Chapter 25 The Diary of the Moon (2)

Louie entered his study room again, lock it up….. He took Luna's diary again from his drawer, he wants to remember Luna's face… the innocent face who is willing to give everything she has for him... As he remembered, he doesn't have any pictures of Luna. He never kept one and he regrets it right now. Louie went to a hidden lounge from his study room. No one knows that room except for the Lee couple, they once hide Luna there when he was too furious with her. He was blinded by Sofia before….. For all the schemes that Sofia put on her through….. Only now that he realizes that he can't bring back the time, he can't bring back what he has loss….. The latter thing he can do is to atone whatever or all of his sins to Luna... But where is she? Is she and Autumn Vallini the same?

Louie continue to read the diary about Luna, he chuckled; he never got to know that Luna is polyglot, a musician, an artist and she devote most of her time at the Wu's orphanage. She loves the colors powder blue, silver and black, she's allergic to crustaceans and she loves to read literature books….. She even draw his portrait in her diary and she gave him a nickname…. "Mr. Dimples". He also learns Luna's favorite foods like Macadamia Chocolate Chip Cookie, Chocolate Muffin, Pistachio Ice Cream, Eggplant Lasagna and Hazelnut Coffee. She also likes Siberian husky and German Shepard as a pet for dogs. There are so many things that I didn't learned from you Luna, he said to himself. I never noticed that every time you took a glance on me, you are already draw my face…. I'm sorry my dear Luna….. I never even give you importance for 9 months…. I even hurt you both physically and emotionally. He talks to himself as he staring of all the drawings of Luna. Luna draw his face very elegantly.

Louie demanded for an indefinite leave of absence to his office, he assigned Ethan to be in charge for a while, Ethan knew this will going to happen but he wants to support his friend. Ethan and Kim will meet Harry to investigate the Vallini's and Vendari's even though deep inside of their thoughts they will face a difficult challenge; both families are the big boss of HADES organization. They just want to verify that both families is behind all of the scenarios that is happening to their lives. Ever since Louie encountered Autumn he became agitated. Louie is already in the verge of losing his mind because of Autumn….. He doesn't drink alcoholic beverages before but now, he must drink for him to get a sleep. He even murmurs Luna's name.


Study Room

Louie ask the housekeeper to put up a mini kitchen inside his study, he wants to have a coffee machine, mini ref with lots of food, oven toaster, microwave oven and all sorts of energy boosting drinks. He must finished everything before the annual celebration of his company. He doesn't like to see Sofia for a while, he even asked his father in law to insist to his wife to have a vacation to their Villa for the time being. His father invited Viscount Francois and Lady Scarlet Vendari because their company is one of the prospect clients of their company. He has an intuitive feeling that Autumn Vallini will be Viscounts date.

He prepare himself a cup of coffee and a chocolate muffin.

Dear Diary

March 25

I'm at Café Elise a while ago, having a good time of my life with my cup of coffee and a great book. Today is my birthday…. My last birthday as a single woman….. Next month I will be married to a man I don't know. My maternal grandparents told me that I am betrothed since birth to the heir of the Chen's. I can't say "NO" to my maternal grandparents. They knew that I don't like the idea, they also knew that I have plans to eloped, that the Wu triplets already have plans for the so called "run away" scenario.

Café Elise was jam-packed with customers the season of spring has just begun; I've meet someone. He asked me if he can joined me on my table, as I see him he doesn't look bad at all. He wears a white coat, his smile is so exquisite because of his pearly white teeth. He looks gorgeously handsome, like a Greek God from heavens above.

I agreed to him that he can seat at my table, at least I can have a company before Cassie will arrive. Cassie told she has a surprised for me…. a big surprised…. I wonder what that is….. as I smiled of that thoughts, I suddenly realize that someone is with me… if others will look at us, it looks like we are a couple having a date but interrupted with a book…. Hahahahaha... I really love the book "Merchant of Venice". The guy in front of me keeps on staring at me…. I got worried, then suddenly he coughs…. As I look at him, he looks so haggard from work so I decided to treat him….. I even order something for him, and since it's my birthday I want to treat him. I ordered ginger tea with a honey on it, then a chicken sandwich for two, and an apple crumble that has no whipped cream on top. I think he is sick, he coughs and looks so pale; I gave him an advice to eat a less sweet dessert for he has a cough and he must not drink anything cold so that it will not damage his throat... Oh!!! He looks so cute like a puppy, he blushed; he ask me why I'm treating him for a meal….. And he also ask me if I'm afraid of him….. Why should I be afraid of him? hmmmm what is more scarier him or the man that my grandparents wants me to marry….. I giggled as he ask me rapid questions, it's just like he is interrogating his little sister. He looked shock when I answered all his questions without hesitation. Actually what I Answered him was very true….. Today is my birthday and yet I don't have a family to celebrate it with.

My maternal grandparents are so busy preparing for my upcoming arrange marriage with a man whom I still didn't met; so it means that I'm totally marrying a stranger. I'm also treating him because this is my last day of becoming single because next month I will be a married woman. The question if am I afraid of him….. Actually I'm not afraid of him… he looks so decent and charmingly handsome… like a Greek God with a features of tall, dark and handsome…. he seems to be a caring and loving person. And if he are a stranger so be it… we are just talking for today but I'm marrying a stranger… then that will be worst part of my life…. I'm much more afraid to marry a stranger than meeting someone like you…. Those are my words for him.

