he tapped her….. She smiled to him, Dimitri loves Luna when she smiles….. When she smile it was so pleasing….. Just like what Gaur Gopal Das said….. "Smile is the most pleasing word….. It increases your face value', the Dimitri remembers what he watched at YouTube about it….. Gaur Gopal Das said that "We don't laugh on the same jokes again, why we cry on the same problem again. We keep on crying on the same problem again and again and again; we keep on crying on the same issue, on that same problem again and again and again. Problems will come, issues will come, difficulties will come, whoever you are, doesn't matter. Funeral pyre kills somebody once, anxiety kills someone every moment. Kills our life, kills our present, we cannot experience fulfillment".

Dimitri can only smile back to her as he remember those words…..How are you now Luna? Have you proceed to the next level of our plans? He asked her as he looks at the video clip and pictures she uploaded to the PR Department of Louie Chen's company. Luna nodded to him. Dimitri, in a weeks' time they will be celebration the annual company's' anniversary. Everybody will be there... I want them to feel the humiliation I felt before… what Sofia has done to me during that time... I think the wounds of my fast has been healed already but the scar remains….. And because of those scars I can't move on…says Luna. Just don't over work yourself. You know that we are all here to help you….. They can't touch you anymore…. Dimitri reminded her. And you know what dear little sister, it's time for dinner; I've come here to inform you that our Grandma Lee will get upset if we didn't eat on time….. Dimitri told her. As they both exited the room.


Villa 7, Louie's Study Room

Louie back to his senses when he heard a knock to his study….. As he opens it, his mother in law was there, Louie are you okay? You look so haggard. Is there anything bothering you son? Suzy inquired. No mom, it's just that I'm stressed out for the upcoming annual anniversary party. Oh I see, I also want to inform you that dinner is served, let's have dinner together; Sofia misses you so much. Suzy added. Louie just nodded, but before leaving the study room he secure it so that no one will go in. his mind was adrift; what if the girl he was looking before is Luna, and Sofia just deceived him that time… he was been deceived for 6 years…. He clasped his fist out of frustration.

Louie saw Sofia sitting at the dining table with her father James Su. He can't understand what he feels right now... as he walks towards the dining table, he can't bring himself to smile, even a slight of concern towards his wife he can't feel it. What he feels was disgust, anger, and hatred. He even feels sick upon looking to her. She fooled him, even her parents fooled him….. My dear! You're back. Sofia greeted him with a smile. Sofia was expecting a kiss and a hug from him but Louie gave her a cold shoulder. She was not expecting it, and she begun to panic; as her tears starts to form on her eyes she heard her father speaks. Louie, why don't you and Sofia go abroad and have a vacation. I think both of you need to relaxed and think of having a child. Is it been 5 years and you still don't have a child. James Su suggested but the tone of his voice was like he was commanding Louie. Louie look to his father in law with abhorrence, he didn't recognize before that how cunning he was; Father, we can't have a vacation. A sternly voice was heard to the table, there are so many jobs to be done, and meetings about the collaboration to be attend by myself. Louie just gave a flat respond. The Su couple can feel a cold aura from him and didn't utter a word anymore.

My dear, what's wrong? Sofia asked, she knew there is something's wrong… She knew Louie... He didn't gave her a cold shoulder even after his divorce with Luna. Even if they make love and he always blurted Luna's name during their intimate session; still he was not like this…. Louie just gaze on her for a minute and shook his head…. I'm not hungry anymore, Louie said. I will be sleeping on my study, I need to check all the documents regarding the two companies we are going to have a collaboration, he retorted and stands up; and walks out the dining hall. The Su Family is just silent upon hearing his stern voice….. He didn't want to last a minute to this family….. What he wants now is to get to know more about Luna….. His Luna….. Louie suddenly stops and breaks the silence, don't disturb me at all from the time being, I need to focus on this. The three were dumbfounded but can't retaliate as they need Louie right now….