Chapter 27 The Diary of the Moon (3)…..Louie’s Flashbacks

April 2

Dear Diary,

5th day of my married life and yet Louie didn't come home…. For what I heard from the servants is that he is living at his condominium with Sofia…. They are living like husband and wife…. on his office, colleagues, company partners and his other friends they knew that Sofia is his wife… his trophy wife.

April 7

Dear Diary,

I hate this day. Louie came home last night, he was drunk….. I was startled as he came to my room…. He look so awfully haggard but still handsome….. he said that he had a fight with the love of his life because of me and that's why he didn't do anything to me because he disgust me…. he even said that I'm a slut, a whore and a bitch… that I will climbed every men's bed just to get whatever I wanted too….. He grip my shoulders so hard that left a purpled mark…. I didn't uttered a word because I knew that even I explained myself he won't believe it…..

He suddenly carried me like a sack of rice to his shoulder and rushed out to my bedroom…. I didn't fight back; because I will be lost if I fight with him. He was wearing a black shirt which is tuck into his pants… he is so sexy to this outfit, he looks so boyish. Then he suddenly threw me in to his bed and looks at me in a very condescending manner, there was not an ounce of expression on his face except for the cruel and unfeeling sneer. I have Goosebumps and I can sense danger now….. He walk away from me as he sat down to the couch next to his bed.

He asked what the matter is. Why am I so scared of him? He even asked me if I'm not satisfied because I married him and got my wished….. If he only knew…. The moment I married him, I already loss the sense to live in a normal life….. I even lost the sparkle the bright in my eyes.

What he said to me gives me a heart ache….. He said that "It's such a joke that a woman like me expects to receive happiness even after what I've done. He also added that, I'll be a sinner for the rest of my life for ruining his happiness." His cruel words crushed on my mind, as if they were cold beads forming to my forehead…. I let down my head there helplessly. I'm so scared to him right now….

Louie strolled to me, grips my chin as he force me to face him…. To look into his eyes….. Small spheres of goose bumps appeared on her soft white skin instantly. She was unsure if it was due to the cold or from her fear. The he suddenly ripped my night gown. He said he feel disgusted when he sees me…. even if he can smell my perfume he feels sick…. I know he is not interested at me at all.

As Louie read this chapter on Luna's diary, suddenly a flashback appeared on his mind…. That night he and Sofia had an argument about Luna… Sofia insist of leaving but he doesn't wanted to; Sofia ask for a marriage but he told her to wait until Luna gave him an heir for the Chen family and that's the time he will divorce Luna. But Sofia is very stubborn and left him at their abode…. He was helpless that day… he went to a bar and get himself a drink… no he wants to be drunk so that he can face Luna…. After he left Villa 7 on the day of their wedding, he never came back… he never touches her…. He feel repulsed when he sees her….. Sofia said that she is not pure and innocent anymore…. That she climb every men's bed just to achieve whatever she wants since she is worthless and useless first miss of the Su family.


"You seriously assumed that I was interested to you? He snickered, I feel nauseated when I see you even if I smelled your low class perfume." As Louie stared at Luna, He must agree that this woman had a nice-looking body and her eyes is very mysterious. She might have been slightly skinny but overall, well balanced. A pity that she simply had a terrible heart.

Louie shouted at her saying; "You had a very feasible way to get me to marry you. Isn't this what you wanted? This is your dream isn't it?" He draw near to Luna's trembling body. Louie's icy penetrating eyes casted a shadow on her. It was filled with endless loathing—blood-thirsty hatred. Luna begged on him, "It is not like this. Louie, I beg you, do not treat me in such an inhumane manner." As she looked up with her tear- tainted face. There was not a shred of dignity left as she raised in front of him.

"You paid a very high price for your meekness." One would be completely fooled by your performance Luna. He let out a sarcastic laugh. Luna just cried silently…. She knows that Louie will be cruel to her tonight…. Don't be so cruel to me Louie, she blurted out...Am I cruel Luna? Tsk tsk tsk, I don't think so….. You snatched me to my girlfriend... you want to be no…. you dreamt to be called the MADAM of CHEN family….. You can said NO to the Elders….. You can escape from being married to me….."Now who is the really cruel one?"

Louie ripped her night gown, took off her undergarments, he even tie her hands up to the bed. As he gaze lustfully to her and to her body; he begun undressing himself... his arousal begun to be seen and suddenly he took her body and pillaged her heart. Her lips were a gruesome sight for she had bitten so hard on them till blood comes out. The pain had pierced her heart, body, and soul. It hurt so much: she was in complete agony. She can feel that Louie is stabbing her heart and a deep scar is now forming there, She keeps on begging him…begging him to stop….. But Louie pretended not to her any of her pleas…. He is laughing…. An evil laugh; a laughter filled with disdain and anger.

With a very lustfully tone of voice he told her that she needs to satisfied him…. Luna since we didn't have a wedding night…. I will devour your body tonight... This is the price for being married to me. I want to remind you that you are mine… all mine…. I owned your body and your soul. I want you to remember this night.... I will make you never forget the pain I'm going to give you. "You don't deserve my love, care and attention, for me you are a whore, a slut... a worthless and useless human being. That is why I don't have to treat you like a human being; you are not worthy of anything of it Luna….. The man's cold-blooded gaze bore into her, directly at her soul and it hurts her so much…. Luna just cried, she has no dignity left on her….