Then I asked him what love for him…is. Because for me; Love is like a barren place, and reaching out for human faith is…. Is like a journey and I just don't have a map…..

Oh! Cassie is already here. She called me Moon again….. And Mr. Stranger looks stupefied as he heard my name… actually my pet name. Only the Wu triplets and their parents knew pet name….. Mom gave it to me, she told me that if the moon started to shine upon the horizon in my life I must not be afraid as long there is a soft melody coming from my heart.

Cassie can't celebrate my birthday today; she have to fly to Europe for the upcoming fashion show there. And I knew that was her dream; OMG! Cassie must not explain all things like this because I understand how important this event to her. This was her life…. And I am so proud of her. She handed me her gift and she spoke up about what's inside the box. She explained the meaning of her gift….. She told me that it is fed by the waters of the Euphrates, it is an extremely rare flower grown in the village of Halfeti near the historical Urfa province, presents a unique natural beauty. The flower growing in that region requires a certain pH level, and even though it blooms red, it turns to black as the summer season progresses. I opened the box and as I saw the precious item inside… All I can say is "Cassie, thank you so much for your gift. Cassie embrace me she promised me that she will be coming back the day before the wedding.

Her gift was a BLACK ROSE….. I really like it, a very rare type of rose…. And I love unique gifts actually…. I didn't realize that Mr. Stranger is gazing upon us; especially to me…. then he said, It seems that your friends loves you dearly Ms. Moon. Then I explained to him that my friends do love me and they do too. My friends are to my life. Mr. Stranger greeted me a Happy Birthday Ms. Moon, then he ask for forgiveness….. Woah why is he asking for forgiveness, we just met today and he never hurt me.

He ask for forgiveness because he didn't bring any gifts for me, he said and he also blurted that he don't know my likes…. I chuckled the way he manage to be friendly to me…. then I explained to him that a simple greeting is enough for me… as long as you greet me, and remembers me on my birthday… it's okay with me… that will be a greatest gift for me.

Then he asked me if my name is Moon. I said that it is not my name but rather my nickname. Then I explained that my friends just called me Moon because of my real name and my face looks like a full moon. But before I introduce myself to Mr. Stranger I got a call from City a hospital, they said that my grandfather met an accident and was in critical condition….. I have to be there… they are the only people whom is on my side…. They can't leave me, I know that if my grandfather will die my grandmother will be lonely and might follow him…..

I bid farewell to Mr. Stranger and told him that my grandparents needs me…. then I said maybe someday we will meet again….. But just before I went to the exit I told him to meet me there on Friday… same time same place…..

Louie suddenly remembered… March 25 was the day his paternal grandparents also asked him to accompany them to City A hospital, It is also the day he first met Luna, and because he hates her so much back then he didn't even gave her a second look. He tried to call Harry but he his phone was off. They rushed to the emergency room to find Grandmother Cheung…. Eva Cheung as she sobs and wrinkles on her face becomes more visible. He already know about the said arrange marriage to their granddaughter. He was forced by his grandparents to marry that girl even though they knew he had a fiancé that time… it was Sofia Su….. his grandparents told him that the woman he will going to marry is the first miss of the Su family… now as he thinks of it, it was clearer to him that Luna didn't intentionally wanted to marry him. But why is it that Luna told him that she loves him so much… that she love him the day she had her eyes on him…..

Dear Diary

March 25 (Night Time; City A, Hospital))

OMG!!!! I met Mr. Dimples! That's Mr. Dimples… but why is he here? What is he talking to my grandmother? OMG!!!! Don't tell me…. Please it must not be him…. He must not be the one I'm going to marry…. No!!!! I will ask Sammy or Jessy to help me escaped, I don't want him… I don't need him to my life…. He must not be the one….. I can sense that he is very cold and cruel…. He is not the man I've met before, the one I met at the Valentine's Day Party of the Wu's are very warm and friendly…. He is not the man that I've fallen in love with, the man that enchants me.

One of my character I inherited from my mom is, I can sense right away if the person will give me harm or not, if a person is true to me or not….. And if a person have grudges on me or not. I know that the position of President and CEO of Chen Fashion Jewelry Corporation is at stake…. Since he is the only heir of the Chens' they want him to produce an heir of his own and the elders will choose the woman his going to be married. Even though I have feeling for him I don't want to be a martyr….. But still I LOVGE HIM… his eyes, his lips, his smile and even his DIMPLES. But No!!!!! I won't… Please give me a solution…. No give me time to escape…. I need to escape from them…..

Grandma Eva knew what I'm planning as she looks through my eyes... I avoided her eyes. I knew she will…. No they will do everything to tie me up to him….. Please Lord!!! Send someone to help me, to save me this time…..

I knew that he was force to marry me to strengthen both companies that they owned…. F**K those companies…. They always tie up us…. I can't be married to a person who will hate me for the rest of our lives.

She LOVE ME!!!!! Even for the first time we met She LOVE ME… she had Fallen IN LOVE WITH ME... Louie blurted out… as he don't know if what if feels right now is happiness, regrets, sadness or excitement…. Louie knew that, he fell in love with the Lady on the masked….. The lady who wears the blue and silver Phoenix Gown, the one who played the violin…. So she was Luna….. I wish I can turn back the time Luna, he shouted…. As he held his head with both of his arms….