Louie is very aroused as he wanted to pound her right away but still he wants to torture her emotionally… he also said….. "I want you to live as if you're inexistence to my life; you will only act as my wife in front of the Elders, and remember this my wife will always be Sofia." His words continued to ring in her ears. She simply lifted her eyes and stared at the wedding portrait that was still hanging on the wall. This is what you wanted Luna…. You wanted me to touch you even though you are not pure and innocent anymore... Tell me Luna….. How many beds of men did you climbed just to have what you wanted for your life... he said again…. As he kiss her neck….. He suck her neck leaving hickeys and sometimes he bites them off….. He even kiss her collarbone and his hands are squeezing her twin bosoms….. She clutched her hands tight and looked miserably at the man who was still torturing her. But when he thrust on her he was surprise….. No… he was shocked... his muscle become stiff for what he just discovered... Luna is a VIRGIN... as he stop for a while and upon her tear stained face.... But his arousal got much more strong as he thrust his d**k, but now he takes a slowly movement. What scattered on the newlyweds' huge bed was the man's ruthlessness and her pure and innocent soul. Louie puts all his seeds to her womb, he didn't mind wearing any protection, and he wanted to have an heir so fast so that he can divorce her…. That was the agreement he had to his grandparents. It wasn't until Louie withdrew himself, the only thing he can't understand was…..She was a VIRGIN. He looked at the already unconscious woman. Tomorrow my lawyer will meet you, you have to sign some documents regarding this marriage we have and since you will live here you have to follow my rules. Louie told her. He had decided that he would not show any compassion towards this kind of woman. He walked out of the room and slammed the door shut. Then he closed his eyes. He could not bring himself to look at the body, the one he had violated so thoroughly.

Luna slowly rise up from the bed, her whole body aches…. Her lower abdomen, legs, and even her lips aches. They said that the first night of a couple was very memorable; but in her case, she had not enjoyed her first sexual encounter. Instead, it was filled with pain. Gut-wrenching pain. Luna gave a deep sighed as she mumbles: Louie you are my first… my first in everything intimately but I feel violated by you. Luna just folded herself together. The blood stains on the bed were proof that someone had just violated and abused her body, love marks, and bites are visible on her white skin. She looked at the man in the photo with a gloomy and empty scrutiny. Louie, why can't you recognize me? You said you love my eyes and through my eyes you can tell if it was me or not. Her tears flows like a river to her eyes…. The pain she was having right now was too much…. She can't anymore distinguish if the pain is coming from her lower body; she didn't dare to move at all. Each movement she was doing gives her a pang of pain. Louie tore her body and soul. It gave her a deep scar emotionally. She just wish that if she can bring back the time she will not marry her…. She was bruising everywhere from sleeping naked in the cold since she did not have anyone to cover her up with a blanket. On the brand new sheet, there was a ghastly sight of bloodstains.

Morning came, Housekeeper Lee knocked on the masters bedroom door, she informed Luna that Rebecca, Louie's lawyer is waiting for her at the living room; she also informed her that the lawyer brought some documents that she needs to sign. Luna opened the door, she smiled to the Housekeeper, she didn't want her to know and feel that she was in pain….. Please do tell her I will be with her in a moment. After 30 minutes Luna arrived at the living room, she wears a turtle neck blouse with a coat and black slacks… she walks very slowly for her legs is still aching for last night's rendezvous. Rebecca saw her, she felt pity towards the young miss. Their lady boss…. But she can't show it…. Because if she gives sympathy to her… she may lost her job. She knows about Louie's affair to Sofia…. That her boss tells everyone that Sofia was her wife.

Ma'am I'm Rebecca Alberts, I'm Mr. Louie Chen's lawyer; I 'm here to discuss with you the arrangements about your marriage with Mr. Chen….. Luna just smiled…. A smiled that can give you sunshine to your life…. Rebecca knows she was hurt, but she doesn't want to show it but her eyes…. If you look directly to her eyes…. You can see the sadness she is having right now. Ms. Alberts, just give me the documents that needed my signature… I'm so tired to discuss whatever Mr. Chen's demands about this marriage… I just wanted a peace of mind for the time being….. Rebecca was shocked to hear what she said….. But didn't want to argue with her, Rebecca can feel the pain she was having right now…. She gave the documents to Luna and she immediately signed all the documents. But suddenly….. Ms. Alberts, I just have a request from you; she said to her…. What is it Ms. Luna? Rebecca replied….. I know that the Elders might interrogate you about us…. About our married life… please don't tell them whatever you see from this day up to the day we will have a divorce…. Can you do that Ms. Alberts? Luna ask her… Rebecca nodded for approval….. After Luna signed the documents she left.

As days passes by Luna thought that Louie already forgot about her. But she was wrong….. Six days before the annual anniversary party Louie went back to their Villa, he seems like a hungry lion when he saw Luna…. He force himself to Luna, just like their first night but now is rougher… he do it for about 5 rounds….. He seems he miss her body….. Luna just cried silently….. After a rough s*x with him he rushed out from the Villa with bags packed with his clothes…..

-----End of Flash Back-----

Louie started to cry as he recalled what happened those days….. He can't bring back the time for what he have done to Luna….. He wants to ask for her forgiveness but how….. He himself didn't know if Luna is dead or not…. If she is dead just like what was reported to him he didn't know how will he atone himself to her… but what if she is alive?! What if Luna is Lady Autumn Vallini?! Suddenly he thinks that if Lady Autumn Vallini is Luna, she might have amnesia…. If that is going to be true, he will be happy and he will do everything in his power to give Autumns memory back… he wants to win her back… because for him Luna is his…. He uttered the word "Luna you are mine….Mine only".